Plays on computer but not on stand alone
4. June 2004 @ 08:43 |
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Good day to everyone.
I tried doing a search for the subject but was unsuccessful. If this topic has come up before please forgive me, I did try the search.
As the subject says, I can burn a DVD on my computer, and it plays well on the computer. But for some reason, it won't play on my Panasonic player. I use something of a no-name brand DVD (blank, no label on face) and DVDBackup 1.3 as well as DVD2onX (this allows a copy to fit on a single DVD). All this is done on a Macintosh G5 Dual 1.8Mhz. None of the backups I made play on the Panasonic (model D23, I think) with the exception of a kid's school video I made using iDVD on the Mac, this one alone plays.
The Panasonic also refuses to play all my MP3 cd's of varied brands (Sony, TDK, etc.)
What seems to be the problem here? Is there an issue with the software I used to make the backup? I didn't use this software to make the kid school video.
Can anyone suggest a solution or software to use on the Mac?
4. June 2004 @ 13:24 |
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try ritek or prodisc dvd-r. you can find them at: shop4tech.com and supermediastore.com
4. June 2004 @ 15:02 |
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One of the board regulars Londor gave me the solution... I had been burning the VIDEO_TS folder directly from the desktop instead of creating a disk image and burning using Disk Copy.
Once I was pointed in the correct direction the whole process worked.
I don't know how I didn't piece that together in the first place!
Thanks for all your assistance people!
Junior Member
9. June 2004 @ 15:31 |
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Hello, Maybe you could help? I have a similar problem. On my
G4imac800mhzOSX2Superdrive Ive been using
mactheripper and then dvdremaster and finally
dvdimager - fine. The problem is that Im not sure how to
burn using finder or disccopy. So far I have only been
able to burn discs that are playable only on my mac, not
on my standalone dvd player. There is much info on
using toast, but none on disccopy or finder. I've burned by 3 ways- 1-Using Finder Ive doubleclicked discimage and dragged TS folder from discimage onto disc. 2-Ive mounted discimage with dvdimager with disccopy and dragged that onto disc. 3-Ive mounted image with disccopy alone dragged discimage onto disc and then dragged disc onto burn icon on dock. Each time I burned a disc that was playable only on my mac. Ive been using Memorex4.74X. Can anyone please help me fill in the blanks. How can I mount and burn a disc that will play on other dvd players besides my mac. I have read a few of these forums and many of the tutorials seem very vague, please be detailed.
Thank You.
11. June 2004 @ 05:07 |
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Basically, or at least as I now come to understand it, the stand alone player needs to recognise the Disc Image.
I too had been dragging all my TS folders to the icon and burning from the file menu. This was refused by the stand alone as well as ALL my MP3 cd's.
Apparently, dragging and burning will not provide a recognizable disc image for the stand alone player.
If like me you're not using Toast which burns as a disc image, you have to use Disc Copy (Disk Utility in the Utilities folder inside the applications folder). The steps below assume you have already created the disc image with DVD Imager (Londor, please feel free to correct me as needed).
1) Insert a blank DVD.
2) Launch Disk Utility. Click the "Burn" icon
3) Locate the disc image when prompted
4) Burn baby, burn.
When it's done, eject the disc, re-mount and test using DVD Player.
That should do it. That's the way I do it and it works perfectly for me. Now if I can only put my hand on some Ritec media...
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. June 2004 @ 05:12
Junior Member
11. June 2004 @ 13:08 |
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Thank You, but the problem is that everytime I do this the burn button is grayed out. When I navigate to choose the file and click on its name nothing happens. At this point the burn button should light up, but it doesnt. Also the interior VOB files are grayed out.
11. June 2004 @ 15:53 |
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I'm doing a backup this very moment using the same steps I gave to you. If you already made a Disk Image using Disk Imager everything should flow like clockwork. One moment...(Disk Imager is creating a .img file)
Okay, that's done... Now to launch Disk Copy (from the Utilities folder).
Alright, Disk Utility is up and running... I already put in a blank DVD and named it using all caps and underscores "_"
Click the "Burn" icon (upper left corner). Window opens up. I've located the folder with the newly created disk image and selected the .img file.
Click the "Open" button. The "Eject, Cancel, Burn" window pops up.
Click "Burn" - the file is being written... (wait appr. 30 mins... gonna catch up on volumes A-K of my Collier's Encyclopedia in the meantime)
...Burn complete... verifying...
Okay... 27 minutes later, burn complete, the disc ejects. Re-insert to check with DVD Player... And it plays on the Mac. Since this is the procedure I currently follow, I expect this to play on my Panasonic player later.
To try to address your problem though, I just re-launched the Disk Utility. The "Burn" button is highlighted as well as "New Image". All else is greyed out. Once you have created a Disk Image of the intended VIDEO_TS folder using Disk Imager, there is no need for VOB files, so forget about those. You're only working with the Disk Image.
The "Burn" button ought not to be greyed out though, I can't figure that one out.
Once you follow these steps, it should work.
Junior Member
11. June 2004 @ 17:36 |
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Thanks Again.
Everything worked fine, with one minor glitch. Whereas
before I was making DVDs that played on my mac only
and prompted a "disc is not compatible" message from
my standalone, now I can burn a disc (in UDF) that
plays on my mac but does nothing in my standalone. The
player reads the disc but the screen remains blank.
The DVD player menu registers the titled disc but none of the options (play,menu,etc.)function. Could it be the media I'm
using - Memorex4.7DVD-R4X?
I'm just about to give up. I now have three
DVD-coasters, and one mac-only disc. How come Windows
platform techies have been able to create such easy
DVDCopy software and yet Mac-users have kept it such a
dirty little "in" secret?
14. June 2004 @ 05:05 |
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It's not so much a secret as it is a matter of finding the correct information that is contained right on this board.
All the instructions I gave you were passed on to me by the board techs. I followed it and it produced the results I wanted. Any additional info you need re: media type, error messages, etc, can be found on the board either by searching for it or simply reading through the many posts.
From what I myself saw, the most recommended media for burning is RITEK blanks.
Hope this helps.
ps.: To make an omlette, you gotta break a few eggs. Sometimes, coasters are inevitable when facing something new with little information to go on. I have 5 coasters - and I don't even drink!