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9. October 2002 @ 18:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi there all I need some advice here. I have a media problem. I've been burning DVD's with Verbatim DVD+RW's and Philips DVD+RW and DVD+R DVD's. I have a Philips DVDRW228 model drive. It works flawlessly with the Verbatim and the Philips DVD's. I just bought a whole bunch of Ritek DVD+R's because someone over on the Doom9 forum highly recommended them, but not one will work. I know that it is not the technique because I will burn one to the Verbatim and then one to the RItek and the Verbatim will work fine on all three of my standalone players but the Ritek will not work on any. I also have had no luck with Memorex DVD+R's. Can someone please tell me of a brand of DVD+R's that is still inexpensinve but they are not having compatibility issues. Oh by the way the Ritek burned DVD's will work on the PC fine.

Thanks Wade
20. October 2002 @ 19:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey - I have a Philips dvdrw228int as well... have you gotten Prassi PrimoDVD to work? I've also tried Nero (the latest version), and I get the message "illegal media, " when I try a DVD+r. Any hints?
22. October 2002 @ 20:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user you have a dvd+rw drive or a dvd-rw drive? if it is dvd-rw you can not use dvd+r media,because the drives themselves write in a different manner.
22. October 2002 @ 20:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
suade, i have been using memorex dvd+rw every since i got my dvd burner like a month ago,and it works fine in my settop player,pc,and i just burned a gta3 for the ps2,using recordmax and it works fine using the majic2 modchip.i'd give memorex another shot if i were you,but heck,memorex's expensive also.
23. October 2002 @ 21:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey - I got my drive working fine... I found that Imation discs work well - Fuji DO NOT work. I will soon give tdk, memorex, ritek and sony a shot... at least if the discs aren't good for PS2, then they still work for PC stuff... I just can't wait for them to reach cd-r prices (I estimate 6mo to 1yr)!
31. October 2002 @ 08:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I too have the latest Philips burner, Nero's latest ( and a bunch of DVD+R's from Memorex.

To work around the "illegal media" message from Nero, I've used the following method:

I test burn onto my Philips DVD+RW disk to "jump start" nero into "+R(W)" mode and burn something. Then, once complete and keeping Nero open I start my burn onto the Memorex DVD+R disk. This usually works.

However, I've had to do numerous Cold boots to get Nero to recognize even my Philips +RW disk. And I can absolutely NOT burn direct to a Memorex DVD+R without using the prior convoluted method.

I believe it is a problem with Nero (or possibly the Memorex DVD's), but I'm not sure. All I know is that I've been reading a bunch of good reviews on the Verbatim disks. As soon as I finish burning more Memorex coasters, I'll be going over to Verbatims (sigh)...

Is anyone from NERO or Memorex monitoring these forums?

Hope this helps.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. October 2002 @ 09:05

31. October 2002 @ 13:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey guys I forgot to update this post but I resolved my issue. I was using DVD decryptor and it was not finalyzing the dvd. I now finalize it with nero and everything is working perfectly. Ritek media works very well so far. Even all the old dvd's that wouldn't work, work now after I have finalyzed them.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. October 2002 @ 13:26

31. October 2002 @ 14:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Popemellow: I too have Prassi Primo DVD. Have you found that you must first use separate dvd authoring software before you can use Prassi to burn the dvd?

Primo says it "masters" dvd-videos, but I don't think it will *author* them, right? It requires fully-prepared Video_TS and Audio_TS folders ahead of time.

(Which makes the program kind of limited in actual use I think).


-- Mike --
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8. November 2002 @ 17:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wow memorex discs are total crap Im using a tdk 32x writer and have tried everything and all I ever get is a fucking worthless coaster!!!I wish the japfag that produced the things was here, so i could throw them at him all night!!!

After looking into it I bet a Plextor would burn them(its a dao tao) issue but who wants to pay that kinda money for a burner.

