When i download files using any sort of torrent application i cant seem to browse webpages once it gets going. When i first start the torrent i CAN browse and everything, but after 25mins any webpage i click on or search just wont load at all, or wont even attempt at it.
Even when the speed is going at only 15.4kbs i should be able to browse with the remainder of that 35kbs thats un-used. Any idea's?
Yeah, I'm getting the same results, I think it just generally slows down ur connection, because you are downloading and uploading from multiple and to multiple users, which sucks bandwith. What's ur ISP? Are you on a network? Cable? DSL? 56gay?
it uses all your internet spped up....so in order for you to be able to dl and use the internet u need to get a program to limit how much speed is going to which program.....try NetLimiter
It basically uses all of your available bandwidth since you are both uploading and downloading at the same time. The best thing to do it let this run while you sleep this way it doesn't matter either way. Or do what the previous poster said and limit the speeds you want the transfers to be sent at. BT is a great program but a resource hog indeed
Im connected to Pipex ADsl line, and ive just downloaded a trial version of Netlimiter and i restricted my bandwidth to about 25k and upload to 10k. After a few minutes the problem still kicks in...any idea's? Is is because the torrent program is taking up all the memory it cant load webpages properly?