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xbox loads evox from cd very very slow
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13. July 2004 @ 08:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i went from a thompson drive to a phillips drive and trying to load evox from cd its very very slow is there a hard drive compadibility with the new drive chip seems to be working!! any suggestions
Senior Member
13. July 2004 @ 11:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It could just be the media you are using, philips, although in my opinion a better drive, actually plays less (in my experience) dvd-r than the thompson drive does
get some sony dvd+/-r or ritek discs

XB360 hitachi xtreme f/ware, chameleon case, whisper & airflow blue led. XBOX w/ 2.6 2x custom "djboogie" bios. PSP 1.50 w/ devhook .52 % 303 f/ware.
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13. July 2004 @ 20:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it could be the media but it seems like its the hard drive because you can hear it running very slow, im clueless, i know i installed the chip right and it seemed to flash fine. Its also slow loading with my samsung dvd drive as well!! anymore suggestions

Jamie Buchanan
Senior Member
14. July 2004 @ 08:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
have you tried formatting your hard drive? either on a pc (you will have to create a dos partition with a win98 floppy) or with an auto installer in your xbox?

XB360 hitachi xtreme f/ware, chameleon case, whisper & airflow blue led. XBOX w/ 2.6 2x custom "djboogie" bios. PSP 1.50 w/ devhook .52 % 303 f/ware.
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14. July 2004 @ 09:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
formatting on a computer might work, slayers installer is loading to slow to do it through the xbox, don't have access to a win98 disk and im not to sure how to do a dos partition. Do you have any tutorials you can send me, or know where i can go to find some!! Thanks for trying to help anyway
Senior Member
15. July 2004 @ 22:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
u can gt a win 98 startup disc here
extract it to a floppy
make sure the hard drive you have for xbox is unlocked (use configmagic etc) then connect it to the primary ide as a "master" drive
put in the floppy, reboot your pc
when it finishes type fdisk
then create primary dos partition (there will be a menu to select by number)
when you create the partition, reboot (leave floppy in)
when it finishes, type format c:
this will format your hard drive, if yo ulike when you are done, you can delete the partition, by typing fdisk again, then delete primary dos partition,
you really shouldnt have to do that though as the auto installers do it for you.

XB360 hitachi xtreme f/ware, chameleon case, whisper & airflow blue led. XBOX w/ 2.6 2x custom "djboogie" bios. PSP 1.50 w/ devhook .52 % 303 f/ware.
21. July 2004 @ 11:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yo dont need to take the hd out, just reformat with slayers. On a side note when you say it loads slowly can you see a REALLY slow transition from the main xbox splash screen and it fading to the evox screen, if so then i put money on it being bad sectors on the drive in your xbox, ive seen this happen quite a few times with both retail xbox hd's and new upgraded ones. If that is the case its time to buy a new hd


checkout my xbox bios editing tool
Flubbertool 3.0
21. July 2004 @ 12:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey DjBoogie,
why would you want to delete the primary dos partition after you format it? If you dont, and you do a hdd swap through a backed up cd of your old c:/ drive should it work? > forums > archived forums > xbox - hardware boot discussion > xbox loads evox from cd very very slow

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