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Blank media sales (updated weekly, daily, hourly)
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30. June 2011 @ 01:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Several days ago I mentioned how almost all of my HP dvd's went to the crapper, they were about 5 to 7 years old, last night I trashed all of my TDK's that were all about the same age, have been cleaning house and re-checking all my media, those two were a waste, combined almost a hundred of them.

To my suprise the memorex about 20% failure, same age, I would have thought they would have been the worst, I have tons of old Maxwels, Fuji's, Ty's & Verbs, some as old as 8 years, not one coaster.
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30. June 2011 @ 07:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You did the best thing in checking on those HPs. I got lucky and took a sneak at some a while back like I mentioned and saw they were trash. Saved what was still good to TYs. Been using Verbs as of late because of the sales and their consistency. Got tired of waiting couple of days for TYs from Supermedia as I'm in The Apple. Wish they would B&M them already since the idea was to make them more known via the JVC brand. That way I could just walk into a B&M, or mom n pop and get them. Ttytt those HPs were the worst media blanks I ever used. The Maxells were still going strong, though I transferred those as well. I began w/16x Maxells from PC Richards which the girl was slinging 100ct. tubs to me for $16.00 straight up. She's no longer there obviously. Lol...


Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
1. July 2011 @ 18:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Try to buy your DVDs, they sale all brands and most of the time you will find one under $20 with free shipping. This week it is Ridata DVD-R 100 pk w/free shipping for $15.99 which I bought and have never had any problems with. A couple of weeks ago it was HPs for 17.99 w/shipping (I also bought). I have also bought Verbatims,inkjet printables, etc at different times always under $20. They usually have a sale of some kind all the time. I don't know where they are made and don't really care, because the only time I have bad burns, it is usually my fault, rogram error, or computer hardware incompatability issues and in that case I just use another computer. As far as longivity, I figure unless the DVD is damaged in some way it will out last my use of it.
AfterDawn Addict
1. July 2011 @ 20:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by MCraz:
Try to buy your DVDs, they sale all brands and most of the time you will find one under $20 with free shipping. This week it is Ridata DVD-R 100 pk w/free shipping for $15.99 which I bought and have never had any problems with. A couple of weeks ago it was HPs for 17.99 w/shipping (I also bought). I have also bought Verbatims,inkjet printables, etc at different times always under $20. They usually have a sale of some kind all the time. I don't know where they are made and don't really care, because the only time I have bad burns, it is usually my fault, rogram error, or computer hardware incompatability issues and in that case I just use another computer. As far as longivity, I figure unless the DVD is damaged in some way it will out last my use of it.
don't count too much on those HP dvds, third tier media, you can do better just as cheaply.
Senior Member
2. July 2011 @ 04:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lol, garmoon, I have been trying for ages to give good advise here, most threads I cannot I mostly read and learn, this one because of trial and error thru the years I can, I think both of us can agree it's Ty's and verbs only for me anyway and has been for several years now.

I stated before, you can always get great sales on verbs thru SMS, newegg, officemax, Sam's Club, for 20 bucks per 100 packs, the one's at sams club mostly are from India, at first I was a little leary but never ran into a coaster, so they are just fine.

The Ty's the +r's which I use just a personel preference hardly ever go on sale but when they do I jump on it big time, needless to say there is no better media than those, so the extra little cost to me is a no brainer, all the rest of the brands I don't even consider anymore, sticking by that rule for at least the past 5 years I have zero blank media problems.

I Remember remember when doc'ty started this thread years ago, I didn't listen, thought I knew better, guys like him yourself and a small handfull of others always tried to guide me to do the right thing, it took a couple of years to finally realize you guys were right, wasted a lot of time and money, it still saddens me to hear people buying all these memorexes, hp's, tdk's etc. when in time they will learn as I did, THE HARD WAY.
2. July 2011 @ 07:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I did not know anyone had mentioned New Egg before, everytime I have looked at this link, I've never seen it. Actually I have never had anymore trouble with HP's than I have anything else and have been doing this a lot longer than 5 years and still have playable disc. The only ones I won't buy, because they are coasters all the time, are Imations, also Sony, which would not even burn in their own drives (more than 1 drive), which I replaced, and I have tried them in several formats. I wasn't trying to tell anyone what to use, just where to get them at decent prices, and I know everyone has their own brands and choices, but those brands are the only two I have ever really had any problems with and I am not a sales rep for any of the brands, but as far as what I like, Verbatim and Ridata. I in the past have given much more for 50 & 100 pks with the same outcomes. The DVDs I have burned still play unless I have damaged them in some way and I have burned thousands!
AfterDawn Addict
2. July 2011 @ 10:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by FredBun:
lol, garmoon, I have been trying for ages to give good advise here, most threads I cannot I mostly read and learn, this one because of trial and error thru the years I can, I think both of us can agree it's Ty's and verbs only for me anyway and has been for several years now.

