In desperate need of help!!!!!
Junior Member
14. July 2004 @ 02:55 |
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Hi again, I know you guys have been helpfull with some of my problems but Im having another one with AutoGK.
I tried to rip Swordfish 3 times and each time it seems to have ripped the audio from the actual film but, ripped the documentary rather than the film....this is doing my head in!!!
Does anyone have any answers for this one?
There is nothing to fear but fear itself
Senior Member
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14. July 2004 @ 19:01 |
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AfterDawn Addict
14. July 2004 @ 20:20 |
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Junior Member
15. July 2004 @ 01:00 |
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Ive been using decrytper to rip the files with great success its just that it seems to screw it up on Swordfish and Road To Perdition!
There is nothing to fear but fear itself
Senior Member
2 product reviews
15. July 2004 @ 05:43 |
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Always make sure the disc is clean before ripping. Ocassional discs are slightly damaged irrepairably and will play but not decode.
Junior Member
15. July 2004 @ 08:50 |
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I think I may have found a way round this problem, Ive discovered that you can choose the video only files when ripping with decrypter....this may just stop any confusion with any documentary videos :):)
There is nothing to fear but fear itself
AfterDawn Addict
15. July 2004 @ 17:11 |
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Discmania is totally on mark - I've had DVD's right out of the box and they wouldn't rip, took them back and the new one went right through :)
Doesn't happen often but you have to consider it as a real possibility -
Quote: this may just stop any confusion with any documentary videos :):)
I ripped Swordfish without difficulity using DVD Shrink -
Your "work-around" shouldn't have been necessary with a proper original -
Junior Member
15. July 2004 @ 22:20 |
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It is a proper original pete
the funny thing is I tried the work around last night and what happened?
It ripped the film with part of a documentary and the first minute was in spanish!!!!
What Im gonna do is g o through the files myself and find the english begining then delete the rest of the vobs and try to match it that way.
Does DVD Shrink work with autogk?
There is nothing to fear but fear itself
AfterDawn Addict
16. July 2004 @ 10:50 |
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wideback, I wasn't insinuating that your DVD wasn't a legal original, I was referring to the fact that I believe it to be a flawed disc.
Try SmartRipper, it's the proper progression, DVD Shrink first, iffin ya have troubles then try DVD Decrypter and should you have difficulties with that, SmartRipper -
Junior Member
16. July 2004 @ 22:56 |
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Sorry man, took that the wrong way!
It just seems to be that film...Ive manually gone through all the a/b files to see if there is another begining that isnt french but theres nothing so Ive given up on Swordfish!
Maybe you're right and its just a dodgy disc!!!!!
Anyway, would I be able to downsize the avi's Im ripping with DVD Shrink?
Is there a way I can make the audio levels higher also?
There is nothing to fear but fear itself
AfterDawn Addict
17. July 2004 @ 13:04 |
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Quote: Ive manually gone through all the a/b files to see if there is another begining that isnt french but theres nothing so Ive given up on Swordfish!
I'm missing something, a/b files, where are they coming from ?
Quote: would I be able to downsize the avi's Im ripping with DVD Shrink?
(Thinking I've been answering too many threads today) -
Where are these AVI files ??
Quote: Is there a way I can make the audio levels higher also?
Are the Audio levels you're now talking about in DVD Shrink or another project ?
Sorry, you have me confused at the moment -
Straighten ole ScubaPete out, "K" ?
Junior Member
17. July 2004 @ 13:30 |
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shit man sorry, I was half asleep when I typed that!!!
What I meant was would I be able to rip the dvds and encode them to AVI then downsize (compact) using DVD Shrink?/???
The other thing was me and my dumb ass putting a/b....I meant audio visual A/V.
Last thing, when I have finished the rip using decrypter and the encode to AVI using autogk, would it be possible to raise the gain on the film (avi)?
they're excellent audio quality just a little quiet!!
Sorry for confusing you petey ole boy, but these long days and nights in my sport are killing my brain cells faster the any drugs could hehehehe
There is nothing to fear but fear itself
AfterDawn Addict
17. July 2004 @ 14:12 |
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AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
17. July 2004 @ 15:17 |
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Just "sic" the Shark on him! And to the music of Jaws he was consumed. Is it me or are too many people not reading the rules and guides?
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Junior Member
18. July 2004 @ 06:39 |
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Pete thanks for the help man, you been a real diamond so far.
Sophocles, Im sorry if I am breaking the rules somehow but this is the first time I've had any experience with this kind of thing and to be honest Im not exactley what you owuld call technically minded so please bare with me.
I have one last question for now if you dont mind.....
What programmes can I use to downsize the final AVI files that I have ripped?
I am looking for something that could possibley compact my 1.09gb+ AVI files into something under 1gb, is this possible and is there anything to do this??????????????????????????????????????????????
There is nothing to fear but fear itself
Junior Member
18. July 2004 @ 10:18 |
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what is dve shrink and do you need it if you have dvd-x-copy platinum?
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
18. July 2004 @ 10:27 |
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No offense intended I just couldn't resist making the shark joke. Use DVD Decrypter and rip in IFO mode.
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Junior Member
18. July 2004 @ 10:32 |
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I went to that page to ge the download. If you live in the US it says you cannot download the software. Did you check no?
Senior Member
18. July 2004 @ 10:51 |
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just select no and dont worry you will be ok
Junior Member
18. July 2004 @ 10:54 |
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can you use this if you have dvd x copy platinum or do i need to delete this program. I am very illiterate on the computer but was able to use the platinum program.
AfterDawn Addict
18. July 2004 @ 13:17 |
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Quote: just select no and dont worry you will be ok
You have just counseled a Newbie to lie and to download a program known to be illegal in the US, pfarmers home country.
We do not advocate encouraging people to lie and/or to download programs that we know to be illegal and, we do not council or advise people to knowingly break the law in ANY manner in this forum.
This is a forum to help people backup originals of their own property within the boundaries of the law.
Senior Member
18. July 2004 @ 13:27 |
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and where in his reply did he say he lived in the US , i didnt see it .
he says iff you live in the US you cannot download the software , did you check no .
nowhere did he say he lived in the US ?
correct me iff im wrong !
AfterDawn Addict
18. July 2004 @ 14:47 |
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If your assumption were correct, you wouldn't have counseled him to perform an illegal act -
You were wrong, don't let it happen again -
Junior Member
19. July 2004 @ 01:33 |
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did I miss something last night?
No offense taken Sophocles, I thought the shark joke was cool.
I know noobs can be annoying, Ive had to help newbies that join my forum and want to learn my sport but the thing is that my sport is a little easier to describe than all this technical stuff I mean geeeez!
Thanks for any help you guys have provided.
If I rip in IFO Sophocles, will it make the files smaller at a similar or same quality?
There is nothing to fear but fear itself
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
19. July 2004 @ 07:54 |
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IFO mode will give you just the main movie which is about as small as it gets. I used to use Gordian Knot but by the time Auto Gordian Knot came out doing mpeg4 was no longer a consideration because I could backup straight to a DVD-R. But if my memory serves correct IFO mode is the way to go.
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