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unlocking HD that came from another xbox
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12. July 2004 @ 04:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
is it possible to unlock a HD that didnt come from your HD with evox? I havent tried yet but my friend gave me his drive and I would like to make some use of it if I can.
30. July 2004 @ 08:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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30. July 2004 @ 22:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
out of about 50 retail drives, I have oly ever unlocked one that didnt have the original xbox, I still dont know how it unlocked.
You can try hddunlock and unlockx, but I havent had any joy with them, best thing to do is, when you put in a bigger drive, unlock the retail drive before you take it out, configmagic (unless its a 1.6 cos apparantly they dont unlock)

XB360 hitachi xtreme f/ware, chameleon case, whisper & airflow blue led. XBOX w/ 2.6 2x custom "djboogie" bios. PSP 1.50 w/ devhook .52 % 303 f/ware.
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7. August 2004 @ 15:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

There ARE a few mthods you can try. most simple is to plonk the hdd back into said friends xbox and unlock it via evox, jobs done and a good un. :)

if this is not viable if the passcode is available you can unlock the hdd in your pc with the tools mentioned by (djboogie) ,and please ignore the post from (mess1), gents takin outta his ass im afraid.

third method that can be used to get the passcode
"and remeber this code can be upto 40 digits in length"
You can use a tool availble from xbox-scene that allows you to view the password via linux on a pc, this tool willnot allow you to unlock it but it will allow you to actually get it then this allows you to boot your pc to dos with the xbox hdd attached and unlock with hddulock tools already mentioned.

9. August 2004 @ 22:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nope, Scotsmen, I believe it is you who is talking out of your ass. Both hdunlock and unlockx will both unlock ONLY if you have the correct key. Just running those tools and hoping they will work is a pipe dream. This would be entirely obvious if you had EVER used said tools and you weren't just a tool.

I have no clue what the hell you are talking about when you say that xbox-scene has a tool that allows you to view the password via a Linux machine, but knowing how the password system works I would venture to guess that this would be HIGHLY UNLIKELY. How about pointing out a link or 2 to back up what you are saying before posting pointless, useless and completely WRONG information.

The ONLY way that he might possibly unlock this drive is if he either 1) knew the password, 2) had the xbox that it was locked with, or 3) randomly tried all bazillion combinations until he guess the magic number.

Next time, before you open your mouth and make yourself look like a jack ass, maybe you should know what you are talking about. Until then, I think it would be wise that you not speak.
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10. August 2004 @ 09:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Hmm a flamer who dont know his facts i see, erm to let you know I mod xbox and ps2 for my job day in day out.I trained a a electronic tech in airforce and now retired from the forces due to an accident so for tfun i mess with consoles.PM me for my web site as I have no need to advertise my site here. And please follow the link im pasting to the tool that WILL give you the code for a xbox hdd in linux. Then please apologise for you derogatary conduct and in future refrain from this type of conduct. Your actions are counter productive

And to everyone else im must say in sorry for this type of immature person spreading wrong information in this excellent place.

Link to the tool for pssword viewing under linux
The tool is called (Hard Disk Password Viewer)

Does: Gives the password for your X-Box hard disk!
Doesn't: Unlock the disk. Allow you to lock another disk. (Hopefully these features will be in the next release of X-Box Linux* for those who have their X-Box hard disk passwords.)


That proof enough methinks. I only deal in facts

Senior Member
10. August 2004 @ 13:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
scots yer right dude, I knew there was a way with linux, but seeing as Im not a linux nut,I wasnt sure how, but thanks for the info :-)

XB360 hitachi xtreme f/ware, chameleon case, whisper & airflow blue led. XBOX w/ 2.6 2x custom "djboogie" bios. PSP 1.50 w/ devhook .52 % 303 f/ware.
10. August 2004 @ 15:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Scotsman, Scotsman. I told you before, you shouldn't open your mouth if you have no idea what you are talking about. You make one of the weakest arguments of any flamer I have ever met.

