Peeps, what is the average downspeed suposed to be for emule, latest versin on razorback, with bell sympatico highspeed?
Another question, where can i see my rating?
oh, one more thing, what can i do to raise my rating?
1. Depends on how much you've uploaded. If you've uploaded shitloads then you'll come close to saturating your connection (i assume you're not using the Sympatico Ultra)
2. Dont think you can see your rating... could be wrong though
3. Upload more would be the most straightforward technique :)
Peeps, any one seen the new sun o/s system!? the multi window 3d one. Holy **** its amazing man, a working horse, just like linux, but graphical much similar to windows.Amazing stuff i tell you, go see it at: Solaris 10, new os.. i think its the one i saw.
If not, srry but ur missin a lot.