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You CAN burn GameCube Games, here's how
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15. May 2004 @ 10:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That is right, you can burn gamecube files. Much of all of you have heard of a programs called ProDG. Obviously for a lot of people ProDG is out of reach for two reasons a.) will not pay thousands of dollars just to burn GC media, b.) don't know C++. I am here to tell you, a user of a hacked version of ProDG that it DOES work. Anyone, I mean anyone who has Emule, Edonkey, Shareaza use it to download ProDG. Also, use your web browsing skills and search for some "secret programs" to extract and conform these raw ISOs. From there take those files into ProDG, use a DVD-R (big deal, ProDG is only compliant with -R Burners, not +R, and only some dual format burners) and BURN, yes, BURN the ISO. ProDG give C++ users the ability to MOD GC games. I wish I could be more specific, i.e. web cites and such, but I fear what I write. Hackers Unite.
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15. May 2004 @ 11:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
... LOL
25. May 2004 @ 14:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lol that is cool but you cant fit a dvd r inside a ngc ala the puny ngc discs? :P
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1 product review
25. May 2004 @ 17:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you can burn them on a mini dvdr they fit right in it.. since they all 1.4GB size they can fit into any mini dvd-r... plus mini dvdr holds lil bit more then 1.4.... burning is one thing booting now thats another story...

PC i7 3770K 8Gb Ram Radeon 290X 4TB WD Black 60Gb SDD
Xbox360 Slim RGH Dash 16202
Xbox360 PHAT 14719 BENQ drive
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27. May 2004 @ 11:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Mr the ONE What are those secret programs ?

Desde Mexico to tha world...
Use KAZAA-lite Share Anime!!!
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27. May 2004 @ 11:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
jeje forget it i found them

Desde Mexico to tha world...
Use KAZAA-lite Share Anime!!!
5. June 2004 @ 17:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey Question for you - I tried to installl the ProDG - it tells me i need to install Dolphin SDK first -What is this? I tried to search for it but really didnt find anything
Senior Member
6. June 2004 @ 09:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
'Dolphin' was the project code name for the Gamecube which is why the code files have a .DOL extension. The SDK I would imagine is much like SDK's for Windows which are a collection of tools and libraries for Gamecube development. I couldn't tell you where to begin looking for those. For all I know, you might have to obtain them from Nintendo themselves.

PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap

Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
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7. June 2004 @ 08:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey cclevin,

You don't need to worry about the dolphin thing.

There might be a doc that came with the program will have dos cammands. Follow the instructions and make sure you path is correct:)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. June 2004 @ 10:26

10. June 2004 @ 02:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can anyone send to me this program called prodg by e-mail.
10. June 2004 @ 08:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i would like to know more about this prodg.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. June 2004 @ 19:46

Senior Member
10. June 2004 @ 10:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Careful guys, ProDG is copyrighted software and talk of downloading it constitutes piracy.

PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap

Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
Senior Member
10. June 2004 @ 10:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Careful guys, ProDG is copyrighted software and talk of downloading it constitutes piracy.

PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap

Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
Suspended permanently
11. June 2004 @ 10:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
some time ago when i was a user named Mary_Sexys i posted something about the GameCube discs were being copied into DVR_R discs and played succesfully with the Panasonic Q
SO i went to war with the Mods and some of you may remeber it and well i got banned dont know why though
yesterday i think i recived a Private Mesage of somebody looking for the ProDg and for the Secret programs well look in Emule im not sure if you can find them on Edonkey and on Shareaza
Also, use your web browsing skills and search for some "secret programs"
Those Secret programs MrtheONE was talking about well they are not secret in a thread that Mr Icemonkey post you can find the list of what you need to extract the game from the GC disc
also i think some of ya would love to know what a Panasonic Q is and its price
a Podg cost around 900 dollaras dont remember the page
You don't need to worry about the dolphin thing. I got past that part and am stuck on the next. I can help you out
erichm i have a question for you In what step are you stuck tell me cause it worked fine with me i didnt got stuck in any part
hehehe the only thing i need now its a DVD burner shit
jejeje Im gonna wait 4 your questions
also all of ya ya better change those threads thats piracy you know
Um also You are responsable for all the actions commited by this program.(dang i always wanted to write that)
and I will be posting a guide later but dont believe me cause im very lazy to do that stuff
read ya later

Desde Mexico to tha world...
Use KAZAA-lite Share Anime!!!
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11. June 2004 @ 10:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Maria,

You know you can email snsystems and ask them nicely for an evaluation copy:) I don't know if you need to be a game designer already though.

