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Editting captured audio on video track
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24. July 2004 @ 11:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm in the proces of capturing video from Analogue source through a Canopus ADVC-300 into Pinnacle Studio 8. Some of the audio is very hissy but the software has no real audio editting capabilities to this degree. Whats the best way to edit this? Is it to edit the MPEG file in a third-party program? If so, can you recommend any? I would like to use Pinnacle to compile and author the create the movie unless you know any better? Also it says in the manual that if you are creating a DVD from this project to capture in MPEG format as opposed to full quality DV format. Is that best for overall quality? Any help much appreciated. Thanks
24. July 2004 @ 15:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you can try to clean up the audio after the fact but i predict you won't have much fun with it. never tried it myself so i don't know a good program for it (maybe sonic foundry sound forge?). if i were you, i would recapture the clip and try reducing the input record volume to see if it still has the hiss.

i have the same advice for choosing a capture format - capture in one format then capture in the other and then see which is better. trial and error, it's the only way to survive in this business...

i like to eat turkey...
AfterDawn Addict
24. July 2004 @ 15:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don"t know why you are useing such an awesome Capture device with such Low end software....
You should be Captureing to DV AVI and then editing in that format and then use a High Quality Mpeg encoder to encode the DV AVI files to Mpeg2 for DVD authoring ,and not with the encoder Built into Studio 8/9 because that one Sucks compared to others....

You should maybe consider getting a Good editing Program like Vegas Video or Adobe Premier Pro or Media Stdueo Pro 7 which have exelent editing Features and are made Specificly for DV Editing ....
After you have your Project on the Timeline edited the way you want you can either use one of the High Quality Mpeg encoder Plugins for Premier or Vegas Video to render your Project as a High Quality Mpeg2/DVD File OR export your Project as a DV AVI file and then use a Standalone Mpeg encoder Like the MainConcept encoder or Canopus Procoder or CCE SP to encode the Edited DV File to Mpeg2/DVD....
After you have your Project encodeed or rendered to Mpeg2 format you would just use a Good DVD authoring Program to add your Menu"s and Chapters and the author the file to a DVD..Something like DVDLab is good for makeing Nice looking DVD"s and it isn"t very hard to learn.....

If you want the Highest Quality you shouldn"t Capture directly to Mpeg2 because Mpeg2 Capture programs are not as efficient as a Standalone encoder so you will get Much better Quality at a Lower bitrate if you use a High quality encoder as Opposed to Captureing directly to Mpeg2.....


P-4 2.6ghz (Overclocked to 3.2ghz)
Abit IS7
1gb Dual Chanell DDR 400mhz
Zalman CNPS7000-CU Cooler(Modded with 50cfm Fan)
XFX Gforce 6600GT 128mb GDDR3 (500/1000)
Pinnacle DV500 ADVC Editing Card
RaidMax Scorpio ATX Case + 5 Led
25. July 2004 @ 07:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for all the help, so you do not recommend actualy using Pinnacle for anything? Compiling the clips, adding transitions, nothing? To summarise, I should capture through my Canopus ADVC-300 using Vegas Video in AV format, use the same software to render as high quality MPEG-2, and then use a selective program for adding all the final touches to it? Would using Pinnacle S8 to collate together to quality MPEG-2 clips rendered in Vegas Video and then authoring from Pinnacle S8 lower the quality of the final result played on DVD? I only ask as I find the menu/ chapter side of Pinnacle very nice to use. What the best capture size to use? I have read it's 352x480 (even though I noticed PS8 wouldnt let me select this option, it only had 352x576 which played as as a tall thin image) Your advice is much appreciated. Thanks
AfterDawn Addict
25. July 2004 @ 12:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi, You can use Pinnacle as long as you capture in DV format and render in DV format...The Biggest problem I have with studio 8 is it"s Mpeg encodeing is Low Quality....
If you capture in DV Format your Files will be captured at a resolution of 720+480 for NTSC or 720+576 for PAL which is a Proper Resolution for Createing DVD"s...You can use Pinnacle to edit and add effects and Transitions as long as you render your file as a DV AVI file, Then you can use a Standalone Mpeg encoder to encode the DV AVI file to Mpeg2 then when you have the Mpeg2 file you can author it to DVD...I suppose you can use Pinnacle to Author the mpeg2 File to DVD as Long as it doesn"t encode the file again, If it does try to encode the file again then you should use a Different DVD authoring program.....

