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List of working Gamecube ISO's and their errors
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5. May 2004 @ 08:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi people here's my list of game's that work and
does't work and their error's.

Al tested with Phoenix build 70 on a PAL Gamecube.

Download phoenix at

If you got a malfuctioning ISO or other type of file post it!!

List of Games.

Viewtiful Joe: Works perfectly!

Crazy Taxi: Loads only the beginning screen then phoenix stopped transfering data.

Zelda Four swords (JAP): Works perfectly!

Donkey Konga (JAP): Phoenix loads a little bit of data but the game doest work. (in the INF file you will read only tested with AC loader 1.4 with a Japanese gamecube).

Wario World: Works perfectly!

Nintendo Puzzle collection: (JAP) Works perfectly!

Soul Calibur 2: Works great, sometimes a little bit choppy.

Harvest Moon: A wonderfull life: Does boot, at a certain point in the game Poenix stops streaming data. (people say It can be fixed by using a proper save file of the game).

Busta Move 3000: Works perfectly!

Billy Hatcher and the giant egg: Works perfectly!

More Games to be added!

Post the status of your games here so we can create a list of all the working/non working games! Also add the type of cube you own, PAL US JAP.

Good luck!
30. May 2004 @ 02:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
PAL Gamecube

F-Zero GX: Seems to be good speed and no choppiness, however it ahs the tendancy to crash in modes such as Emblem Editor and Garage.

Over 1000 Sprite Sheets and counting!
18. June 2004 @ 08:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I Have found these
Zelda 4 swordsworks Great
Megaman NTworks good movies choppy
Rare Bae Bladesworks Great

It's All About the "D"
1. July 2004 @ 04:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Mario Kart Double Dash: worlk perfrct in-game, but the menus are choppy.

Mario Golf: Dosent work, gets stuck on a black screen.

Viewtiful Joe: Works great.

Tony Hawks Underground: Crashes around the 5th mission.

Zelda Collector's Edtion:Gets stuck when it tries loading a game.

I'll test some more, i've got lots more backups.
5. July 2004 @ 11:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
whats settings you guys got for bust a move 3000 using the new phoenix
21. July 2004 @ 10:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
NTSC gamecube

Harvest Moon - Freezes at dog bark in beginning of game, have not test save hack

Zelda 4 swords - Works perfect, choppy menu's (streaming bits)

Zelda Wind Waker - Freezes when opening treasure chests using any DOL other than the starcube.

Pacman VS - Works perfect

Mario Cart DD - Works perfect, sound skips as that is streamed and menu's are all slow as they are streamed as well.

Sonic Mega Collection - Works Perfect

Final Fantasy CC - Haven't tested fully but seemed to crash on first save, switched DOL's and it worked fine. BG music is streamed so it's choppy.

Billy Hatcher - Works perfect minus BG streamed Music.
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21. July 2004 @ 11:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles -
Works fine, slow loading times and popping in and out of menues can be frustrating at times, in-game is perfect though. Don't notice any music choppiness.

Spiderman 2 -
Runs best with S3 ACL 1.4 - choppy as hell in game since the whole city is streamed, as is the music. Music can be temporarily killed by standing still, making sure the game is done loading the city (wait), then kicking in the save hack, the GC will give up on that song until the next one (turning down the music to nothing in the options doesn't seem to stop it from streaming, just mutes it). If you really love it, it's still playable. Game seems to hang at times when using "Spidey Reactions" [discovered this is because the button for that happens to be the save hack button.. will have to be more careful when i use that]

Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg -
FMVs are crap, as expected, in-game seems 100% though, the game loads music about every 30 seconds or so, but although the disc server reports this.. i've yet to notice.

Harvest Moon -
This game will work fine if you have an official Nintendo save cartridge and can stick a save game on it to bypass the tutorial (the game will crash in the turorial when the dog barks otherwise). Game seems to crash randomly.. saving often required.

Ribbit King -
Loading slow, music is COMPLETELY messed, you hear loud static throughout the game and can't stop it. Apart from that though, game runs fine (if you call having to mute it fine)

Mega Man (both anniv collection and network transmission) -
Due to streaming music... the choppiness takes away from the required fluidity of a side-scrolling game like megaman... not worth playing in my opinion.