First of all, this is a Linux tool, but it is NOT a normal PC Linux tool. It is a Xbox Linux tool that you run FROM AN XBOX that already has a drive that is in an unlocked state. Like I said before, if you had EVER used said tools, this would be completely obvious. I'll even quote from the readme, just like you, except I won't leave out some exceptionally important information:

Use: 1) Boot X-Box Linux 0.1 on your X-Box
2) Run an NFS server on your network.
3) Create somewhere to mount the NFS path on the X-Box.
e.g. mkdir /mnt/nfs
3) Mount the location of hdkey_gen on your X-Box.
e.g. mount /mnt/nfs
4) Change to the mounted directory.
e.g. cd /mnt/nfs
5) Run hdkey_gen.
e.g. ./hdkey_gen
6) Make a note of password (or save to file to NFS)
e.g. ./hdkey_gen > mypass.txt

Note step 1! If you had any concept of how the locking works the idea of being able to recover a password with any kind of software (besides some sort of brute force password cracker) would be obviously be completely useless.

Good job with your resume, you keep that up tool.

God if all flamers were as dumb as you flame wars would be so easy. Oh and djboogie, now I think you're a tool too! Congratulations!

Just remeber, if you choose to reply and make yourself look even stupider, have some facts that actually make an ounce of sense.
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11. August 2004 @ 04:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi All

Ah children children.

Erm at what point did i say in any of my posts that the tool was run from a win enviroment ??

why protest so much just use the tool and if it works for you it works guys.

As for any other aspects of this post being an adult i wont rise to anyones childish attempt at insults. And this IS my last post on this topic i consider it now closed.


11. August 2004 @ 07:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Being bested by a child. And you take it so gracefully, Scotsman, it isn't easy being wrong.

How noble of you.
Senior Member
11. August 2004 @ 09:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mess, ok this is how it goes. Ive read other stuff youve posted, and you havent a damn clue re xbox.
All youre doing is trying to start crap.
Ive a degree in electroniocs servicing, been modding xbox for over a year. Youre a damn idiot. why dont you Give your mom her pc back.

XB360 hitachi xtreme f/ware, chameleon case, whisper & airflow blue led. XBOX w/ 2.6 2x custom "djboogie" bios. PSP 1.50 w/ devhook .52 % 303 f/ware.
11. August 2004 @ 11:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

This mess1 character has just told us all he is a child so this being so we cannot expect adult actions from him.I have oberved a number of things about this thread.

1 rather than assist anyone he initally gave a one word answer which (A) showed his ignorance and (B) didnt help the guy asking for assistance.

2 Then when some-one did actually attempt to assist the guy that wanted it, this mess1 showed everyone what a spoilt brat he is and threw his dummy out of the pram and started flaming when what is required is constructive assistance.

3 And when as adults do with children "scotsmen" decided the best way to treat a child throwing a tantrum is to ignore his bad behaviour , mess1's first assumption was to assume "wrongly" that he had bested somone. this child is a master in his own mind only.

As a side note i decided to test out this tool that can supposedly read a password in linux.

I run the distro suse9.0 on my box. Ans as in my opinion linux is linux is linux wherever it is run from.

So this being so I decided to test out this unlock tool myself, I downloaded the file and from Root console managed to sucesfully decompress the file to my PC.

And then using the commands
-c "make install"
this successfully installed and compiled the programme on my PC.

So ithought ok a after a re-boot i will test this thing to see if it work on a PC and NOT only an xbox running linux.

So i grabbed a known locked hdd from an xbox (i have the code for it but didnt use it for this test)

Now this hdd is locked and im not sure if the fact that it is already modded and can run linux on it makes any bearing on my findings as i dont have a standard unmodded hdd laying around but im getting one so i will test this too.

So i booted up pc again with the xbox hdd in a seperate line as a slave.No errors on boot up, and then in console i run the tool and low a behold the thing after a few commands spits out the correct code.

So from my testing i CAN confirm that the tool does indeed run from LINUX no matter where it is installed and that it does provide the code as it advertises.

So i can only assume that mess1 only deals in bull, and prefers to verbalise excrement as from his posts it has been shown that his arse is where he prefers to talk out of,And it seems like he only read the programs "read me" and never actually installed or run the programme.

Oh any editing means i have (as a dsylexic) noticed a few spelling mistakes.


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. August 2004 @ 11:30

11. August 2004 @ 11:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Driver29, besides your obvious flaming, you actually make a great, well reasoned post. Shocking.

