mactheripper making small VIDEO_TS folder
29. May 2004 @ 19:55 |
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Anyone know why when I rip a homemade DVD with MactheRipper, the total GB for the created VIDEO_TS folder is always smaller than the original DVD size? I started with a 3.8 GB DVD and the created VIDEO_TS was about 1.7GB. I had the setting of "extract complete disc" and everything. After trying to burn this smaller file, it turned out that it had only burned about half the DVD. I have no idea what kind of homemade disc this is, but I am trying to get it to burn on my Powerbook G4 (OS 10.2) with Toast Titanium.
Thanks for any help........
Junior Member
9. June 2004 @ 15:14 |
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I have a different problem. On my
G4imac800mhzOSX2Superdrive Ive been using
mactheripper and then dvdremaster and finally
dvdimager - fine. The problem is that Im not sure how to
burn using finder or disccopy. So far I have only been
able to burn discs that are playable only on my mac, not
on my standalone dvd player. There is much info on
using toast, but none on disccopy or finder. Can anyone
please show me how to mount and burn a disc that will
play on other dvd players besides my mac. I have read
many of these forums and many of the tutorials seem
very vague, please be detailed.
13. June 2004 @ 00:37 |
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I have the same problem (small output file sizes) and it is probably because of a scratched disk. Different DVD players have different sensitivities with damged disks, where as one player might be able to read the disk without a hiccup, other players may have quite a bit of trouble.
The thing about mactheripper is that it doesn't really tell you when there is an error and will just act as if it has copied the disk no with no worries.
As for the second problem - download Toast 5.2.3 or Toast 6 from aquisition. and get a serial from serial box. It is the easist way. Just make sure you burn a UDF format disk. Disk copy is a bit more complicated, but you should use it to make the orgirinal image (make a 4.7GB DVD image) and copy your VIDEO_TS folder over. Not too sure, sometimes it has worked for me, other times it hasn't.
13. June 2004 @ 00:38 |
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I have the same problem (small output file sizes) and it is probably because of a scratched disk. Different DVD players have different sensitivities with damged disks, where as one player might be able to read the disk without a hiccup, other players may have quite a bit of trouble.
The thing about mactheripper is that it doesn't really tell you when there is an error and will just act as if it has copied the disk no with no worries.
As for the second problem - download Toast 5.2.3 or Toast 6 from aquisition. and get a serial from serial box. It is the easist way. Just make sure you burn a UDF format disk. Disk copy is a bit more complicated, but you should use it to make the orgirinal image (make a 4.7GB DVD image) and copy your VIDEO_TS folder over. Not too sure, sometimes it has worked for me, other times it hasn't.
Suspended permanently
13. June 2004 @ 03:43 |
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Quote: As for the second problem - download Toast 5.2.3 or Toast 6 from aquisition. and get a serial from serial box. It is the easist way.
You obviously have not read the forum rules
13. June 2004 @ 16:42 |
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Hey sorry, I didn't link to piracy, I just spoke about it, but it
won't happen again anyway. It's out there guys... it does exist.
Just a second, this is a forum which purely revolves around
piracy! everything people talk about is piracy! do you think
people are copying these movies for a laugh? Or so they dont
have to worry about their kids scratching them. Plus you guys
are making a profit from the advertising on this site, so its
like dopple piracy cause your are telling people how to do it,
and making money out of it.
You can freeze peoples accounts and tell them not to talk
about 'directly' ripping software off, but in reality it is pure
hypocracy. Sure you don't want to get in trouble and shut
down, but all i said was a few words giving some guy advice, I
didn't even tell him where to download any of the stuff. Now if
that is going to get you in trouble... why haven't you been
shut down already?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. June 2004 @ 16:48
Suspended permanently
13. June 2004 @ 18:52 |
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Quote: this is a forum which purely revolves around
piracy! everything people talk about is piracy!
Wrong. This forum is about how to do back-ups of your movies which is something you are entitled to. If you use the information to do something illegal it is only you who is breaking the law.
Quote: do you think
people are copying these movies for a laugh?
Thieves think everyone is a thief
Quote: but all i said was a few words giving some guy advice
You did not recommend a program you told him/her how to steal it.
People like you is not welcome in this site.
Junior Member
13. June 2004 @ 18:55 |
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You tell'em kid!
But in all fairness it is part of the "loop-hole" that they
need to jump through. Hipocrisy is too strong a word.
Try "bureaucracy". Its da Laawww o daWest! Besides they
need to keep it secret. Be vewy-vewy quite-Theyre
huntin wabbits!
tkh51-Thanx for the tips!