Viewtiful Joe -
A little choppier than Megaman.. but since this is such a fun game, I put up with it. Seems to run a little faster with the 1.4 ACL loader.

Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Master's Quest -
Runs perfectly, takes a minute or two to load at the beginning. Pisses me off that the Z button and L button mappings are switched, game would be better otherwise. I've played this for an eternity on n64.. no point in going there again, but looks nice. **For some reason, saves register while i'm playing, but when i reset, i find nothing has been saved, anybody had this problem/have a solution??**

Soul Calibur 2 -
A little choppy in game, not nearly as much as megaman, but enough to make it noticeable and take away slightly from the 1on1 action. If you're planning a full night of Soul Calibur 2, go out and rent it.

Zelda: Four Swords Adventure -
Runs flawlessly, but not surprising, it's a very small (megabyte-wise) game. Some streaming menues stream, no biggie.

Mario Kart: Double Dash -
Couldn't get it to work... granted this was the 2nd iso i downloaded, and deleted it before I got my hands on more loaders.

Sonic Collection -
Works perfectly, so fun to play Sonic 2 all over again.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. July 2004 @ 21:32

21. July 2004 @ 16:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Where can i get some of the ISO's listed and the PAL Gamecube emulator

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21. July 2004 @ 16:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's against forum rules to tell you where to find ISOs so you won't see anybody telling you in here.

As for a PAL emulator, are you looking for an 'emulator' or a 'loader'? Cubesoft Phoenix will load PAL games to your gamecube. As far as I know all the emulators still suck though.
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11. August 2004 @ 12:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Tales of Symphonia: Choppy FMV, long loading times between screens/fights

Luigi's Mansion : Works great

Pikmin: Good speed, but loaders mgs, animal crossing 1.3 1.4, gcl 1.0 all have problems with the game, so the game freezes relatively quickly.


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. August 2004 @ 14:53

Junior Member
12. August 2004 @ 15:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok so far i've tested:


Animal crossing: works perfect for what little i tested

Starfox Adventures: fails to play after it gets in menu, on every loader i've tried

Zelda 4 swords: works great, fantastic to play with girlfriend :)

Crazy Taxi: works perfect for like 30-40 minutes then all of a sudden crashes? (not sure) but loader needed is ACL 1.4 for it to not stop transfering (for darkjmaza)

ahhh uhm i know i have more

Aggressive Inline: works great for a while, sometimes 1 minute, sometimes an hour+ similar to crazy taxi (i dont know, but crazy taxi is a lot more stable) this one also uses ACL 1.4

Disney Sports Soccer: skippy choppy performance in game, menus are lousy as most games are

Harrpy Potter: pretty choppy performance, havent tried more than one loader though

think thats about it :)

13. August 2004 @ 02:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ikaruga : Plays perfectly, but with choppy music

Kirby Air Ride : Couldn't get it to boot

Naruto : Plays perfectly, choppy music

Pokemon Channel : Plays perfectly, with perfect sound but with longer loading times. The 'anime' channel is choppy, but watchable as it has streamed FMV.

Super Smash Bros Mellee : Plays a fair ammount of slowdown, and extremely bad loading times

Wave Racer : Perfect in-game, but with choppy music and lots of streamed menus

Zelda Wind Waker : Plays perfectly, as far as I can tell

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16. August 2004 @ 16:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
A DC guy's list.

