Junior Member
21. May 2004 @ 11:54 |
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hey i have the magic swap back up thingy and i was wondering if i can still use gameshark for it. like use the boot disk and use the gameshark along with it so i can use the cheat codes thingy.
Senior Member
21. May 2004 @ 14:40 |
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Yes but you can only use the Gameshark Version 2 or below. Version 3+ doesn't work. Here's how you do it:
1. boot the GS2, select the game and codes you want.
2. Go to start game-with codes
3. swap the GS2 with the cdloader using fliptop/slide and press x
4. once the cdloader has booted press eject and swap the cdloader with a toc original such as the Swap Magic. Press eject to close the drive
5. wait about 7 secs and press x
6. Wait for the screen to say "Insert a dvdr by ea method" and swap the toc original with your backup using the fliptop/slide
7. Press x and your backup will load with the selected codes.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. May 2004 @ 14:40
Junior Member
22. May 2004 @ 02:34 |
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have you ever tried it with version 3+ yet? if i use the 2 version will i be able to use it on the newer ps2 games?
Senior Member
22. May 2004 @ 17:15 |
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Gameshark Version 3+ will not work because the disc never stops spinning and it automatically ejects when you swap. However, there maybe some trick to get past that and be able to boot the backups but none that we know of. Unfortunately they don't provide Gameshark V2 codes for the newer games. That doesn't mean that there isn't some site out there that you can go to that provides GS2 codes for new games but I haven't been able to find a one. In other words, in order to use Gameshark codes with the newer games you will either need to figure out a way to boot backups with the Gameshark version 3 or find a place that provides Version 2 codes for new games. So far nobody on this forum or I have been able to figure out either. If do let us know!
Junior Member
24. May 2004 @ 13:39 |
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you know any good sites to look up the gameshark codes?
Senior Member
24. May 2004 @ 17:17 |
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Not that has Gameshark version 2 codes for new games. You can get the current Gameshark codes for the newest Gameshark version at
Senior Member
25. May 2004 @ 13:13 |
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GOOD NEWS sunce! I did some searching around the forum and found the method for playing backups with your GS version 3! I found it in this thread however I will post it here anyway.
Courtesy of SoCalSRH:
you need swap magic cd and dvd disc, cdloader, gameshark 2 v3 and a way to swap the discs.
with that said insert gameshark 2 v3 and select the game and cheats you want to use. start the game with cheats... the disc drive will open.
put in the swap magic cd disc and when it boots swap with cdloader.
when cdloader boots press eject and swap with either swap magic cd disc or dvd disc (depending on what type of backup you want to play).
when the disc is recognized in the bottom left hand side of the screen press x and it will instruct you to swap via 'ea method' so use your slide card / fliptop / no-solder mod to swap with the backup.
press x... tada! a backup with cheats. that's all there is to it.
Junior Member
25. May 2004 @ 15:19 |
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thank you so much for the info :)
Senior Member
26. May 2004 @ 18:30 |
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I too had been trying to figure out how to use Gameshark Version 3 codes with my backups for the longest time. I tested it on GTA Vice City and Hitman Contracts and works great for both. As it turns out that search function really does work:-)
Junior Member
26. May 2004 @ 22:49 |
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how do you get a cd loader thingy. is there someplace where you download it? i have a dvd loader but not a cd loader. or is it that same thing.
Senior Member
27. May 2004 @ 09:06 |
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The dvdloader is the same as the cdloader except it's on a dvd-r. I too use the dvdloader(I have version 10 ps2) and it will work. So instead of instead of using swap magic cd to boot the cdloader you are going to use the swap magic dvd to boot the dvdloader.
Junior Member
28. May 2004 @ 14:12 |
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is there anyway to get it to work on a gameshark version 4? i tried everything and it wont work. when i try to add a code they dont have these [] anywhere only this(). can you help me out here
Senior Member
28. May 2004 @ 15:54 |
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Quote: when i try to add a code they dont have these [] anywhere only this(). can you help me out here
Not exactly sure what you mean...
I don't have version Gameshark Version 4 unfortuantly. I assume that you can do it on a version 4 the same way you can a version 3 but I haven't tried it on a version 4 so I don't know for sure...
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. May 2004 @ 15:54
Junior Member
29. May 2004 @ 17:54 |
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what i meant is that i cant find the brackets. do you know where it is by. when i hit select all i get is the parentheses
Senior Member
30. May 2004 @ 11:37 |
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I still have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe it's something in the GS V4 that isn't in the GS V3. I don't think I can really help you here because I only have a version 3 and not a version 4... sorry:-(
Junior Member
30. May 2004 @ 15:31 |
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okay one last try. you know how for every code you have to enter the master code. [M} Code Must Be on. well i cant find the brackets to put around the "M". i was wondering how you get it because all i could find was parentheses
Senior Member
30. May 2004 @ 16:40 |
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I don't think it matters what you title the codes as long as the code is right. When I add a new game and I type in the master code I just title it M. Perhaps having it be the first code in the list is important (I don't know, just a guess.)
5. June 2004 @ 15:32 |
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hello. I have a problem and I hope someone knows the solution. Right now I"m using a gameshark 1.9, and dead or alive 2 for my toc. my playstation is pretty old, I got it when it first came out, I think it's a version 3, and it was premodded before I got the system with I think a starchip. but besides the point, I use the "hold reset button" method and the gameshark 1.9 to load my copied dvdr's. the problem now is, most of the codes on the website works for version usually works for 2.0 or higher. So I went out and bought a gameshark 2.0 but now I can't get the games to load. I"ve tried to load teh 2.0 and codes, then teh 1.9 then DOA then the back up, but it doesn't work for some reason, the gameshark 2.0 doens't load the gameshark 1.9. anyone know what's going on?
Please email me at or back at this forum. thanks :D