i see your problem,go to vcdhelp.com and download the program dvd2avi.
This program basicly makes it possible for TMPGEnc to read the VOB files since TMPGEnc can only load one VOB file a time it does not seem to be able to read them all at once directly, it also gives you the ability to select which Audio Track you want the movie to have and create the appropriate WAV file for it.
Step 1 - Press "File" and "Open" (1a), Select the first VOB file of the movie (1b), and This will automaticly select all the VOB's that follow (1c).
Step 1d - This is an Optional Step! - Some movies may come in the Film format which is 23.976 fps instead of the regular NTSC 29.976, so you might want to enable the Force Film feature of DVD2AVI, go to the " Video" menu and select "Field Operation" and then press on the "Forced FILM" and this will create a D2V file using 23.976 fps.
Steps 1e/1f - Go to the "Audio" menu and select " Track Number" and then select which track from the Movie you want to create as a WAV (most movies have the English Track on the Track 1).
Step 2a/2b/2c - Press "File" and select "Save Project " ( 2a), a popup window will appear, here you will input the filename ( 2b) this part takes awhile, so when you see in Status near Remain: FINISH, you are done (2c), next you will check that all the files needed for TMPGenc are present, the VOB, D2V & WAV (2d).
Step 2d - If you managed to follow all instructions correctly, you should now have a WAV file and a D2V file in your VOB's folder.
(* NOTE: Do NOT delete the VOB files! they are still required for the encoding! *)
Step 2 - On this step use the "Browse" button to select the "Video File" (2a) and "Audio File" (2b ) inputs for your movie, when you are done, you will have the option for setting the "Video Type" and the "Field order " and also the "Aspect ratio" according to your Source, remember, this is where you set if your DVD is in a Wide Screen format or Full Screen, and then press "Next " to continue.
Step 4a - Select the type of CDR/DVDR media you will be using for TMPGEnc to calculate if the file will fit into that desired media type, when using the default Standard Templates, you cannot alter the settings unless you go into the "Expert" settings, however, if you choose a self-made template or other then those that came with TMPGEnc, you can change it directly in this screen.
Step 4b - If you pressed on the Expert button on the previous step, it will take you to this screen which allows you to define all the settings you want, what you see below is what I have set for my movie which is a Wide Screen 16:9 display and i've kept the aspect ratio so the resulting VCD will come out as a Wide Screen and will not be stretched out of proportions and it will contain the Black Bars on the top and bottom!.
NOTE: TMPGEnc controls how the movie will appear on your TV set, either in Wide Screen or Full Screen, to accomplish that, follow these settings according to your movie, you need to go to the Settings / Advanced, and change the followings:
If your movie is Wide Screen:
Source aspect = 16:9 Display
Video arrange method = Full Screen (keep aspect ratio 2)
If your movie is Full Screen:
Source aspect = 4:3 Display
Video arrange method = Full Screen (keep aspect ratio 2)
Step 5a - Now select the "Output file" name,
Step 6 - Once you pressed the "OK" button, the encoding will start