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24. October 2002 @ 09:18 |
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I am trying to make back-ups of DVD's that are larger than 4.7 GB. I can decrypt and copy with no problem at all with DVD Decrypter. I would like to back-up only the main movie files of the bigger than 4.7 movies. I would be willing to donate at least $50.00, if some one can explain these steps to me in lamens terms. PLEASE HELP!! I have been making Back-ups under 4.7 with ease for quite awhile now and am wanting to venture into new territory... Thanks So much for any info you can help me with... I also have read all the forum stuff and it sounds to mumbo jumbo to me.
Senior Member
24. October 2002 @ 17:45 |
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First set DVDdecrypter to 'File' mode
DVDdecrypter automatically selects the main movie files for you.
However to make your backup play, you also need:VIDEO_TS.IFO, VIDEO_TS.BUP, VIDEO_TS.VOB so rip these too.
Also, sometimes DVDdecrypter doesn't always select the .BUP files for you so be sure that if the main movie is "vts_02_1.VOB" that you rip all the files that are "02".
All of your files will be in one folder now. You can check the size. If you are lucky, they are under 4.3G.
Now you need Ifoedit, you can download it here.
Open VIDEO_TS.IFO and click Region free, follow the prompts and save. Open your main movie .IFO and do the same.
Open VIDEO_TS.IFO again and click remove PUP's, follow the prompts and save. Open your main movie .IFO and do the same.
Open VIDEO_TS.IFO again and click get VTS sectors, this automatically saves all .IFO files so no need to save.
Now, assuming you don't have a movie with angles in it:) you are ready to burn. Put all of your files into a folder named VIDEO_TS. Create a new empty folder named AUDIO_TS and put both of these folders into another folder named "whatever movie".
If you want to use DVDdecrypter to burn then you'll need to download IMGtools you can get it here http://www.doom9.org . Follow the instructions to create an image file and then burn as you normally do with DVDdecrypter.
Make any sense?
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24. October 2002 @ 17:46 |
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If your main movie files are still larger than 4.3G you have a lot more editing to do. Let us know.
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25. October 2002 @ 09:48 |
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For some reason or another I get lost in the adding files part can you explain it a little better for me sorry about my incompitance. I will be donationg $50.00 when and and If I get this thing right. I do appreciate your quick reply and all the help. I'll be back with more questions I'm sure THANX AGAIN!!
Senior Member
25. October 2002 @ 09:57 |
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Files needed in a folder named VIDEO_TS:
vts_**_*.VOB x as many .VOBs in main movie
You also need an empty folder named AUDIO_TS.
Put them both in a folder named 'whatever'.
You need all these to burn a playable DVD-R.
It's not as difficult as it sounds. You can do it.
25. October 2002 @ 12:19 |
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25. October 2002 @ 18:07 |
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menmaddi -
i have a movie 3000 miles to graceland that is still larger than 4.3 gb. can you please help me out and i will be willing to donate also if i can get this up and running. thanks for your help
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27. October 2002 @ 06:44 |
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menmaddi - I would also be interested in following this thread and your general instruction on the size reduction of the files mentioned. In my case, size of total file set =4.84GB
Can you walk me/us thru the process of creating a playable DVD with just the movie? I now have attempted this seven times and I am beginning to wonder if I am wearing out my DVD_RW discs. :(
If you like I can post my procedures as I have done them for your review but if you have a general process you can cut and paste from another posting or redirect me/us to that posting I would be most grateful - thanks!!!
BTW - I have studied the Doom9 and Derrows guides till I can recite them blind. I truly must be missing something simple.
27. October 2002 @ 12:33 |
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One of the guides I read about IfoEdit said if I wanted to get rid of unused menus I should load vts_01_0.ifo with IfoEdit and then follow all the steps on the guide. When all the steps are done, the guide says that a new VOB file has been created (vts_01_0.vob ?), but there's no new VOB file on the destination directory, only a IFO and a BUP files. I also need to know if the vts_**_0.vob file is needed so the movie can play in a standalone dvd player.
I also need to know if a movie that has been encoded with reMPEG2, to have the maximum quality has to have the Frame Mode match source marked, and Search technique Full, and Performance reference DCT marked as well.
Thanks for any help.
Senior Member
28. October 2002 @ 05:06 |
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The easiest solution for your problem sounds like Rempeg2. Download it here. Follow the readme.txt that comes with it. You need to reencode the movie which will allow it to fit on one DVD-R. I go for the highest quality settings even though it's slow. Use bitrate calculator to figure correct bitrate. Anything below 80%(in my opinion) is too much compromise in quality.
I'd be glad to help. Since every movie is different, there really is no "set in stone" way to do it. Have you ever used Rempeg to shrink a movie? If not download it. Tell me what your procedure is and I'll try to assist.
In Ifoedit, when you select invalid options the program either crashes or does nothing. With that said, create a new, empty folder and select it as your destination directory. Now when you strip out let's say subpictures, Ifoedit will put all new .VOB files in the selected destination with the relevent .IFO and .BUP files. You need to move VIDEO_TS.IFO, .VOB, .BUP, vts_**_0.VOB into the directory. If it does not create the new .VOBs then you have done something wrong.
Regarding Rempeg2, The higher you set the bitrate, the better the resulting quality will be and the bigger your resulting .m2v file will be. Depends on how big your movie is beforehand. I use 'Full" even though it takes longer. I use 720. I use progressive. Most of the other settings are default. Read the readme.txt that comes with download it explains all this. Use bitrate calculator to figure bitrate.
