I am trying to backup a DVD that is 4.28GB. Here is my DVD Decrypter log file:
I 08:42:41 DVD Decrypter Version started!
I 08:42:41 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 1)
W 08:42:41 Drive C: (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB
W 08:42:41 Drive D: (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB
I 08:42:41 Initialising SPTI...
I 08:42:41 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 08:42:41 Found 1 CD-ROM and 1 DVD±RW!
W 08:44:03 RCE Protection Found!
W 08:44:03 Media region code: 1
W 08:45:31 User selected Region 1 for the disc's region code.
W 08:45:34 RCE Protection Found!
W 08:45:34 Media region code: 1
W 08:45:37 User selected Region 1 for the disc's region code.
I 08:46:44 Operation Started!
I 08:46:44 Source Device: [1:1:0] SONY DVD RW DRU-500A 2.1a (F:)
I 08:46:44 Source Media Type: DVD-ROM
I 08:46:44 Source Media Region Code: 1
I 08:46:44 Source Copyright Protection System Type: CSS/CPPM
I 08:46:44 Destination File: D:DVD TempMANINTHEMOON.ISO
I 08:46:44 File Splitting: Auto
I 08:46:44 Detect Mastering Errors: No
I 08:46:44 Remove Macrovision Protection: Yes
I 08:46:44 Extracting Sectors... (LBA: 0 - 2248337)
I 08:46:45 Found IFO File: VIDEO_TS.IFO - (LBA: 303 - 313)
I 08:46:45 Found VOB File: VIDEO_TS.VOB - (LBA: 314 - 538) - KEY: N/A
I 08:46:46 Found BUP File: VIDEO_TS.BUP - (LBA: 539 - 549)
I 08:46:46 Found IFO File: VTS_01_0.IFO - (LBA: 550 - 558)
I 08:46:46 Found VOB File: VTS_01_0.VOB - (LBA: 559 - 568) - KEY: C1 87 79 74 ED
I 08:46:46 Found VOB File: VTS_01_1.VOB - (LBA: 569 - 573) - KEY: C1 87 79 74 ED
I 08:46:46 Found BUP File: VTS_01_0.BUP - (LBA: 574 - 582)
I 08:46:46 Found IFO File: VTS_02_0.IFO - (LBA: 583 - 618)
I 08:46:46 Found VOB File: VTS_02_0.VOB - (LBA: 619 - 1326) - KEY: C1 87 79 74 EE
I 08:46:46 Found VOB File: VTS_02_1.VOB - (LBA: 1327 - 525598) - KEY: C1 87 79 74 EE
I 08:53:14 Found VOB File: VTS_02_2.VOB - (LBA: 525599 - 1049870) - KEY: C1 87 79 74 EE
I 08:59:42 Found VOB File: VTS_02_3.VOB - (LBA: 1049871 - 1574142) - KEY: C1 87 79 74 EE
I 09:06:09 Found VOB File: VTS_02_4.VOB - (LBA: 1574143 - 2098414) - KEY: C1 87 79 74 EE
I 09:12:37 Found VOB File: VTS_02_5.VOB - (LBA: 2098415 - 2150668) - KEY: C1 87 79 74 EE
I 09:13:16 Found BUP File: VTS_02_0.BUP - (LBA: 2150669 - 2150704)
I 09:13:16 Found IFO File: VTS_03_0.IFO - (LBA: 2150705 - 2150710)
I 09:13:16 Found VOB File: VTS_03_1.VOB - (LBA: 2150711 - 2240796) - KEY: C1 87 79 74 EF
I 09:14:22 Found BUP File: VTS_03_0.BUP - (LBA: 2240797 - 2240802)
I 09:14:22 Found IFO File: VTS_04_0.IFO - (LBA: 2240803 - 2240809)
I 09:14:23 Found VOB File: VTS_04_1.VOB - (LBA: 2240810 - 2242473) - KEY: C1 87 79 74 F0
I 09:14:24 Found BUP File: VTS_04_0.BUP - (LBA: 2242474 - 2242480)
I 09:14:24 Found IFO File: VTS_05_0.IFO - (LBA: 2242481 - 2242487)
I 09:14:24 Found VOB File: VTS_05_1.VOB - (LBA: 2242488 - 2244244) - KEY: C1 87 79 74 F1
I 09:14:25 Found BUP File: VTS_05_0.BUP - (LBA: 2244245 - 2244251)
I 09:14:25 Found IFO File: VTS_06_0.IFO - (LBA: 2244252 - 2244258)
I 09:14:25 Found VOB File: VTS_06_1.VOB - (LBA: 2244259 - 2248064) - KEY: C1 87 79 74 F2
I 09:14:28 Found BUP File: VTS_06_0.BUP - (LBA: 2248065 - 2248071)
I 09:14:28 Found IFO File: VTS_07_0.IFO - (LBA: 2248072 - 2248077)
I 09:14:28 Found VOB File: VTS_07_1.VOB - (LBA: 2248078 - 2248194) - KEY: C1 87 79 74 F3
I 09:14:29 Found BUP File: VTS_07_0.BUP - (LBA: 2248195 - 2248200)
I 09:14:29 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:27:44
I 09:14:29 Average Read Rate: 2,702 KB/s (2.0x) - Maximum Read Rate: 2,776 KB/s (2.0x)
I 09:21:40 Operation Started!
