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Editing Black Hawk Down
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26. September 2002 @ 13:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Helpers need help,

OK I just got done editing Bleack Hawk Down don to the Movie only. But it's 5.3 gig, is there any way that I can bring that done to 4.7 so that I can burn it on 1 disc. If not I guess 2 Disc then I just will burn the hole Orginal since it's on 7.5 gig, and then how do I do that.

Thank A billion
26. September 2002 @ 19:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The file is Actually 5.03 gigs. So if there is a way to fit this onto 1 disc with some extra editing of course please let me know.

Thank You
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27. September 2002 @ 10:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I've got a movie down to 4.57G(according to folder size). Nero and Ifoedit both say that it won't fit on one disc. I have stripped this thing down to main movie(no menu) and audio(no subpictures not even english. I also got rid of warnings, logo etc... So I ran the thing through Rempeg2. It took 10h to encode(on the highest quality setting. When I finally burned it I was disappointed in the quality( not even as good as a vcr tape) I suppose I could have done something wrong as I am new to this but I followed the guide provided with the program. So now I am wading through Tmpgenc and DVD2AVI to see if I can get better quality. If it doesn't help then I'm just going to say @#$% it and split to 2 discs even though I feel an overwhelming sense of defeat-
Let us know how you make out.
27. September 2002 @ 12:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

menmaddi for the update I was thinking about encoding but now I have some insight that it is no good, I'll just do it on 2 disc and see how that turns out. THis will be my first burn on 2 disc so hopefully i do it right,. I'll keep an udate on this and should be done in a little bit. Do you have any suggstions or helpful words to you.
THank You since your the only one helping me.
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27. September 2002 @ 19:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I haven't burned any movies to two discs yet. All the backups I've made so far have fit on one disc. Let me know when you get it. I'm leaning that way myself. I'd rather buy 2 DVDRs than sacrifice too much quality.
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1. October 2002 @ 09:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey Modman,

I take back what I said about rempeg, I had the setting too low. It effected the quality of the video. That movie I had down to 4.57g I reran through rempeg using the highest setting, the resulting files(after remux) totalled 4.07g, small enough for one disc. Just want to set the record straight.
1. October 2002 @ 09:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Really that's great I just made it into 2 disc. I would some info on how you did it thourgh rempeg I rempeg but never used it not familiar with it.
Also I am having trouble burning the 2 disc with NERO I keep getting a "COMMUNATION ERROR" when ever i try to burn them is this a Nero problem or something.
Thanks for letting me know that you can get it on e 1 disc I might try that later on.


Quality not quantity
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2. October 2002 @ 05:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My free trial of Nero is up. I decided to try and use DVDdecrypter to burn the movie. You need Imgtools from Its an easy program to use, then you can create an *.img file and use DVDdecrypter to burn the movie instead of Nero. Maybe you could give that a try, that might tell you if the problem is Nero or something you did(or didn't do);). Let me know if I can be of assistance with reencoding if you decide to go that route.
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9. October 2002 @ 18:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey Modman,

Are you still alive out there? How did Blackhawk Down come out?
10. October 2002 @ 19:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I'm still having trouble with the burning process. Now I ahve 2 movies I need to burn. I have rempeg but don't know how to use it I have printed like 50 pages out but still no luck.

Damn Nero is giving me that COMMUNATION ERROR reading still I'm trying to burn with DVD drycter like you said but still a no go on that.

Please help out also you got black hawk down on 1 disc I have it on 2 disc how did you run it through rempeg.


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11. October 2002 @ 05:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You said that after the editing process via Ifoedit the files totalled 4.5G?

That means that you can reencode at 90% and it will probably fit on one DVD-R.

Open Ifoedit and pull up the relevant vts*.ifo file.
Click on "tools" then "create rempeg2 .cffl".

This Brings up another window. Save in and file name. I just leave it alone. Click save.

Looks like nothing happened but if you check the directory it saved to, you'll see it.

Now open Rempeg2. Click open and select the file that you just created. Now the thing goes wild. It is reading all your .VOB files.

When it's done you set your options. **This is how I set it up and it worked for me but the bigger the movie the less quality you can acheive**

Click on the options tab.
Set the resolution output to 720x480
Set the search tecnique to "full"
Set scale factor to 90%
Set bit allocation adjustment I=120, P=110, B=110
Set frame mode to progressive.
Everything else should be default.
Now go back to main and click encode.
Now tell your wife not to turn off the computer on you cause it takes about 9h to encode.
Now click on statistics. The yellow and the green should be very close.
You can download a bitrate calculator to figure exactly how high you can set it but 90% of 4.5G should put you at the best quality you can squeak onto one DVD-R.
When it's all done you should have an MPEG file that resembles 90% of your original .VOBs.
When you get this done, let me know and I'll try to help you remux and burn.


17. October 2002 @ 22:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey there menmaddi,

If your still out there, I've been away for quiet some time now.
THank You for teaching me your ways I have 1 more question. I would like to try your method do I have to rip the movie again because right now I still have the movie into folders, remember I had to burn it on 2 disc.

Can I do that way but I bet I have to rip the movie again into 1 folder and go that route,

Quality not quantity
Senior Member
18. October 2002 @ 06:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I would rip it again. > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r for newbies > editing black hawk down

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