Two months ago, I didn't know the first thing about any of this. I learned by reading this forum and about 50 pages of printed guides. Be patient and research.
28. October 2002 @ 08:06 |
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I'm with you on this one. Take out some time, and read as many guides as you can. Including the one on the Afterdawn site (under "articles").
All of a sudden the penny drops.
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28. October 2002 @ 08:37 |
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Menmaddi - very good sir, thanks for the advice. Wasnt wanting to sacrifice any resolution if I didnt have to. Would you mind looking at my procedure I posted in this same group called "DVD Ripping spotcheck please"
Homer J - I have done so much reading I am very nearly sure I am doing everything right.
Tomgirl - very sorry to intrude upon your thread as I cannot offer much help. Your problem is similar to mine, please feel free to review it.
Senior Member
28. October 2002 @ 11:30 |
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No problem,
I'll check it out. Also, I am backing up Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas which I just received for my birthday. I am trying to make a written account. If it makes any sense and I get some time, I'll post it.
28. October 2002 @ 11:39 |
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All things that you've said are correct, but my point is not what you've mentioned that I'm doing wrong. I'll explain: if you have read the guides, you've surelly came to one (Doom9) called DVD->DVD-5 guide. In step 3 of this guide (Strip on unused menus), we're going to get rid of the menus we don't use (menus in other languages). We load the vts_**_0.ifo of the main movie, press Menu Extras button, uncheck the language units we don't want, and the Vod Id's associated, and then press Strip it. The problem begins here. After we press Strip it, appears a progress-dialog showing the status of the stripping, saying the source from where he's reading the VOB file, and in the writing destination VOB file doesn't appear the folder I've chosen to strip it. Meaning that there are no menu stripping. When I make almost the same steps to strip VOB Extras, in the progress-dialog appears both of the reading source VOB and the writing destination VOB folder.
Another failure I found in this guide, in the same step, it says to load up video_ts.vob and press Menu Extras to strip the Copyright Notice, well this is impossible, because we can load up VOB files, but we can't access it directly.
Thanks for any help.
Senior Member
28. October 2002 @ 11:54 |
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You are right. I did find some typos in that guide that were confusing. Tell me which options you have checked before stripping. Are you stripping menus or subpictures? What is your destination directory? I want to get a picture of where you are in your process.
Senior Member
28. October 2002 @ 12:02 |
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Also, the movie that I'm backing up now has 3 language menus but they are in VIDEO_TS.IFO and stripping them doesn't do anything because the main movie files only have 1 (english).Help at all?
28. October 2002 @ 12:54 |
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For stripping menus it's used the Menu Extras tab, for stripping subpictures it's the VOB Extras tab. The options I check are the ones that the guide say, depending I'm using Menu Extras or VOB Extras. The movie I'm trying to burn now is Jurassic Park 1-Director's Edition. After I strip the unwanted audio and subpictures, the movie fits on a 4.7GB disc, but when I load, in IfoEdit the movie ifo file and press DVD play to check if it plays, gives me an error saying that an error occurred with the number of chapters, and it doesn't play anything. The same happens with the movie The Lost World-Jurassic Park, saying exactly the same thing. I know it's not in 2 or 3 days we know all the steps to do it, but I'm starting to feel very upset with the fact that I may no be able to backup and burn DVD's. I've read praticly all the guides and I feel I'm not progressing. I'm not a quiter, but...
Senior Member
28. October 2002 @ 14:04 |
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I'm confused. You said that you open the movie .IFO and then press DVDplay? You need to load VIDEO_TS.IFO and then as long as the same disc is in your player it should play. DVDplayer plays the disc thats in your machine not the files from your folder.
I haven't dealt with a movie that has more than one language menu in the main movie .IFO. I've seen them in the VIDEO_TS.IFO file and I've seen the same thing happen when I tried to strip them, Ifoedit creates a new .IFO & .BUP but no .VOB file. I don't know that you can edit the VIDEO_TS.VOB.
Don't give up, Ifoedit is a great program once you learn it. I know there are some mistakes in the Doom9 guide.
29. October 2002 @ 07:27 |
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I have a question. I just downloaded the DVD Decyrpter of this website and intalled onto my computer. I borrowed a DVD from a friend and tried to burn a copy of that DVD to a DVD-RW. I decrypted the DVD using ISO read,...after decrypting the DVD to a destination folder on my hard drive, i went to write and i got a error called I/O Error. I am new to all this and no clue what the hell any of this means
If anyone has any idea of what i am talking about cause i don't please reply back ASAP!
Oh and what is the difference between .IFO and .ISO?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. October 2002 @ 07:29
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29. October 2002 @ 09:59 |
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29. October 2002 @ 10:36 |
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that URL is not available
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29. October 2002 @ 14:55 |
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Sorry Skull,
Click on DVD at the top menu and you should see the guide.
30. October 2002 @ 09:40 |
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Sorry to intrude, but I dont quite understand how to use IMGtool. I used IFOedit and did all that menmaddi said to do. Now I am trying to create an image file to burn back onto a blank dvd disc.
Senior Member
30. October 2002 @ 14:35 |
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The guide is called DVD -> DVD-5 guide. Follow a couple of links and it will take you to Final adjustments. This will tell you exactly how to create a .img file that can be burned to disc using DVDdecrypter.
31. October 2002 @ 09:43 |
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thanks, menmaddi. I appreciate it.