Any free alternatives to DVD2oneX?
20. July 2004 @ 14:37 |
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I just found DVD Imager, which negates the need for toast - does anyone have an idea where I can find a freeware replacement for DVD2OneX?
30. July 2004 @ 01:41 |
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I could not find any alternatives to DVD2One but
Through Edonkey 2000 a P2P software I was able to download "DVD2ONEX Panther solution" (that the file name) for Free ... and many more things .... I don't if you are aware of P2P programs ... but anyways ... this pack it comes with dedrypting tool, DVD2OneX Toast Titanium and a dumb proof tutorial !!!
Good Luck
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30. July 2004 @ 06:19 |
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30. July 2004 @ 15:26 |
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well sorry ... i guess i missinterpreted the rules ... I thoght that as long as I don't post anything or give a direct link to anything of that extent it would be fine ... afterall all I did was to give info about P2P which to my knowledge of the law still legal ... but anyways I apologise
Suspended permanently
30. July 2004 @ 16:03 |
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While I totally agree with you that P2P networks are and should remain legal the fact that you encourage people to illegally download copyrighted material falls within piracy.
I think you can understand why some rules are in place. Enjoy the forum.
30. July 2004 @ 19:23 |
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Indeed, if there *were* an alternative to DVD2OneX, that'd be all the excuse one needed to move to a completely open-source solution for backing up DVDs for personal use - and eliminate the need for piracy.
My big thing is that tools like DVD Shrink on the Windows machines are - frankly - better than those offered for Macintosh because you don't have to plunk down money for them but they do the same job, and this way I can more easily reccomend Macintosh hardware to new students - the phrase "you can do anything in a Mac that you can do on PC" is 99% true - but this (and a stable, free, full featured IRC client -- you can only get two out of three) is one of the few cases that it isn't.
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30. July 2004 @ 20:25 |
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DVD2OneX or DVDRemaster are much better programs than
DVD Shrink. The fact that Shrink is free does not make it
better, it makes it cheaper.
Have you checked Versiontracker or MacUpdate for IRC
clients? There are quite a few.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. July 2004 @ 20:44
30. July 2004 @ 20:40 |
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well, I did forget about X-chat, but that's not nearly as slick as Snak.
Senior Member
14. August 2004 @ 11:55 |
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Quote: DVD2OneX or DVDRemaster are much better programs than DVD Shrink.
If DVD2OneX yelds the same quality as DVD2One, it is far from being much better than DVD Shrink v3.2.
It is actually far behind.
But as everything to do with quality, it is highly subjective and personal. ;)
I cannot comment on DVDRemaster, as I don't have a Mac.
@MixedNuts ,
Some DVD-backupers have reported being able to use DVD Shrink in conjunction with Virtual PC. ;)
20. September 2004 @ 08:13 |
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I completely agree that DVD2OneX is FAR behind in it's abilities to shrink quality video!!! I puchased DVD2OneX and I still have to port my movies over to my stinking pc to get a decent quality shrink!
Junior Member
24. September 2004 @ 07:06 |
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Really? I don't have a PC, so I can't vouch for DVD Shrink (although my friend says it's great)... But every movie I've compressed with DVD2oneX has come out surprisingly great. Maybe you have an older version of DVD2oneX?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. September 2004 @ 07:07