Can someone help?? This was cut from the dvd200e thread.......
being the niave consumer that i am i purchased a hp 200e dvd burner. i found out do to cp restrictions that i cant burn my dvd's at home and make a back-up copy by simply using the record now software included. Is there away around this? I also purchased audio transfer software to convert vhs to dvd's. product has not arrived yet. Will i run into a problem converting my vhs tapes to dvd's. I heard of something called macrovision. will this be a limiting factor?
Yeah, can someone help?? I have the same burner in my HP, and on box says it won't copy copyrighted commercial dvds. When you open the movie in IFO and click play it gives you the illegal nav, unable to play dvd. I tried to use the Illegal nav, directions in the help forum and changed the title to start right at the movie but IFO edit still says illegal nav and refuses to play the movie. The only reason I bought the damn computer was to make backups!!
First thin you'll learn is that "backing up" dvd's is something you have to learn. Learn by reading all the post in this forum. There is a wealth of info here from the admin's and other members.
1. You can not directly copy -disk to disk- a dvd. It has encryption, so specialized software is necessary to copy the movies to the hard drive.
2. If the VHS is yours (not store bought) there is no macro-vision problems.
3. Illegal nav could be due to many things. How are you copying the movie to your hard drive in order for ifoedit to play it?
After all this, sometimes it is earier to BUY the movie.
****oh, and the first msg isn't me...the 2nd part of that msg is. I copied the persons entire thread from about 2 threads back about HP200e.****** I'm not interested in vhs anything!*****
I have a hp dvd200i writer and on the box it says "does not permit copying of commercial available dvd movies or other copyright material."
I used decryter to rip the files onto my hard drive and then following the steps mscogna laid out then opened the .ifo in ifoedit and hit play dvd. I also used Derrow's guides as well on his homepage. I just bought the Hewlett packard sunday, I took back the compaq I had b/c it had a motherboard issue. I was successful in burning two movies with that system.
Okay...just tried the illegal nav again and now I can get the menu to play but nothing else. When I try to manually choose it to start on another chapter I get the illegal nav mesagge again.
"An illegal navigation was encountered"
Okay I can get the movie to play using derrows illegal nav guide if i start the movie at the first chapter. But I want the menu!!!! Guess I can't have my cake and eat it too???
I know your pain. I sometimes just break down and buy the damn movie.
Anyway the makers of Ifoedit have their own website there they have a faq on your illegal navigation. It is a matter of changing one value on the ifo file. Try there.
Okay, successfully did everything. It only took 10 seconds to copy the video_ts using instant cd/dvd, should I be worried? I now have a dvd+r that will not do anything. My pc drive won't even read it. Well, it just says that the disc is full (4.37GB used)...but thats it. I tried using my windvd to play, my standalone, and vobs dvdplay. Can someone point me in the right direction?