I was wondering if someone could give me some pointers on how to get rid of all the unwanted extras when backing up.
Basically i would like to back up the main film file and menu screen only including 5.1 ch audio and dump all the rest of the crud i never use. This hopefully will bring the total file size down to >4.36Gb allowing it to fit on a blank without the need for compression (i.e. DVDShrink). I have heard that what i want to do can be done via DVD Decrypter. Anyone know how this can be done?
I have followed the guide by unticking the unwanted audio and subtitles and manually compressing them down but can i actually get rid of any of the extras files totally (the guide does not tell you about this)! is it just a simple case of deleting them from the tree structure (i have never tried this and had assumed this could not be done). If so what happens when the extra is selected from the menu, will it die on me or simply do nothing.
open DVD Shrink, open your movie as you normally would (from harddrive or dvd drive), click on re-author which will bring up the dvd browser window. Drag the main movie only across. Clcik on backup
To put two movies on one dvd, repeat above. once first movie is on harddrive, insert movie 2 (or side 2 of a dual sided disc) into your dvd drive. Open shrink, browse to movie 1, drag it into window. Click on dvd browser and browse to second disc and drag movie into window, click on backup
That works well with movies around 3gb each, put two on the disc. You can also use that method if you want say the main movie, and 1 extra ect. The extra will play as a movie after the original.
Also it pays to remove any unnecessary audio/subtitles and clip the start and end point to get the size down if you want two movies on 1 disc
Sorry, didnt actually answer your question. You need to drag over what you want from the re-author window (ie buld a new dvd with what you want from 1 or more discs). You will loose the menu functionality, chapters will still work, to jump to next "segment or movie" you fastforward to title 2 or jump to title 2.
To retain menus use something like Nero recode, which is much the same as shrink but costs money
There are a couple of tools that can remove things (or more accurately blank them) without losing menu functionality. If you want all menus and just need to remove extras you can use VobBlanker. If you want to remove menus and extras you can use DVD Stripper or DVD Remake. Of those 2 programs, DVD Remake is better because Stripper can't always remove everything you want and leave the disc playable, but on the other hand DVD Stripper is free.
Do a search for those tools and see what you think. There have been a lot of posts recently about each of them.