I'm wondering if anyone can tell me which is the best way to search for files. An example is, I'm searching for my own files on my own PC from another location but can't find anything even when I refine the search to 'Artist', 'title', etc. Is there a certain format for keywords?
The problem may also be the connection the computer which stores the file has. P2P apps search the fasted connections first so they might not even search yours!
Well I would imagine that if you put a keyword that no other user would have on your files then you should find them from a remote machine!!! There is no specific format in the keyworks or anything. All you need to know is when you are putting keywords on files, seperate them with a comma and one space!
You shopuls also give the filenames a unique name that noone else would use!
BTW, if you're using kazaa, remember that they dont find everything the first time round, they just do a quick search. By clicking search more when it says done, you will begin a comprehensive search and it would be likey you would find your files easier!
No Problem. One other kazaa thing you could try is! Selct what type of file your searching for (audio/video/software etc) and then click more search options. Enter some info on the file and it will narrow down the search!