I stated before, you can always get great sales on verbs thru SMS, newegg, officemax, Sam's Club, for 20 bucks per 100 packs, the one's at sams club mostly are from India, at first I was a little leary but never ran into a coaster, so they are just fine.

The Ty's the +r's which I use just a personel preference hardly ever go on sale but when they do I jump on it big time, needless to say there is no better media than those, so the extra little cost to me is a no brainer, all the rest of the brands I don't even consider anymore, sticking by that rule for at least the past 5 years I have zero blank media problems.

I Remember remember when doc'ty started this thread years ago, I didn't listen, thought I knew better, guys like him yourself and a small handfull of others always tried to guide me to do the right thing, it took a couple of years to finally realize you guys were right, wasted a lot of time and money, it still saddens me to hear people buying all these memorexes, hp's, tdk's etc. when in time they will learn as I did, THE HARD WAY.
I'm flattered but I learned everything from Doc TY and the other GM-Greensman- and of late, Joe Ryan-he of which made me change my mind about newer CMC mags which I will buy for giveaways if price is right. I've also soured a little on the newest Verbs. What's happened to the big JVC-TY promotion-it's like they just faded away. Certainly have seen no sales posted here lately?? No B&M sales much less stocking! Omegaman7 deserves an honorable mention too-just by the shear numbers of his scans. With good ODDs and media you should get a 95 every time.
AfterDawn Addict
2. July 2011 @ 10:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by MCraz:
I did not know anyone had mentioned New Egg before, everytime I have looked at this link, I've never seen it. Actually I have never had anymore trouble with HP's than I have anything else and have been doing this a lot longer than 5 years and still have playable disc. The only ones I won't buy, because they are coasters all the time, are Imations, also Sony, which would not even burn in their own drives (more than 1 drive), which I replaced, and I have tried them in several formats. I wasn't trying to tell anyone what to use, just where to get them at decent prices, and I know everyone has their own brands and choices, but those brands are the only two I have ever really had any problems with and I am not a sales rep for any of the brands, but as far as what I like, Verbatim and Ridata. I in the past have given much more for 50 & 100 pks with the same outcomes. The DVDs I have burned still play unless I have damaged them in some way and I have burned thousands!
Don't bad mouth the old Sony +R 8X-those were probably the best ever blanks produced BY TY T02s and you're correct, everyone does have his own preferences.
Senior Member
2. July 2011 @ 10:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by garmoon:
Originally posted by FredBun:
lol, garmoon, I have been trying for ages to give good advise here, most threads I cannot I mostly read and learn, this one because of trial and error thru the years I can, I think both of us can agree it's Ty's and verbs only for me anyway and has been for several years now.

I stated before, you can always get great sales on verbs thru SMS, newegg, officemax, Sam's Club, for 20 bucks per 100 packs, the one's at sams club mostly are from India, at first I was a little leary but never ran into a coaster, so they are just fine.

The Ty's the +r's which I use just a personel preference hardly ever go on sale but when they do I jump on it big time, needless to say there is no better media than those, so the extra little cost to me is a no brainer, all the rest of the brands I don't even consider anymore, sticking by that rule for at least the past 5 years I have zero blank media problems.

I Remember remember when doc'ty started this thread years ago, I didn't listen, thought I knew better, guys like him yourself and a small handfull of others always tried to guide me to do the right thing, it took a couple of years to finally realize you guys were right, wasted a lot of time and money, it still saddens me to hear people buying all these memorexes, hp's, tdk's etc. when in time they will learn as I did, THE HARD WAY.
I'm flattered but I learned everything from Doc TY and the other GM-Greensman- and of late, Joe Ryan-he of which made me change my mind about newer CMC mags which I will buy for giveaways if price is right. I've also soured a little on the newest Verbs. What's happened to the big JVC-TY promotion-it's like they just faded away. Certainly have seen no sales posted here lately?? No B&M sales much less stocking! Omegaman7 deserves an honorable mention too-just by the shear numbers of his scans. With good ODDs and media you should get a 95 every time.
Yes I've learned quite a lot about media from the fine folks here at AD too however my personal experience with differient media has also taught me a lot on what is worth having & what to avoid. However I'm going back to whatever Datalife Plus Verbs I can find at Meritline as well as the TY's they have simply because both are better media than anything else I've used. Burning the last 50 or so CMC's & I've got 95 MII Verbs to go though, both of which test ok after burning them. No skipping or freezing problems with either one yet thankfully....
Senior Member
2. July 2011 @ 11:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by garmoon:
Originally posted by MCraz:
I did not know anyone had mentioned New Egg before, everytime I have looked at this link, I've never seen it. Actually I have never had anymore trouble with HP's than I have anything else and have been doing this a lot longer than 5 years and still have playable disc. The only ones I won't buy, because they are coasters all the time, are Imations, also Sony, which would not even burn in their own drives (more than 1 drive), which I replaced, and I have tried them in several formats. I wasn't trying to tell anyone what to use, just where to get them at decent prices, and I know everyone has their own brands and choices, but those brands are the only two I have ever really had any problems with and I am not a sales rep for any of the brands, but as far as what I like, Verbatim and Ridata. I in the past have given much more for 50 & 100 pks with the same outcomes. The DVDs I have burned still play unless I have damaged them in some way and I have burned thousands!
Don't bad mouth the old Sony +R 8X-those were probably the best ever blanks produced BY TY T02s and you're correct, everyone does have his own preferences.
Oh those Sony 8x TY's were awesome!! But then so were the 4x TY Maxell's I burned many years ago. Fact is any single layer TY is pretty good in my opinion.
AfterDawn Addict
2. July 2011 @ 14:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah bratcher