I 09:21:40 Source File: D:DVD TempMANINTHEMOON.MDS
I 09:21:40 Source File Sectors: 2,248,338 (MODE1/2048)
I 09:21:40 Source File Size: 4,604,596,224 bytes
I 09:21:40 Destination Device: [1:1:0] SONY DVD RW DRU-500A 2.1a (F:)
I 09:21:40 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: CMC MAG-R01-00) (Speeds: 2x, 2.4x)
I 09:21:40 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104
I 09:21:40 Write Mode: DVD
I 09:21:40 Write Speed: MAX
I 09:21:40 Test Mode: No
I 09:21:40 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 09:21:42 Filling Buffer...
I 09:21:43 Writing LeadIn...
E 09:23:52 Failed to Write Sectors 2256 - 2271 - Power Calibration Area Error
I 09:23:52 Synchronising Cache...
I 09:23:52 Closing Track...
I 09:23:52 Finalising Disc...
E 09:23:52 Failed to Write Image!
E 09:23:52 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:02:11
I 09:23:52 Average Write Rate: 0 KB/s (0.0x) - Maximum Write Rate: 1,026 KB/s (0.7x)
I have made 3 "coasters". What am I doing wrong????
I also found this on Nero's website regarding power calibration errors:
I get a "Power Calibration Error" or "Calibration Area Full" error message. Why?
Power Calibration is controlled by the recorder. Before any write operation, all recorders must do a 15 step power test to determine the optimum power for writing to the CD; this is called "Optimum Power Calibration"(OPC). And during the write, it continues to do this test to get the best write throughout the whole CD; this is called "Running Optimum Power Calibration" (ROPC). This whole process is controlled by the recorder, though initiated by programs such as Nero. There is an area on the inner part of the CD for the test and test data info to be stored. You can use this area up to 999 times.
So, when you receive the "Power Calibration Error" or "Power Calibration Area full" error message, then the cause will be either poor media, poor Power, or a defective Recorder.
Update the firmware version on your recorder. Please check the manufacturer's website for the latest version.
Try another brand of CDR or CDRW media.
Also try different power connectors, and for recorders, do not share power with other devices. It needs its own power connector. If this occurs with an External recorder, the power source in the chassis could be the cause. Take the recorder out of the external chassis, and connect it internal, as a test.
Try different configurations, such as taking the CDROM to the Primary IDE bus as Slave, and have only the recorder connected to the Secondary IDE bus as Master.
Send the recorder in for Service.
I have followed the DVD Decrypter guide to the tee. I just converted from FAT32 to NTFS. I have gone through seven Philips DVD+R disks. The firmware on my writer is up to date.
Are you using the latest version of decrypter. I also observed in the log file that "RPC" was found which is region free protection. I have found two retail dvd movies, "Indiana Jones and the temple of doom" and "50 first dates" has this code encrypted. These two movies would not play in my dvd player however when backed up they worked just fine.
dvddecrpter - select main movie files only
elby CloneDVD to process and burn.
Why not try using dvddecrpter to rip to hard drive and another program to process this info to a dvd5 and burn with Nero or something similar? I dont think there is a problem with the ripping side at all.
I should have asked this a long time ago...... If the DVD is under 4.7GB, why can't I just copy it to the hard drive then burn it on a blank DVD?
I've been using DVD Shrink for DVD's over 4.7GB then burning them with Veritas RecordNow DX. I've only had one DVD that has caused me problems with this.
This is the first time that I have tried to use DVD Decrypter. Very bad experience so far.
As for your question, what program will take the .MDS, .I00, and .I01 created with Decrypter and burn them on a blank DVD to view on a DVD player?