Help!!!!! Xbox Won't Work Underwater!!!
19. May 2004 @ 14:34 |
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The only people I know who could help me on this all died from electric shock....has anyone had success playing their games in the bathtub?? Please help...
Senior Member
19. May 2004 @ 14:39 |
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Umm it seems that you need a special mod called a "james bond fix" you can get it from
failing that Id try stealing a russian sub, that way you can keep it dry:-)
XB360 hitachi xtreme f/ware, chameleon case, whisper & airflow blue led. XBOX w/ 2.6 2x custom "djboogie" bios. PSP 1.50 w/ devhook .52 % 303 f/ware.
19. May 2004 @ 14:41 |
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Well...I figured it out...I just let the water out of the tub. By the way if ya'll need help with this procedure just e-mail me at:
Senior Member
19. May 2004 @ 14:43 |
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dont forget tho, when you let water out of the tub, put a towel around your xbox, or it might catch cold!
nothing worse than a hacking hacked box
XB360 hitachi xtreme f/ware, chameleon case, whisper & airflow blue led. XBOX w/ 2.6 2x custom "djboogie" bios. PSP 1.50 w/ devhook .52 % 303 f/ware.
19. May 2004 @ 14:44 |
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20. May 2004 @ 06:50 |
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i can't play my xbox without the cord plugged in
if anyone is have this same problem please help me try to figure it out
is it power supply prooblem?
any help will be useful
some people can be extremely stupid
Senior Member
20. May 2004 @ 08:22 |
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i chucked my xbox out the window, and now it has a lot more bits :) but it wont work:( can somebody please tell me why? i would have thought having more bits would improve it.
You are reading a mindless signature, please stop reading it now it is mindless, one can only presume you are mindless since you are still reading this mindless signature, Oh my god get a life you mindless person, whats the matter with you, dont you have a girlfreind? mindless mindless mindless
Senior Member
20. May 2004 @ 10:31 |
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ah you see, "if the xbox isnt plugged it, attach some solar panels to the controller, mind you , you have to play in the sun."
and "if the xbox has more bits, doesnt that mean more to sell on ebay?"
XB360 hitachi xtreme f/ware, chameleon case, whisper & airflow blue led. XBOX w/ 2.6 2x custom "djboogie" bios. PSP 1.50 w/ devhook .52 % 303 f/ware.
Senior Member
21. May 2004 @ 07:45 |
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can i work it of a 9v battery, maybe if i plug it in the controller port..........................................yes it works:) everyone chuck your xbox out the window.
You are reading a mindless signature, please stop reading it now it is mindless, one can only presume you are mindless since you are still reading this mindless signature, Oh my god get a life you mindless person, whats the matter with you, dont you have a girlfreind? mindless mindless mindless
21. May 2004 @ 11:53 |
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10. June 2004 @ 10:54 |
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I was trying to make my xbox run faster so i shot it with my gun to make speed holes but the bullet did no go through, now what?
12. June 2004 @ 23:23 |
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Some one said the nick name of the xbox was sexbox so now my dvd drive wont open! HELP !
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16. June 2004 @ 07:22 |
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what's this old news X-Box i keep reading about??......... I have had Microhard's prototyp Z-box since 2001. The specs are as follows:
4 wireless controls with brail(brail is the what blind people use to read, explanation for the mentally handicapped)
it uses the power of the Sextium processor
No elictricity needed....uses Nikolo Tesla's wireless electricity( Who's Nikolo Tesla??? ...Look it up)
No Tv needed comes with 4 wireless virtual headset
connects to the Internet with wireless Xtreme speed (faster than t3)ping always at -40.
No hard drive needed it come with a wireless Edge-a-Sketched.
And its waterproof & it floats (WARNING: Do not use at Sea you might drift apart.
until its availible to the public only me and William Fences(founder of Microhard corp) can enjoy!
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16. June 2004 @ 07:22 |
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what's this old news X-Box i keep reading about??......... I have had Microhard's prototyp Z-box since 2001. The specs are as follows:
4 wireless controls with brail(brail is the what blind people use to read, explanation for the mentally handicapped)
it uses the power of the Sextium processor
No elictricity needed....uses Nikolo Tesla's wireless electricity( Who's Nikolo Tesla??? ...Look it up)
No Tv needed comes with 4 wireless virtual headset
connects to the Internet with wireless Xtreme speed (faster than t3)ping always at -40.
No hard drive needed it come with a wireless Edge-a-Sketched.
And its waterproof & it floats (WARNING: Do not use at Sea you might drift apart.
until its availible to the public only me and William Fences(founder of Microhard corp) can enjoy!