In my uninformed days I bought 200 TDKs +R that turned out to be TY T02s-but I didn't even know what I had.
Senior Member
2. July 2011 @ 14:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by garmoon:
yeah bratcher

In my uninformed days I bought 200 TDKs +R that turned out to be TY T02s-but I didn't even know what I had.
Yes that was back when companies sold A1 grade media!!
21. July 2011 @ 02:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
can anyone drop some new sales in this thread? im looking for some single layer blank dvds. thanks all!
Senior Member
23. July 2011 @ 10:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

While I whole heartedly Concur That If you can You should use the best possible media for the Project at hand be it a data disc or dvd back-up ? And Ty- & verbatim are Top Tier media ! There are no Absolutes { well Maybe The Vodka } Whoopee !!!! - You can't Just look at your Media in a vacuum ! Well maybe you could if You lived in outer space { forgot the Spacesuit again = {POP GOES THE WEASEL !!!!} LOL!!! Seriously There are Enviormental Issues { How well Protected and stored your media is ? How exposed to UV and direct sunlight ect... , Then you gotta think about the Disc / Player / or Burner interface ? If it Played The Burned disc when you first made it with no problems and then subsequently after that won't play correctly ? it maybe rare though it happens A burner Dvd/ player / rom problem and not the media ? Something to think about anyway ? What's The old saying ?" wise is the man that knowa that he knows nothing ?' Or something like that ? anyways I suppose the Crux of The Biscuit is this ? { While I have Had EL- Cheapo Bulk Dvd Media Fail after Like 3 weeks !!!!! I have yet To notice serious degradation/ failure with recognizable { major Name branda } I'm not saying I'm right or anyone else is wrong !!! I'm just saying what I've observed !!! - Personally I would do the following - !. Listen to the Big Dogs - Doc Ty , Joe Ryan , and all The other Peeps that are In the know !!! And be Humble and respectful to everyone - Even a fool can teach you about something { being a fool or how not to be } !! 2. Buy The best Media You can afford { A'k. A = Cheap Insurance } - personally I tend to stay with Verbayim/ Sony / Taiyo for my personal projects / critical burns and use the assorted Tdk's Riteks / officedepots / maxells for Non- critical projects / giveaways for the family /grandkids nieces , nephews ect... Which seems to work for me and I have only had a handful reported back to me bad, corrupt or unplaybale !!! I can live with that Hell !! remember 8-tracks ? they had like a 40-50% failure rate and even Audio-Cassettes { ewww !!!! Tape } Had a 3% failure rate !!!!! - I Agree Use he Good stuff and Have a Good Day CiaO Daddio ;s !!!!!!!!!!!

FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
23. July 2011 @ 10:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Good write Bigtox, couldn't explain it better myself.

sans, here is a link on 15% off all blank media from neweeg, now this is from the promo code offer, meaning you need to join which is easy also well worth it as you can get ubelievable deals at times. I believe you have 48 hrs left.
AfterDawn Addict
24. July 2011 @ 22:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You just made my head explode, Toxy . . .

I have found that if I plan ahead, I can keep my stock of Taiyo Yuden discs stocked to overflow capacity for 21˘ each including shipping . . . when my supply gets lower than 500, I start looking for deals

As for Verbatim . . until they get their act together and give me a way to ID the discs before I buy 'em (on-line) . . I can certainly live without 'em !

meow !

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AfterDawn Addict
25. July 2011 @ 00:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm sure oil prices and the earth quake have affected Taiyo Yuden prices, thats why we aren't seeing any great deals!