I hope this helps...Cheers

P-4 2.6ghz (Overclocked to 3.2ghz)
Abit IS7
1gb Dual Chanell DDR 400mhz
Zalman CNPS7000-CU Cooler(Modded with 50cfm Fan)
XFX Gforce 6600GT 128mb GDDR3 (500/1000)
Pinnacle DV500 ADVC Editing Card
RaidMax Scorpio ATX Case + 5 Led
25. July 2004 @ 13:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi, I have just tried capturing the same clip to full DV quality and MPEG-2 DVD quality, and played both clips back in the media player, and the MPEG one is by far the best picture, not the DV. What I have noticed on all clips I capture is the bottom half inch of the screen is wobbly and discoloured, it shows clear in the canopus Filter Preview Screen, but the wobble is visible in the preview screen in PS8, any ideas whats doing this? Would you suggest continuing to capture them all in MPEG-2 format? and authoring to Disc Image using PS8?, or rendring to AVI file then using a third-party software (such as TMPGenc) to encode to MPEg before authoring? Thanks
AfterDawn Addict
25. July 2004 @ 14:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don"t see how the Mpeg2 capture would look better than the DV Capture because the Mpeg Capture is a Compressed Copy of the Original DV Image...I can see maybe the Mpeg YV12 Colorspace might look a Little more vibrant that the RGB24 colorspace of the DV File, but the Mpeg Image will probably look More Blocky when Viewed at Full screen....
Maybe try Encodeing the DV AVI file to Mpeg with something like TMPGEnc and see how it looks...

Are you Captureing VHS Tapes??
If so then that Wobbly Line on the Bottom of the Screen is from the Head on your VCR makeing Contact with the Tape...That Line is allways there but you don"t notice it on your TV set because all TV sets have an Overscan area arround the screen that Masks Aprox 10% of the Screen arround the edges ..
This is another reason why it is Good to capture in DV Format because you can Crop off that Line when editing before you encode but if you try to crop it off when in Mpeg format you will have to re-encode the Mpeg file which would greatly reduce the Quality..

If you want to keep Captureing directly to Mpeg2 but want better Quality then you can try useing a Different Mpeg2 Capture program ,I have had great Success with "WinDVR 3.0" as it is Probably the Best Mpeg2 capture Program I have tried and the Version I have will let you capture the audio to Dolby Digital AC3 which is the best format for DVD authoring...


P-4 2.6ghz (Overclocked to 3.2ghz)
Abit IS7
1gb Dual Chanell DDR 400mhz
Zalman CNPS7000-CU Cooler(Modded with 50cfm Fan)
XFX Gforce 6600GT 128mb GDDR3 (500/1000)
Pinnacle DV500 ADVC Editing Card
RaidMax Scorpio ATX Case + 5 Led
26. July 2004 @ 00:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Firstly, yes I am capturing from VHS tape, and I have looked at getting Vegas Video which I understand does contain features for editting of video and audio once captured. For now I will try again to capture in DV format. I'm going to download WinDVR and give that a look too. The one thing that does concern me is how much it says I will fit onto a disc, it says about 1 hour, how is this? DVD's you buy are obviously perfect quality but contain sometimes around 2-3 hours of stuff. Why is it telling me that I'm only going to get 1hr on? Thanks for the help and advice once again
AfterDawn Addict
26. July 2004 @ 12:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well Retail DVD"s that you Buy are Dual Layered DVD"s so they hold Twice as Much as the regular 4.38gb DVD"s that we use....
Another Thing which I have mentioned before Is that Mpeg Capture programs are not very efficient so they use a very High bitrate to capture at the best quality and the Higher the bitrate the Less Video you get on a DVD...That is one of the reasons why it is better to Capture to DV and then Edit and then use a Good Standalone encoder cuz a high quality encoder can produce much better Quality at a Much lower bitrate than captureing to Mpeg so you get more Video on a DVD...
You can try captureing at a Lower bitrate which will get you more video on a DVD but the Quality will be Lower...There should be settings in Studio 8 that will allow you to adjust the bitrate I know Windvr does....Talk to you later...Cheers

P-4 2.6ghz (Overclocked to 3.2ghz)
Abit IS7
1gb Dual Chanell DDR 400mhz
Zalman CNPS7000-CU Cooler(Modded with 50cfm Fan)
XFX Gforce 6600GT 128mb GDDR3 (500/1000)
Pinnacle DV500 ADVC Editing Card
RaidMax Scorpio ATX Case + 5 Led > forums > digital video > video capturing from analog sources > editting captured audio on video track

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