3. June 2004 @ 22:33 |
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I just got my ps2 modded and everythin works fine except the start up gets a buzzing noise, other then that its fine, it reads the copied discs but now i try pressin x wiht my controller, and the controller gets no power, the analog light duznt turn on... nothin, and i dont think the memory cards are workin either...SOMEONE PLEASE HELP. Magic V modchip, ps2 version 7 the online version!
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3. June 2004 @ 22:43 |
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It sounds to me like you controller board wasnt connected back to the mother board correctly or at all. Its an easy enough fix though. But what you should really do is contact your installer and have him take a look at it for you.
"From the ashes, comes the GamePhoenix......"
3. June 2004 @ 22:45 |
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I opened it up
gave it a looksy, there was like a ribbon connector that went into a port, the port was pretyt lil and thin, i put it back in there but t still aint workin
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3. June 2004 @ 22:47 |
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Did you put it back in and click the little fastener? That fastener has to bo clipped on for the headers to make a propper connection.
"From the ashes, comes the GamePhoenix......"
3. June 2004 @ 22:49 |
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those metal thigns hangin out?
3. June 2004 @ 22:50 |
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theres these metal things comin out, i dindt do anytthin wiht that, there was just a ribbon that i connected to the motherbaord from the controller poart, it fits pretty snug but it seems liek it would come out easy
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3. June 2004 @ 23:01 |
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There is a clip that actually clips down on it and holds it in place. There is one on the controller peice and one on the motherboard. You need to make sure they are both clipped down tight. But if you cant fix it then you really should talk to the guy who did the installation.
"From the ashes, comes the GamePhoenix......"
3. June 2004 @ 23:03 |
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sorry what colour or waht does this clip look like
is it those metal thigns stickin out, or is it somethin pretty small, duz it hold the ribbon in place or duz it hold the hole controller/emmory card port in place?
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3. June 2004 @ 23:04 |
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it just holds the ribbon in place. And it is usually brown but sometines its black. Its just a little clip right above where you plug the ribbon in at.
"From the ashes, comes the GamePhoenix......"
3. June 2004 @ 23:10 |
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k im gonna go chek it out gimme like 5 mins thank you.... so muuuuuuchh!!! but hhey duz this need like extensive opening
or can i just open hte case remove hte casing and just close the clip be back in like 3 or 5
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3. June 2004 @ 23:15 |
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For the one on the mother board it will, but for the one actually on the controller ports you just have to un-screw the controller ports from the casing and thats it.
"From the ashes, comes the GamePhoenix......"
3. June 2004 @ 23:23 |
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k i open the casing, and the contorller ports are kinna loose, they dont hold in place unless the casin is on and the screw runs thru, but on the thing i dont see any clip, i looked arond for a brown or black clip but i dont see it, theres like this thing where hte ribbon folds on bujt that duznt move, and then it goes into the plug, and around hte plug theres no sort of clip...
3. June 2004 @ 23:24 |
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is it possible for the clip to come off because the guy duznt specialize in ps2 hes and elctrician but he knows quite a bit about ps2, cuz im lookin for a lcip i cant find it, its a version 7 ps2
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3. June 2004 @ 23:26 |
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Yes the clip can come off very easily if handles to rough. I have done this once or twice. I used some electrical tape to secure it in place and it worked perfectly.
"From the ashes, comes the GamePhoenix......"
3. June 2004 @ 23:28 |
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im sorry to bother you so much, but is there nay way you can show me what to do...? maybe pictures or somethin, im desperately in need of help, please reply to this, if you cnat help me otngiht cna you please help tomorrow my email is dmoh7@hotmail.com
3. June 2004 @ 23:37 |
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please email me if you can help me more, im really desperaretly in need of helkp. im 15 and i know i can do this, i just need porper help, thanx so much for your help so far, email me at dmoh7@hotmail.com if you can give me liek super detailed instructions... and you sed you can tape it down, but where do you tape down, like where to where ... thankyou
4. June 2004 @ 00:00 |
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nooo you left man, i opened it up, cheked hte connection, it was fine, duz it need that clip to run, or can it run wihtout the clip, cuz the wire is connected fine!
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4. June 2004 @ 01:25 |
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Let me know if you got it all straightened out. e-mail me at sales@gamephoenix.com and I'll see if I can help more.
"From the ashes, comes the GamePhoenix......"