To abbysnail-
I ripped a 7Gb disc in MTR and it returned an error
message after ripping only 3Gb. I tried using other ripper
(one I paid for!) and I believe the disc is scratched. Not
enough to make it unplayable but enough to make it
undecipherable. Perhaps that was your problem as well.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. June 2004 @ 19:08
13. June 2004 @ 18:57 |
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Shape up and get ur act together and I would suggest you have a look at the rules or your account will never see the light of day again. Sure piracy happens no doubt, but we dont talk about it here. Pure and simple.
13. June 2004 @ 23:45 |
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Ok come on guys, lets think realisticly. I apologise for the hypocrisy remark. But really and trully, people use these forums so they can find the information they need to pirate and copy DVDs.
Even copying of DVD's for personal use is illegal anyway:
Quote: Any unauthorized copying, editing, exhibition, renting, exchanging, hiring, lending, public performance diffusion and/or broadcasting of this DVD, or any part thereof, is strickly prohibited...
I am sorry for recommending people to pirate software, but I would like to try and influence you to realise that the majority of people use these forums to pirate. Londor, do you make copies of dvds for home use? Have you ever hired a DVD and copied it? Well it is all illegal. Sure it is legal in some countries, but not where i live, or i guess where you live to.
I did not say these forums were breaking the law either. free information.
I don't mean to start a flame war, I just want to tell you how I think, and to ask you if you really do think the way you do. Because if you do, sorry, but you are an ignorant person.
Praetor, please don't threaten me for expressing my views... It may seem minor but that's how facsism starts.
Suspended permanently
14. June 2004 @ 08:11 |
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You still do not get it, do you?
The forum has rules which you broke. It is as simple as that. If you do not like them or do not agree with them do not use the forum.
You also fail to understand that your country is just 1 out of the 193 countries there are in the world. In most of them it is legal to make a back-up copy of the material you own. Just because you are breaking the law that does not mean the rest of us are doing it.
14. June 2004 @ 09:24 |
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Quote: Praetor, please don't threaten me for expressing my views... It may seem minor but that's how facsism starts.
Dont get high and mighty with me ... you've made some good points and perhaps the majority of the people here use the information for not-so-good intentions but thats not for me, you or anyone else to judge. What I judge however is the appropriateness of posts and their context as far as the forum rules and good taste go.
For the record, what people do with this information is none of my (or anyone's) business. There is a strict no-piracy policy here and it is enforced -- for the reasons you laid out.
Quote: I don't mean to start a flame war, I just want to tell you how I think, and to ask you if you really do think the way you do. Because if you do, sorry, but you are an ignorant person.
That statement started out open-minded and made a valid point however you dropped the level of discussion by calling people names. Let's try not to start flaming oki? :)
Quote: the majority of people use these forums to pirate
Perhaps -- perhaps not. You are in no position to judge (neither am I or anyone else). Those that blatently pirate usually catch a boom. Let's not be so presumptous of everyone okay? Because if I recall correctly, you endorsed piracy by suggesting people do it.
Quote: Sure it is legal in some countries, but not where I live, or I guess where you live to.
I'm not going to bother debating legalities with you because that just a bunch of beareucratic crap put up by rich politicians with nothing to lose but for the simple reason that it is allowed in some places is enough for discussion.
Quote: You also fail to understand that your country is just 1 out of the 193 countries there are in the world. In most of them it is legal to make a back-up copy of the material you own. Just because you are breaking the law that does not mean the rest of us are doing it.
Precisely. Furthermore ... as you have so aptly stated ... it happens anyways. At least here we do so in a mature, civilized manner with the intent for learning. Those with other intentions get a warning and then catch a 'boom'
Like I said. You might want to have a look at the rules. Happy posting.
14. June 2004 @ 12:19 |
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The forum rules are non-negotiable and unless you are a complete and total retard they are very easy to understand.
Reasonable people who actually utilize their capacity for thinking realize that there is a time and a place for everything. People can pirate all they want but, as the very simple and easy to understand forum rules state, this is not the place to discuss it. After you empty your drool cup, why don't you have someone use crayons and big pictures to help you understand that.
Quote: Praetor, please don't threaten me for expressing my views... It may seem minor but that's how facsism starts.
Part of a moderator's responsibility is to ensure that idiots who advocate pirated material, either directly or indirectly, are warned to stop doing so. If the offending idiot is stupid enough to keep doing it or gets lippy and self-righteous about their moronic behavior then the moderator has the option to do the site a favor and ban them.
Furthermore, your underdeveloped capacity for logical reasoning was clearly shown when you actually compared a moderator's warning to the start of fascism.
Maybe you should unplug from your computer, go out into the real world and observe how mature, reasonable people interact and deal with something called "the way things really are".
