a double sided dvd
Senior Member
26. May 2004 @ 05:34 |
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the question i have is i have a double sided dvd which i wish to back up , one half of the movie is on one side and the other half is on the other side .
is it possible to compress both sides of the dvd to fit on 1 blank dvd ?
the way i was going to do it was first rip both sides with dvd decrypter , then open dvd2one v.130 and use the join mode to join both halves of the movie and then compress to fit on 1 dvdr.
also iff i do this will there be a pause in the movie where both halves meet or will it just play through both halves without a pause .
many thanx to those who have any help on this question .
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26. May 2004 @ 06:01 |
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Using DVD2One, the method you have stated is correct. There will be a pause between the 2 sections, but it's better than flipping the flippin' disk.
Looking for my old AD
Senior Member
26. May 2004 @ 06:12 |
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thanks i thought it might work .
5. June 2004 @ 23:25 |
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this might sound strange but you might consider running each through DVD2One first before joining with dvd20ne. the reason i do this is because sometimes the second half shows subtitles and i didn't want them...this method eliminates the possibility...
Junior Member
11. July 2004 @ 05:58 |
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I thought I'd try an experiment since I've never tried this before, however, I'm unable to burn the DVD.
I planned to make a copy of my Dances With Wolves DVD that has a side A, and side B, which is continuation of the movie.
I ripped to two separate directories using decrypter.
I created two directories, side A and side B.
I then tried to encode with DVD2One using the join mode. That's where I had problems, I was only able to encode 1 directory at a time, it gave me no option to combine the two. I can't copy or move side B to the side A directory because it wants to overwrite the files because they both have the same file names.
Both directories, side A and side B have 9 files with 4.36 GB, and identical file names.
What have I done wrong? Any suggestions are appreciated.
AfterDawn Addict
11. July 2004 @ 20:23 |
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You can always combine them with Shrink. Just use the re-author mode and add both directories to the compilation window. Shrink will combine and compress into one disc.
There are many ways to do this.
Another way would be to use NeroVision Express. Just take the individual .VOB files from each side and compile them into the program. add a menu and burn it to a folder on your HDD. You would still have to compress and burn it to a disc though.
Just about any program that lets you create compilations should work.
Junior Member
12. July 2004 @ 05:09 |
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Thanks Fasfrank, I'll give Shrink a try.
Don't understand why they would put a join function in on DVD2One if it's not capable of doing it.
AfterDawn Addict
12. July 2004 @ 19:03 |
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Hi Sheethead,
I have the program but have not used it in a while. I seem to remember somthing about having to mount one side of the disc in a virtual drive and have the other side in your ROM so DVD2One can see both DVDs to be joined... You may want to find a guide or tutorial for the program.
Good Luck,
Junior Member
13. July 2004 @ 05:47 |
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Thanks for the suggestion.
I used shrink to combine the two halves with no problem, then when I went to burn message appears and says not enough room on disk. Check size of files and it's only a few KB too big. Also notice it shows title 1 and title 2 in files.
I then use DVD2One to encode again and the join feature works now and combines both titles and I'm able to do a successful burn.
Now the down side, when it reaches the intermission message, it just stays there and doesn't continue to part 2. I have to hit forward to get it to continue.
Hitting play doesn't work, only forward.
I've come to the conclusion it's just not worth the effort, because I know if I watch the movie again in a year or so I damn sure won't remember to hit the forward button (can't remember what I ate for breakfast). So I burned the movie to two discs and will have to get my sorry butt off the couch and change disks. Besides I should have better PQ using the two disks. No harm done, used a RW to burn so I just erased, good learning experience though.
Thanks for your help.
Suspended permanently
15. July 2004 @ 07:55 |
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You're not done yet if you want to experiment. Use an editing program to remove blank spots and empty areas. Also in your copying you got the stop for the second side of the disc. With the 1.4 version of DVD2One it is possible to use 2 HD folders and the attach, you browse and attach the files you want added. I did a flipper of Green Berets, so I know it works. A program like DVDRemake can be used to edit the files. Easy and the site has a quick start guide to get you going. There may be some freeware, but I don't know of any. The top line Pro program is $39.95 and the less expensive version should do what you want. I hear there is a new version of DVD2One out now. With the 1.3 I don't know if you have to have disks or what.
With 1.4:
rip to separate folders a,b
use 1.4 to combine and export to folder c
Use DVDRemake to edit the c files (it has a viewer and it makes it easy, choose segments and click).
Use your transcoding/recording program of choice to burn the disc.
And it works great. Just be sure to read the guides to know the controls.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. July 2004 @ 07:56
Junior Member
15. July 2004 @ 15:41 |
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Thanks for the tips my friend.
I was using DVD2One v1.4 with the burn. I relly like the program, very simple, like me.
You say there's a new version of DVD2One, gonna go look for it now.
Suspended permanently
15. July 2004 @ 16:09 |
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Check out the DVDReMake at DimadSoft. They have the guide and a trial version. You can't export the files to burn, but you can get a feel for how it edits and how easy the controls are to work.
You could edit the DVD2One file before burning to take out the spaces and just about anything else you want. If you try it and want to edit at all, I'd bet you would buy one. I like the Pro, but it is pricier.
Junior Member
15. July 2004 @ 18:07 |
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Installed the latest version DVD2One, 1.50.
Don't see any difference from 1.40, probably just some bugs worked out.
I'll give DVDReMake trial a look. Thanks for your guidance.
Suspended permanently
16. July 2004 @ 00:11 |
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You're welcome.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
16. July 2004 @ 08:22 |
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Being a user of DVDremake I can vouch for its editing abilities. I've also used DVD2One to join a two sided movie to one, Amadeus. But DVD Shrink requires less work and the results are equally pleasing.
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Suspended permanently
16. July 2004 @ 11:57 |
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I think he was wanting to edit out the pauses and try to join the two videos together to run without any pause at all. I thought Remake would be better for the close work. Sheethead is catching on fast, I'm wondering if he might be a CCE candidate later.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
16. July 2004 @ 14:00 |
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Hmm! good point brobear perhaps you could bring him with you when we get you on board. LOL
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Senior Member
23. July 2004 @ 05:09 |
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I found "The Rock" to be a double sided dvd (dvd-10) I ended up ripping both sides with dvd decrpter to seperate folders and renaming vobs in the second disk to carry on to the first disk. Then I ran the one folder through IFO edit to join the movie. Probably sounds like alot of screwing around but the movie turned out flawless with no pause what so ever.