Fairly new to all of this. This one has me very confused. Where I live, we don't get the show Enterprise, but I was able to download each episode from the web. Each episode is an MPEG movie and runs around 430 MB. I can watch them fine on my mac powerbook, there are no audio/visual problems.
The problem comes when I burn the episodes to DVD. The audio seems to be slightly slower then the video. It appears to get progressively worse as the episode goes on. Doesn't matter how many episodes I put on a disc...actually, just making a disc image, then booting the image produces the same effect...out of sync aud/vid.
I've read around that sometimes frames are padded? or dropped in certain situations. Is anyone familiar with any work arounds for this? I've looked and looked, but haven't found any answers...at least not for the Mac. Appreciate the help!
Running a Mac Powerbook 1.5 GHz G4 w/1.5 Gig Ram, OS 10.3, and an Apple Superdrive...
Hey! I've found someone who has exactly the same problem as me!
I don't know what it is but some MPEG1's burn to DVD out of sync. It's just the way it is. I had about twenty episodes burn fine then in about the middle of Season 2, it all started to go tits up in exactly the way you described. After 6 months of trying to find an answer, I've just decided to download the episodes that work again, but this time the AVI versions. They always burn fine.
To find out which ones need replacing I simulated burns of loads of episodes in Toast 6 by "Save to Disk Image", then played them back in DVD Player to see which ones were out.
I'm still searching for the answer, however. There is a way you can doctor the file but I'm still waiting to get an answer back from another forum on that. I'll post it here if and when I can find one.
I hate to say it, but I gave up. I tried and tried to get it to work. Got no replies here. Did the disc image thing, tried with differen't programs, tried to Demux streams and work with that, but I could never do it. So I'm stuck watching it the mpg's on my powerbook. If you ever figure it out, please post here! Thanks for trying!
You know what. I was right. It's those pesky Enterprise files. It's just them! Everything else burns fine, including earlier episodes. As I said, I'm in the process of downloading the AVI versions cos I've given up too. I did try re-encoding the files with DIVA but then when I went to extract the audio I got errors all over the place, no matter what program I used. So there's something mysteriously wrong with the audio on those episodes. Weird that they play completely fine on the desktop. Bah!
Funny, I had thought about trying to find the AVI versions, but I haven't seen too many on Acquisition. I'll try and give that a shot too. Thanks for your help!
It's a pity you can't get eMule on the Mac. I use my PC for downloading and I've found eMule to be the best by far. There is eDonkey for the Mac I believe which may use some of the same servers but it's not quite as good. I'm sure you could find Enterprise on there though.
i get the same problem
when i d/l mpg or AVI files they seems fine but when i try convert them into diffrent formats for my DVD, i find that i got out of sync, it's very annoying and i hate that, but sometimes i find that movies that i d/l of eMule been ripped of DVD got out of sync too.
so watch out.