It seems that my earlier problems stem fromt he fact that my fliptop only came with Swap Magic 3 CD, and the games are DVDs. Do I need to buy the SM3 DVD or is there another option?
Doesn't work, already tried it. Keeps saying my disc is invalid. I know it's not, It's a real import disc, shrink wrapped and all. It recognizes my normal discs, as well, but gives me an error trying to play them.
Here's a better description of what happens:
Put in SM3 (CD?) Takes about 5 mins to load.
-Put in disc, click play game. Comes up with a flashing purple border, game won't run. Same for all games.
-Put in CDLOADER. Loads right up
--Put in an official US game: Disc is recognized, but when play is attempted, CDL says error.
--Put in Japanese game (AEUG vs Titans): CDL can't even recognize that it's a game.
Still not working. I get to the part in CDloader where it tells me to insert a DVDR using the EA method, then I open my fliptop, and it quickly shows a green version of the background, then goes black. I'm still waiting to see if anything will happen.