Bit Torrent vs XDCC (way of getting files from IRC)
11. June 2004 @ 14:51 |
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Does anyone use both bt and xdcc. What are the pros and cons of bt or xdcc. I think xdcc is much better then bt, tell me some ways i am wrong. I don't care much about FSERVE because i never used it, and i found very little amount of files there.
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11. June 2004 @ 20:42 |
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I use both, and IRC is by far the best. better speeds, nd no uploads. oh btw, you're dead wrong about fserves, most xdcc bots only serve 10 packs or less (yes i know some serve more), but I've seen many many fserves with over 1000 each. you gotta find the right ones though, yes there are some that only serve 2-3 things which i think is stupid, but for the most part fserves have more files that xdcc bots.
http://www.Lonero.net - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
Staff Member
12. June 2004 @ 00:38 |
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It depends on the channels you are on. If BT has a lot of seeds it can get wonderful speeds but there is the uploading factor and even worse, the fact that its p2p and currently crawling with filthy, smelly anti-piracy dicks (now its ok to try protect your property, but im on about the sell out bitches who gather the IP addresses, like you NetPD, you'll never be the internet police department so just fuck right off or be made).
XDCC however, if you can find a fast bot (which most bots are fast) asks you for no upload (unless u want to help a chan out) and just sends you what you are looking for at alternate speeds. It has however a few cons.
1. Bots may suddenly disappear offline leaving you waiting for it to come back (however xdcc klipper helps out here)
2. Corruption, some people suffer high counts of CRC errors in rar files. It depends on what resources your computer has and a few other factors. There is also a way around this for XP users, hit CTRL ALT and DELETE, click processes tab (if you dont see the processes tab, move the mouse to the very edge of the window and double click, it should appear) now look for mIRC or Invision or Excursion, whatever your client is, right click and change the priority to HIGH or REALTIME, if you are using a lot of other programs, choose high, if not, choose realtime, this will axe about 90% of CRC errors. Even if you do get CRC errors, there is yet again another way around it, incomplete channels serve rar files that u can request. You can also help out on an incomplete channel by sending rars to people who have experienced CRC errors. To read more about incomplete channels check out http://www.incomplete.me.uk
EDIT: oh yes and as for fserve's, trust me, you are wrong, you cxan find brand new 0 day releases on fserves if you look hard enough.
Also with fserve's its like anybody can run one, if you are on a serving channel with a questionable upload speed that just wouldnt be good enopugh to xdcc serve, they might have a second channel that thjey will allow you to run an fserve on, just ask permission first and find out about advertising and shit. You will know these channels because they will say !list and @find allowed. If you type !list in a channel that its allowed in, it will show you all the fserve's on the channel.
Its a rare thing to find a good fserve that doesnt have about 100 files on it :-)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. June 2004 @ 01:46
12. June 2004 @ 08:36 |
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Guess FSERVE sounds good, so can anyone give me a cool link for an FSERVE search engine, i hope it is currently working.
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Staff Member
12. June 2004 @ 12:02 |
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You see thats not really the way IRC works man!
It's not like a P2P network, now u can make fserve searches from packetnews.com but you might not find anything good!
Junior Member
24. July 2004 @ 00:27 |
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I was on a mirc channel yesterday and 1 member had got clobbered by RIAA using bt be carefull !!!!!
24. July 2004 @ 08:04 |
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actually you were on a IRC channel, mirc is just a program used to get to IRC. kinda ironic that someone on IRC would get busted using BT. Kinda like someone that owns a ferrari getting a speeding ticket while driving their pinto!
http://www.Lonero.net - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
24. July 2004 @ 09:11 |
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Lol, i wonder how the RIAA knew the name of the BT user on IRC.
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