I can't say that im stuck because I havent tried anything yet. Been busy with new computer. I think you should post a guide:)
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11. June 2004 @ 10:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I checked their web site thoroughly and found in their sales/eval paged that they will send it to you once your license with Nintendo has been verified so that pretty much eliminates a non-Nintendo licensed individial from obtaining the software legitimately. But again, I have seen nothing that indicated that this development suite will enable you to burn bootable GC disc. They do however offer a hardware based product that includes a customized Gamecube w/highspeed USB2.0 connectivity to a PC to emulate a disc and stream it from the PC for somewhere in the area of about $7000.

PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap

Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
12. June 2004 @ 20:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
with the prodg thing im still stuck on when it askes for the dolphin sdk.

if anyone has any ideas on what to do to get past or fix it please reply or e-mail me.

Senior Member

2 product reviews
13. June 2004 @ 13:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can u use the Broadband Adapter and connect the GCN to the comp, then use PRODG like you can with PSO? Or do you still need PSO?
13. June 2004 @ 16:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
there's something in the nfo file with prodg about set DOLPHIN_ROOT=C:\temp but i don't know what that means
14. June 2004 @ 01:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
One question.. Is there any way to burn a gc game on a mini dvd-r DC and boot it from the gamecube? Is streeming the only way?

Up and Coming
Junior Member
14. June 2004 @ 08:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
To everyone getting the Dolphin error, copy the ProDG installer to C:/Windows/System32 . Then make sure the name of that file is the same as the file mentioned in the second command in the NFO file. Then run the first of two commands. Then run the second. Should work fine, it did for me.

However, I don't see how these programs would let anyone "burn" a Gamecube ISO, not to mention the fact that the Gamecube would have to recognize the Mini DVD-R and boot up with it too. It's not documented anywhere that the program can do this and I don't see how to do it at all. It just seems impossible. But if anyone could prove me otherwise, I would be more than happy to listen as it would be awesome to burn Gamecube discs! :)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. June 2004 @ 08:53

14. June 2004 @ 12:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
could u explain a little more please i dont realy understand.
Junior Member
14. June 2004 @ 15:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
To fix the Dolphin Error:

1. Extract the installer file from the .rar, .r01, and .r02 files using a program such as WinRar.

2. Copy the newly extracted ProDG installer file to this directory: C:\Windows\System32\

And make sure the name the installer file is: prodgforngcv37.exe

3. Run the first command found in the .NFO file using a DOS prompt. (Run " cmd " in 2000/XP or " dosprmpt " in Windows 98 or earlier).

4. Then run the second command and it should start installing.

5. Try to figure it out...I still haven't been able to work these programs at all.
14. June 2004 @ 17:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Windows NT/2000/Xp - CMD
Windows 9X/ME - Command
Windows 3.1 or earlier , forget it lol

Basic Dos Commands:
Xcopy (source file) (destination)
cd (next sub directory to change to)
cd .. = go up a directory
dir = list all files in a directory
use "dir /w" for a listing of alot of files to fit more per page , or "dir /p" to split them between pages.
To run an exe file , just type the name , it dosnt matter if you include the extension or not.

Any more questions on dos commands ect , let me know , i used to program in it.

Live By Honour - Kill By Stealth
Junior Member
14. June 2004 @ 20:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks, NinjaServ, for posting a few commonly used commands. It might help a few people who are just starting to use DOS a bit. But still, if anyone has figured out how to use ProDG, give me a buzz. I can't even get the debugger to start up because I don't have it linked to a source to debug, and so I can't even learn the functionality of the program because I can't get past this error. Anyone willing to help me on this, your help is greatly appreciated. And I still think TheONE is completely wrong because the Gamecube uses a proprietary disc format only similar to mini DVD-Rs. Unless a mod chip were developed that made the GC recognize mini DVD-Rs...
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