Ripping by Pioneer DVR 107D
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27. May 2004 @ 02:36 |
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I have recently installed above DVD burner on my computer but while using DVD Shrink latest software 3.17 or 2.3 versions for decryption, at least 2-3 big VOB files don't carry have any audio, video works fine. Is there a problem with the Pioneer DVR 107D product and is there a solution to overcome this problem.
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27. May 2004 @ 04:39 |
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I have a 107D & have never had a problem ripping. Try and rip the your DVD with DVD Decrypter (file mode) then play back using a software DVD player to check the results.
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21. June 2004 @ 22:04 |
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Never had any problem with my Pioneer 107. Probably just your os conflict+dvdshrink prob.
Just try reinstall..
Also you can update your Pioneer firmware here
to get 12xRip + nx4all.
14. July 2004 @ 18:11 |
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hi teefyum, I just update my pioneer 107d with the new firmware,
I was apple to burn at 8x using 2x dvd+R(philips)
where you apple to rip a dvd at 8x using either dvdshrik or DVDDecrypter. if so could you help
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2 product reviews
16. July 2004 @ 19:54 |
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Have you checked all the settings in Shrink? Which audio streams are you selecting?
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18. July 2004 @ 07:58 |
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Hi all, I have the same Pioneer 107d 8x burner w/ 8x Piodata dics. I'm still waiting around 20+ min for a movie to burn. I have the latest firmware 1.18 and my burner still seems to be slow :{ I have used Nero and Decrypter to burn. All my movies are perfect but I still want to get the maximum performance outof my burner and dics. Can anyone help???
20. July 2004 @ 01:42 |
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you need the hacked firmware which will take of the ripping and writting speed upto 8x, or more.
you can find the hacked firmware at
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20. July 2004 @ 15:58 |
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Thanks kaledrr, but I don't know how to install that program with Dos. :{ If possible, please help.
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2 product reviews
20. July 2004 @ 20:22 |
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Scroll down the link until you get to Pioneer DVDR firmwares for IDE/ATAPI - select the firmware for your 107 and click to download - this should install automatically in DOS.
20. July 2004 @ 20:57 |
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you could try this, after you had downlaod the file from above website.
the icon DVDflash double to zip the file and save.
click on and will apear in that file, right click on the Flash icon and chose Programe. you will see in
Cmd line
DVRFlash.exe -vf G: R7100007.113 R7100107.113
you need to change the letter G to the driver you need(pioneer dvr 107d) and then click Ok
double click the Flash icon it will open the black doc
just follow the q's and it will take about one minute to flash the driver, and WAllaaaa.
Know you can burn up to 8x and rip upto 8x
hope this help