Hi everyone, can anyone tell me if ripping in iso mode is better than copying file to hard drive. I've been using shrink, nero and dvd 43 and found these tools to be excellent.
Can anyone also tell me why so many of you use decrypter to rip to disk before shrinking and then burning with nero? Using dvd43 and shrink allows me to rip and shrink the movie all in one. What's the advantage of using decrypter (if any) to rip to disk first before compressing and burning?
Hi conc,
File or .iso, one method is not any better than the other. The end result should be a duplicate of the original.
Three things need to happen to copy a commercial DVD-9 onto a blank DVD-5. Ripping, compressing and burning. Each of the programs we are talking about here can perform one or two of these functions.
Decrypter: rip and burn.
Shrink: rip and compress.
DVD43: rip.
Nero is not one program, but a program suite, so it depends on which one is being used.
Nero Burning ROM: burn.
Nero Recode 2: compress and burn.
It's just a matter of combining these programs to perform the three required functions. The actual programs selected are based on the requirements of the project and personal preferences.
For example, if I want to just burn the movie, I will open it with Shrink to rip and compress then use Nero Burning ROM to burn it with. I will disable DVD43 because with my system, it slows the encoding process down slightly.
Sometimes I have Shrink enabled to open and then burn with Nero automatically.
The Shrink/Decrypter method is really easy and the price is right. This is the combination I have shown my friends and relatives how to use.
Many thanks Frank !
I didn't think there was any advantage with ISO mode.
I have always ripped and shrunk using shrink before burning with Nero.
I guess what I'd really like to know is what advantage, if any, is there using decrypter instead of shrink to rip movie files to my hard drive?
Is there any improvement in resolution, sound etc?
As for the shrink opened/nero direct method. I'll give it a try.
Many thanks !
Since you have nero and dvd43, try going directly into recode, dvd43 will rip, you don't have to use any other program. Recode does what shrink does(i think it's better and easier). See what you think about the results and how user friendly it is. you also burn from recode. good luck
Hi again conc,
I've never really noticed any advantage... Decrypter rips faster by a bit but then you have to compress so you are going to lose that advantage. I would imagine that a rip with Decrypter would be identical to the original, as no compression is involved. Its the compression thats going to reduce quality.
Another thing I have been noticing lately is the quality of the originals. Maybe I'm spending to much time evaluating the picture quality rather than paying attention to the movie. Anyhow, I noticed that some movies are kinda crappy to begin with. Maybe I just notice more nowdays!
With thanks Frank.
I've taken your suggestions on board and will give them a go.
I'm having some fun with Intervideo Dvd copy 2. I've heard great reviews, and read some of the notes posted on some of the forums re how much better it is to everything else.
Anyway,thanks again, and happy burning !