Stupid question here. After you burn a dvd, does the program automatically delete the files from your system, because I cant locate them after the burn.I am having so many problems with this whole thing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I dont know what program your using to burn them with? But I would have to guess not. It doesn't on my computer anyway.
Once you copy the file to your hard drive to make a copy of it on a DVD, VCD, etc..those files will remain in that FOLDER until you delete them.
However, once you load them into what ever burning app your using to burn the DVD with, (I use Nero 6.0 for example) It will ask you if you want to KEEP that selection. I click no, so I dont end up with a DOUBLE set of files of the same thing.
The original files will be in the default folder you have your decrypting software set to store them in. If you dont know which one that is..just look at what is set for the "default folder" on what ever decrypting program your using. Or you can do a search for them by name with file search.
Good Luck
Hey thanks shooter, i'll try the default folder in the program. I am having a problem w/my search on winxp, it wont let me search files says i have to connect to internet, thats why i havent been able to locate the files.
Actually, programs like DVD Xcopy, DVD2One and CloneDVD2 (if the box in the ?Output Method? is ?ticked?) have temp files which delete your files after your disc has burned. Look through the program you?re using (you see, that?s the problem we have, trying to answer a question you?ve posed without giving us any information).
Shooter tried, when he told you he didn?t know what program you had and you saw fit not to tell him, so his answer can?t be worth anything as mine isn?t.
That tiny bit of information, like which of the available 2 to 3 dozen copying programs out there do you have - ??
Good luck in your file search -
(although why you are considering connecting to the Internet to find your files I don?t know)
First, let me apologize for not giving enoug info. Second let me say I wasn't trying to connect to the internet to locate files, my search program wouldn't let me search my files, it kept telling me I had to connect to the internet, I have since reinstalled my search files.
Now a big thank you to scuba pete. I used shrink & decrypter, followed all your advice on creating the folder, setting shrink to certain size disc and I had a successful burn. Thank you your majesty!