After spending a year and a half here, and on other digital video forums, I've had a lot more contact with people who speak actual English (as opposed to American) and I'd just like to say that you people are a bad influence on me. I've developed a tendency to start typing things that I wouldn't actually say. Several times I've started to tell someone that I'd "get them sorted" which is a phrase I never used before I came here. It's become so automatic now, that I did actually type that in a message. Previously I've always stopped myself and wondered what the %#@! I was typing that for. I certainly don't talk like that. I don't know what kind of mind control tricks you're using on me, but please stop immediately 8D
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To! "And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
Oh yeah, I forgot about that one. In thinking about it I guess both phrases save quite a bit of typing over whatever American equivalent I might use, so maybe it's not so bad. But I'm still getting a tinfoil hat (and another for my PC) just in case 8D
Well let me bitch for a moment about good (English) english!
Here in Canada we use British english and spelling, but our population is crowded against the southern (American) border and so, you can guess how we spell...
I went to the bloody Monarchist League of Canada website and they use American english for gawd's sake! I wrote the guy a nice note suggesting he should use proper Canadian spelling and he sassed me off, he said:
"...the League is not The Society for the Promotion of Oxford English but a vigorous group effectively explaining and advocating the Canadian Crown."
WTF? Moron. The mind-control device is everywhere , it is Television.
Don't worry vurbal, you're gonna be OK...
;) L8R