1080 Avalanche USA ok, turn music off
4x4 Evo 2 USA works fine
Animal Crossing USA perfect
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg USA videos stutter, game ok
Bomberman Generation USA music is a mess
Bust A Move 3000 USA works
Cubivore ok
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX2 PAL works great without music
Disney Party USA works
Disney´s Magical Mirror PAL works ok
Donkey Konga JAP works (patched)
Enter the Matrix USA ok, some slowdown
Evolution Worlds PAL some stutter, playable
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles USA works
F-Zero GX USA stutters but still playable
Goblin Commander Unleash the Horde USA videos stutter, game ok
Ikaruga music ripped, game ok
Legend of Zelda Four Swords JAP works great
Legend of Zelda Wind Waker USA works fine
Luigi´s Mansion PAL works almost perfectly
Lost Kingdoms USA works well, disable music
Lost Kingdoms 2 works well, disable music
Mario Kart Double Dash ----- works but some stutter
Mario Kart Double Dash Streamfix ----- disables music
Mario Party 5 works ok
Megaman Network Transmission USA videos stutter, game ok
Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes JAP works fine
Metroid Prime USA actual game works great
Micro Machines PAL works but too much stutter
Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 2 JAP music, movies&garbage ripped
Nintendo Puzzle Collection ok
Puyo Pop Fever PAL works ok
Resident Evil ReBirth USA loads bit longer, game ok
Snowlords PAL/NTSC homebrew
Sonic Adventure DX USA works, some stutter
Sonic Heroes USA works great
Sonic Mega Collection USA works
Soul Calibur 2 PAL works ok, demos stutter
Star Fox Adventures USA works well but the speech is muffled
Star Soldier JAP works ok
Star Wars Bounty Hunter USA works well without sound
Star Wars Rebel Strike USA works but stutters too much
Super Mario Sunshine PAL works well if you disable music
Super Monkey Ball 2 PAL playable, put mem.card in slot2
Super Puzzle Bobble All Stars JAP ok
Super Smash Bros Melee PAL video stutters, game okay
Time Splitters 2 the game works great
Tony Hawk Underground PAL works, some slowdown
Viewtiful Joe USA works ok
Wario Ware Inc. Mega Party Games works well
Waverace Blue Storm intro stutters, game ok
Wario World USA works but stutters too much
Wrestlemania XIX USA works well except the intros
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24. August 2004 @ 14:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Um, hey Sorry To Disregard Your Rules And All But If This Is A Thread about Iso's, Roms And What Not You should Be Able To Tell Links All You Have To Do Is Say It In Inbox Where No One Else Can See besides The Admins if They Check Those Logs,
But, If The Site Does Not Have A Forum I Do Not See why Someone Can't Help Out A Friend For Some Iso's And What Not
Junior Member
27. August 2004 @ 21:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user, search for "suprnova," that's all I can legally say :)
Junior Member
31. August 2004 @ 18:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Couldnt you just ask someone here to e-mail a site/thing of where to find the ISO(i.e e-mail a Naruto 1 and 2 ISO)
2. September 2004 @ 10:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I tried out 18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker and it ran ok but was black and white. The picture also stuttered a bit and the sound had alot of static. The intro video skipped a little, but other than that, it played fine. Has anyone else experienced this? Why would a game work fine, but have no color? It just doesn't make sense to me.

It was the PAL version, BTW. Could that have something to do with it?

I bought my Gamecube in the US, so I'm assuming its NTSC.

<edit>Well, I tried the different options in pheonix for the PAL stuff and it didn't make much of a difference. The loading screen looked funny when I used PAL 60 with the PAL loader, but I really don't understand much about how all that works.</edit>

under construction

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. September 2004 @ 10:59

Junior Member
5. September 2004 @ 11:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok for all who say they got mario kart double dash to work, what loader are you using? the iso i've ripped doesnt want to work (with or without the garbage, doesnt seem to matter) so i want to know which loader and all the other crap...

its not fair! :( lol
Junior Member
5. September 2004 @ 11:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
phoenix v2.3 ACL 1.4 ok. Works for me

Junior Member
5. September 2004 @ 16:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yah i dont know, i tried liek like 3 hours after posting that and it decided to work fine.. *bashes head* oh well :)
8. September 2004 @ 15:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've got some troubles running the Pokemon Colosseum Bunus Disk NTSC on a PAL gamecube. (blank screen)
anyone got any ideas what settings I could use?
14. September 2004 @ 22:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How long does it normally take to stream a game, b/c for quite a while now it just says LOADING..., the computer says its still loading, and the max KB/S changed from 1028 to 2056KB. But thats it. > forums > archived forums > nintendo gamecube - general discussion > list of working gamecube iso's and their errors

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