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Anyone got a Guide to softmodding with mechassault
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31. May 2004 @ 16:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i was wonder does anyone know where i could get a good guide to the mechassault save crack, ive attempted it before but could never get it to fully work, the furtest i got was "Error 21". i want to get evox installed. but to play backups do i have to flash the tsop?
Senior Member
1. June 2004 @ 11:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you do not need to tsop to play backups but you do need to find a "sighned" copy of phonix BIOS loader, to ftp over along with a BFM BIOS, in fact you dont need to open your xbox up at all.(doing this method will make it impossible to go on xbox live AND you can only do it if your xbox has certain specs, the right dash/kernal/BIOS) you also need to get the latest fonts or else you might end up clock looping it.

here is a handy link

it will get you up to the stage of putting on sighed stuff(i.e a sighend evox, or in the case you need, a sighed phonix bios loader that will allow you to use UNsighed stuff)

You are reading a mindless signature, please stop reading it now it is mindless, one can only presume you are mindless since you are still reading this mindless signature, Oh my god get a life you mindless person, whats the matter with you, dont you have a girlfreind? mindless mindless mindless
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2. June 2004 @ 08:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I guess you can't type either then(pheonix BIOS loader)... god, some people, biggest hypocrits in the world are on the web.

AH! Monkey's will KILL us ALL! > forums > archived forums > xbox - software discussion > anyone got a guide to softmodding with mechassault

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