For the past few months, I have started to download around 5 GBs a day (24 hours) continously and I never stop uploading... until one day (about 2 weeks from now) I got an automated phonecall about me using too much bandwidth for my neighbourhood and making the other people's connections slow, and if I didn't stop in the next two days I would have my connection disconnected.... (Which is a load of BS right there because my friend is an uncapper and lives like a 2 minute walk in the same area. He has gotten a fucking phonecall. Yet. :P )
Anyway, isn't Rogers Cable supposed to be unlimited access? I have the Rogers Cable High Speed service, but I'm moving soon so I'm going to get DSL (which everyone knows in this area it's better than Rogers Cable)
Just thought you should be a little bit more careful Praetor. :D Or just go crazy with your downloading, fuck Rogers like the money hoarding scumbags they are, and join the noble Sympatico :)
With Rogers there technically is no cap HOWEVER, if your xfers account for 45% of the traffic in your area that violates the term which says you are not allowed to place undue stress on the network etc.
They dont get so pissy if you download, its the upload that pisses them off. Oh and it seems that if you download ~315GB in the span of less than one month, you get disconned :P
-- and Im never going back to Sympatico -- dont like JK2 pingtimes ~1000.
Anyway, for my area, Sympatico are way better than Rogers. I mean, I do a speed test and it gives me 1.4 MBs. Sounds great, but in reality, it's not even half as fast. I still get over 100+ pings, and that makes those whining lamers complain about my lag.
P.S. Which actually does happen because I "teleport" a bit lol.
JKA is better yes -- if you're not a button masher and can play with the combos. I dont play JKA via internet so i cant comment on PTs, which is why i used JK2 as my example.