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
14. June 2004 @ 12:24 |
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You forgot one major group of people in you effort to drag everyone down to the level of a thief, honest people. I can't speak for everyone but in my case it's mostly curiosity mixed in with a little practical use that keeps me here. It's the same drive that lead me to learn to build my own PCs, play musical instruments, and gourmet cooking (a skill my wife has come to love).
In the summer I like travelling for extended periods in my RV, and because of the length of time it takes to complete my meanderings across the country (6 week or more) I also like to take some entertainment with me, hence backups. But above all my reasons are just knowledge and I paid for and own every software application that I use except for those that were free.
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Junior Member
14. June 2004 @ 19:09 |
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This discussion is great but I don't think Abbysnail (the one who started this thread to begin with) even cares. Maybe he/she has found a better way to burn. Always replay your TS, VOB files in DVDPlayer to make sure your rip is complete. I figured out Disc Copy and have been getting advice from DVDImagers programmer.
Give tkh51 a break. It's beginning to read like persecution. Now they're calling him names, insulting his intelligence. Is that right? Leave him alone you, you...you Fascists!
(gee I hope there's room for levity here)
That was a joke.
14. June 2004 @ 20:25 |
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LOL Indeed everyone lighten up! :)
14. June 2004 @ 21:07 |
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I think you guys just lost the argument.
Sure you might be honest, and have paid for the software you own, and know how many countries there are in the world, but hey, you all do certainly jump at an oportunity to put the boot in and gang up. Talking about fascism, you got it.
All i said was that you were ignorant if you thought people used these forums not to pirate. But as for calling people pirates as a bad thing, I didn't mean it that way. I am obviously a dirty bastard pirate who steals everything and anything I can get my hands on.
Or maybe I am just completely penniless and I want to have the same oppurtunities and options as people who do have money. Or don't you deserve opportunities if you don't have money?
But a second later you are calling me stupid? Where do you get this from. I am not stupid, infact far from it. I enjoy a dabate, and some times say a stupid or an appropriate thing. But if we started calling people stupid for doing things like that, there wouldn't be one smart person in this world.
And sorry praetor if i offended you. Rules are one thing, but i had already been repremanded for mentioning the unspoken word, and I really did feel like you were threatening me.
I do get out in the real world, im a full time student and i interact and talk to people everysingle day.
Anyway what were we arguing about. I think I have wasted far to much time already.
Suspended permanently
15. June 2004 @ 07:50 |
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Quote: you all do certainly jump at an oportunity to put the
boot in and gang up. Talking about fascism, you got it.[/
quote]You should head for the library and read what facism is.
Clearly you haven't got a clue.
Quote: I am obviously a dirty bastard pirate who steals
everything and anything I can get my hands on.
It looks like you got it right there.
Quote: Or maybe I am just completely penniless and I want to
have the same oppurtunities and options as people who do
have money. Or don't you deserve opportunities if you don't
have money?
Following your reasoning do not complain if you ever get
burgled or mugged or your car gets stolen.
Quote: But a second later you are calling me stupid? Where do
you get this from.
I think the person who called you stupid for not being able to
understand 12 simple rules got it from the same place as you
did when you called me ignorant for thinking that not
everybody in this forum is like you.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. June 2004 @ 08:07
15. June 2004 @ 07:57 |
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Quote: I think you guys just lost the argument.
We're all in this together lol ... none of this "you guys versus us guys" lol
Quote: But really and trully, people use these forums so they can find the information they need to pirate and copy DVDs.
Quote: if you really do think the way you do. Because if you do, sorry, but you are an ignorant person.
Quote: All I said was that you were ignorant if you thought people used these forums not to pirate
The first two hardly amount to the third.
Quote: And sorry praetor if I offended you. Rules are one thing, but I had already been repremanded for mentioning the unspoken word, and I really did feel like you were threatening me.
LOL fair enough ... like I said... im here to keep the peace, not to enforce my views
Quote: I am obviously a dirty bastard pirate who steals everything and anything I can get my hands on.
Or maybe I am just completely penniless and I want to have the same oppurtunities and options as people who do have money. Or don't you deserve opportunities if you don't have money?
LOL thats manipulative and you know it hehe.
Quote: I do get out in the real world, im a full time student and I interact and talk to people everysingle day.
Lucky! I got 7 classes a term (soon to be 13) .... people eh? What are those? ;-)
- Yes people do use these forums to obtain information for "unsavory" intentions
- These people may or may not represent a majority however they do not represent Afterdawn as a whole either in principle or fact
- tkh51: you make a very valid and potentially true point in principle -- your delivery of that idea was less than optimal which resulted in the (percieved) lashback. It just goes to show that there are people who dont pirate and do take offense to being labled as such.
- Everyone else: move along, move along.
Quote: Anyway what were we arguing about. I think I have wasted far to much time already.
Precisely. :-)