Im able to burn on imation(with a few errors here and there.....I find the comp usa crap discs work the best once again its a crap shoot with these!!!!!!!!!!!

memorex discs suck bad
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16. December 2002 @ 11:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've been burning movies with DVD+RW discs and I tried burning a movie last night with a DVD+R disc, but it needed to be formatted. (So i right clicked on my dvd-rw drive and selected quick format, just like i do with my dvd+rw's) But now I cant use the disk because its already been written to. It says 1 Mb has been used. I just wasted a good DVD+R. Does anyone know the PROPER way of formatting a DVDR disc?
16. December 2002 @ 12:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You never have to format a dvd+r disk
16. December 2002 @ 12:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What program were you using?
17. December 2002 @ 19:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I would like to thank you guys for letting me know about the Memorex DVD +R not working. I just got my Memorex DVD writer and it came with those and I thought something was wrong somewhere else. If you could, make a list of which DVD +R's work and which don't. Also, can you use a dvd +RW in a ps2 ??? Thanks in advance for your replies.
17. December 2002 @ 19:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have had good luck with my memorex dvd+r disks. I noticed other people having issues but I have had none. Also my PS2 will NOT play dvd+RW dvd's I have one of the first and I hear that if you have the firmware updated it might work.
18. December 2002 @ 06:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
personally i have been using datawrite discs without problems on my ricoh drive.
27. December 2002 @ 08:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I purchased a 25pack of Fuji DVD+R's at Bestbuy. The price was right and they burned ok.
However, I'm now getting intermittantfreezing on playback. I've read that this is usually due to poor quality DVD's so I don't reccomend using Fuji DVD's. I'll be doing some more research before I buy any more Fuji's myself.
I've burned 20 Maxell DVD+R's will no problems burning or in playback.

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9. January 2003 @ 15:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi, I am having problem burning DVD+R disc with my Memorex External+RW/+R writer via Firewire. I have no problem burning the +RW discs. I have tried Verbatim( got 1 successful burn out of 5), Memorex(got 0 out of 5)- you would think Memorex disc would work with Memorex writer. -NOT! 1 of 10 batting average. I am using SonicMyDVD version3.1 as the authoring software. The buring process generaly stops at "Write File" stage.I have a HP Pentium 4 machine with Window ME. Any suggestions ?
10. January 2003 @ 09:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm not trying to brag here so don't get the wrong idea. But I have burnt about 170 +R dvd's now with my Philips DVDRW228 drive about 160 of them to Ritek media and throughout all of my burns I have only had one defective disk. It just wouldn't read in any players. But 1 in 160 sounds pretty good to me. I have used DVDdecryptor for every burn and I used an image file every time. THe other 10+ burns I have used nero to back up data and have also seen no problems there.

One word of warning though I have seen my ritek media play in various players with a little artifacting. But in my 3 home players they look perfectly fine. I have a sony 5 disc and PS2 and Xbox.

Not to sound harsh but If your quality burns are that few and far between it sounds like you might have other issues. How does your drive do on DVDRW disks?

Good luck all
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10. January 2003 @ 12:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have no problem burning the DVD+RW discs (Memorex or Verbatim). I am using exactly the same procedure (even with the same files) to burn the +R disc as I would with the +RW disc I can burn the +RW disc and play on the set top DVD player with no problem but can't burn the +R disc. May be I should try few more different disc manufacturer just to see, but it should not be this bad.
13. January 2003 @ 13:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This might be your problem? Are you positive the software you are using to burn with is closing the dvd+r disks? I don't think DVD+RW disks need to be closed to play on stand alone dvd players.
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13. January 2003 @ 13:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
got the same dvd burner, never had a problem, except when i try to create a dvd video with nero, have to create the folders and burn as a data dvd, prassi wont even recognise the drive is there so cant help ya with that one, i have tryed the following disk with no problems


philips being the only one i tryed with +rw

running xp
updated aspi files to 4.71 if this help guys

using nero 5.5.100

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28. January 2003 @ 13:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am still having problem burning DVD+R disc. I use Nero's direct disc copy to burn movie on to DVD+RW disc with no problem but when burning the same file to DVD+R disc I am getting "SCSI_ERR" and the burning process would stop. I also use DVDDecryper to rip and burn file on to DVD+RW disc with no problem but when I try to burn on to DVD+R disc I would get I/O error:interpretation-SRB completed with Error" (at least I can do a test burn so I did not waste a disc.) I updated ASPI to 4.7.2 and did not help. Any suggestion?
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28. January 2003 @ 17:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Using Nero during burning got"SCSI Hostadapter error"?? > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r media > dvd+r media problems

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