Antec 1200 Full-Tower Case/Thermaltake 750-Watt PS/ASUS SABERTOOTH Z77 Mobo/Western Digital Black WD500 500GB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache/NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTX 384-bit GDDR3 PCI Express Video Card/CORSAIR DOMINATOR PLATINUM 16GB DDR3 /Intel Core i7-3770K Ivy Bridge 3.5GHz (3.9GHz Turbo)/CORSAIR Hydro High Performance Liquid CPU Cooler/3-Asus DRW-24B1ST Sata Drives/Samsung 2493HM 24" LCD Monitior 1920x1200 resolution,5ms respone time/OS Windows 10 Pro SP1 64-bit

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. July 2011 @ 00:11

25. July 2011 @ 06:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by FredBun:

sans, here is a link on 15% off all blank media from neweeg, now this is from the promo code offer, meaning you need to join which is easy also well worth it as you can get ubelievable deals at times. I believe you have 48 hrs left.
ah, dammit, i just saw your post. too late now.
if anyone can point me in the righht direction for a 50 or 100 spindle of single layer dvdrs for a good price, please do. i dont use that many of them, i just need some to have on hand and would like the best deal possible with quality discs i can depend on. thanks a lot!
Senior Member
25. July 2011 @ 08:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Here is a link for on verb's 100pk r+, $20 a pack, and free shipping anything over $50, and if you use r- they might even be cheaper, if you have an officemax or sams club near by you can also get the same verbs for that same price, officemax you have to wait for thier sales, about every three months, sams club if they have those verbs they are always 20 bucks.
Senior Member
25. July 2011 @ 08:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

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25. July 2011 @ 15:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks fred! u da man
Senior Member
5. September 2011 @ 05:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I've Bought Media From Them several Times , Mainly Tdk's 16X For Some reason they Put The TDK 16X DVD+R's on sale Quite Often 3 50 ct. Spindles / Cakeboxes for $ 23.00- $25.00 -ish and sometimes a little bit less ? I find This Ironic because they also carry The TDK 16x DVD-R's too and hardly ever put them on sale at the same price point 3 pack deal ? They do but Rarely ! Normally if a company is gonna charge a Premium on one type / format of media over the Other it's the DVD+R's That are More expensive ? atleast in the Bulk/ Ordered onLine Brands { Non-retail { no Brand logo's on The Disc} Like taiyo/JVC ect... Usually you can get free shipping on the 3 packs and they also carry other brands too ! My Packages always arrive Intact and I've had zero problems so far with my orders !! I don't work for them .Or own stock in their company if they actually have stocks ? Just Have had Positive dealings with them so far and they've go decent prices on media atleast during these sales ? something to consider that's all & That's All Folk's Ciao Daddio!!!!!

FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
AfterDawn Addict
5. September 2011 @ 10:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by BIGTOXY69:

I've Bought Media From Them several Times , Mainly Tdk's 16X For Some reason they Put The TDK 16X DVD+R's on sale Quite Often 3 50 ct. Spindles / Cakeboxes for $ 23.00- $25.00 -ish and sometimes a little bit less ? I find This Ironic because they also carry The TDK 16x DVD-R's too and hardly ever put them on sale at the same price point 3 pack deal ? They do but Rarely ! Normally if a company is gonna charge a Premium on one type / format of media over the Other it's the DVD+R's That are More expensive ? atleast in the Bulk/ Ordered onLine Brands { Non-retail { no Brand logo's on The Disc} Like taiyo/JVC ect... Usually you can get free shipping on the 3 packs and they also carry other brands too ! My Packages always arrive Intact and I've had zero problems so far with my orders !! I don't work for them .Or own stock in their company if they actually have stocks ? Just Have had Positive dealings with them so far and they've go decent prices on media atleast during these sales ? something to consider that's all & That's All Folk's Ciao Daddio!!!!!
Hey Mr. Big
Office Depot has the Tdks +-R on sale this week for $10/50. I bought two packs and they code out as CMC Mag M01 (at Millerville store) decent stuff now for giveaways. Never lost lights for the Mr. Lee and it rained enough to kill our drought and drown the Oregon DUCKS. LOL
AfterDawn Addict

7 product reviews
20. September 2011 @ 03:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Supermediastore has TY BD-R's again! :D There 6X now too. Don't appear to be LTH either. I may just try them out. I liked there 4X LTH media. Wonder why they switched...
Taiyo Yuden BD-R 6X media

Oops. Looks like SMS screwed up. It is LTH media. The image shows it as such, and the overview shows it as such. However the specifications do not.

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. September 2011 @ 03:44

6. October 2011 @ 08:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I haven't been here in awhile, and I need to buy some TY blank media. Could someone give me 2 quick opinions-
1) I generally use -r's, is there any good reason to use +r's instead? I need to make a few DVD's that will play in a stand alone player.
2) I have been using 16X (and burning at 8X), and I'm shopping for more, so before I buy, does anyone recommend a different speed media, and if so, why? Or for that matter is the burn speed all that's important?

PS One more question- silver or white printable. Any difference?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. October 2011 @ 08:46 > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r media > blank media sales (updated weekly, daily, hourly)

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