One question I have though. How do you mount the drive even though the media is locked? I have personally tried this and it does not work. I have tried this on both Windows machines and Linux boxes. That is the whole reason behind the development of the "Swap Trick" and similar methods.

I wasn't implying that the tool wouldn't run on a PC. I haven't tried compiling or running it on either platform. But right in the documentation it says (implies anyway) that this should be run on a machine that is ALREADY WORKING. Just the fact that you did not receive any errors of any kind during your testing leads me to believe that you are not 100% accurate in your description of the process you used.

But this is what I understand from reading up on how the password storage process works. Using a tool, like configmagic or hdlock, you can perform a password lock on a hard drive. This password is stored in the drives firmware (note that we do not even access the drive platters). This password is then required before any reads or writes of any kind are preformed.

A tool like the one described would have to somehow fish the password from the drives firmware, which I am positive is not stored in a standard place on all different manufacturers? drives. Here are some links to people who have encountered similar problems outside of the "Xbox scene":

I could list a hundred probably but I think that?s probably sufficient. In each case listed, all were UNABLE to unlock the drive. Solutions they came up with: Return the drive, replace the drive, etc? I have personally experienced this problem on more than one occasion I am POSITIVE that NONE of these methods are feasible. One easy question to ask yourselves would be, if it were as easy as running a Linux tool, why hasn't anyone ported it to Win32? Or incorporated it into a myriad of already existing Windows tools? The code is open source after all. The only thing that makes Linux special in this case is that it runs on Xbox. If someone had developed a Windows version for Xbox, you could easily port this tool. It would be equally useless in this case though.

I think the ultimate test would be for all of you to keep wasting your time on a futile effort and see if orbitor can get this drive unlocked without the password.

Anyway, I don't flame unless flamed first. As my first post stated, unlocking this drive is still NOT possible. And please also note that I didn't flame first, I just flamed best.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. August 2004 @ 12:04

11. August 2004 @ 12:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I see the childs parents are not putting this one to his bed mind you being from ghetto his mommas probably turning tricks for 50 cents anyway.

And is i have shown already you mere keep spouting another part of the topic when shown your first part to be proved. and as both scotsmen,djboogie and myself have found that there are some that CAN unlock drives. it must be remebered that the majority of those failing to mod their xbox are usually 12 who still hang from their mommas nipple so its no wonder they cannot and do not have the required brain power to undertake anything technical let alone wipe there own ass.

And like scotsmen i find your childish whine tiresome and will see no firther need to reply to any of the excrement you choose to verbalise.

I too must apologize to everyone else for this child "mess1" conduct it is a sad day when low lifes such as these are not aborted at birth due to the inter breeding of his mommma a daddy being brother and sister.

11. August 2004 @ 13:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
For a moment there I thought you had something to add to the debate. Looks like you just added yourself to the list of flamers.

I don't know how my point wasn't proven; maybe you'd care to enlighten the crowd? And I'm not exactly sure if this is even English:
And is i have shown already you mere keep spouting another part of the topic when shown your first part to be proved.
as both scotsmen,djboogie and myself have found that there are some that CAN unlock drives.
I think, as any intelligent person can garner, you obviously did not prove anything. Delude yourself all that is required to make yourself feel better.

The rest of your post is just trolling trying to take away from the fact that you are just plain wrong.
11. August 2004 @ 14:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
uhhh well I guess that answers it. Thnx...... I think.
15. August 2004 @ 02:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi, I am also trying to unlock the hd of my broken xbox. My story is that my xbox died and I cannot read the EEPROM, so I have to unlock the hd without using it.
I've tried to do it using the method you are discusing here, this is, connecting the hd to my pc, booting linux (SuSE 9.1) and running the Hard Disk Password Viewer. But it doesn't work because the first thing that the program does is looking for /proc/xbox/eeprom, and of course it doesn't exist in my system.
One thing that I would like to know is the program that Diver29 used in his test, because the one that Scotsmen linked (Hard Disk Password Viewer for Linux) doesn't have the choice to do a configure. Even doing a 'make' requires renaming the 'maker' file of the source to 'Makefile'. So Diver29, could you be more specific with the steps that you followed? Did you installed any library or something else in your pc?
Thanks in advance. > forums > archived forums > xbox - hardware mods > unlocking hd that came from another xbox

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