I am having a problem, which could possibly be fixed by a new capture program. I have tried Vegas Video, VirtualDub, Adobe Premiere, Pinnacle Studio and many other programs which allow for capturing video. I have tried so many hoping that I could find an 'option' which would allow me to capture 'full frame video' from a C-tape source. My problem is that the video is of fairly low quality. I'm capturing it for DVD for a cousins wedding. So due to this 'low' quality, I am having large amounts of frames being dropped.
Now before somebody replies and tells me to defrag, clean up or do anything else to my harddrive, I'll say to you that that is not the problem. Everywhere I have looked, people just tell you to clean your computer up and all will be fine.
Unfortunately, that's not the problem. The problem is that the video is so crappy (but I still need to capture it) that there are flickers, flashes and lots of 'headswitching' noticable at the top of the frames. Even pure white flashes from cameras and such cause my computer to drop the frame.
What I'm asking, is if anybody knows of a solution? such as a program that will not drop these 'dirty frames'? Think of a tape being all chewed up in the VCR while I'm capturing, and the image is all twisted and contorted. My computer will drop the frames when the tape is getting all screwed up, these are what constitutes my 'dropped' frames. And nobody has ever seemed to post anything like this before.
So if anybody can help me out, that would be great. Even if it's a tiny capture program from www.tucows.com and not some big program suite, I would still be grateful.
And if some of you still have the inclination to tell me to 'clean up my HDD' ;) I'll say that I can capture full frame 'clean' video easily without a hitch. So it's not the PC, but my source.
But even with all the hassles I still need to capture the video, even if it's going to be all 'flickery & flashy'.
thanks in advance