BitTorrent, the company that created the P2P protocol, says reports that Netflix is responsible for just about a third of U.S. peak time download traffic is nothing to be proud of, as it is inefficient and hurts ISPs.
Sandvine published the report earlier this year, showing Netflix being responsible for 31 percent of peak download traffic, with YouTube taking another 18 percent. BitTorrent, ... [ read the full article ]
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OK, 1st I should disclose that, while I DO also purchase content, I'm also an inveterate pirate, and I use the BitTorrent protocol (although NOT any client associated with the organization) to do so. Just wanted to make sure that's out there.
BitTorrent (as a protocol) is a huge consumer of worldwidebandwidth, and has been for a long time! At times - although not currently - it's been estimated that BitTorrent has been THE single biggest consumer of bandwidth. They can save us the crocodile tears.
Furthermore, I can't think of a single entity, either corporate or individual, that gives a crap if ISPs are pissed. They dug their own shallow grave and they can freaking lie in it! Once the hardware is in place, running an ISP is nearly pure profit, yet they've sat on their thumbs and neglected their infrastructure for a long, long time. Well, time to pay the piper, and the bill is both large and itemized. They can stinking learn to deal with it!
Additionally, while Netflix can ameliorate much of the effect they have on networks via various partnering with ISPs, BitTorrent cannot as easily do so. Sure, it happens occasionally, but not often.
I do agree, 4K is going to be a serious problem, once it takes off. I also seriously doubt its utility. But again, ISPs have only themselves to blame for many of these problems. Think Comcast's 250 GB is gonna last long, with 4K streaming..? lol
Quote:"Netflix is hogging all of the bandwidth in North America," BitTorrent's vice president of marketing, Matt Mason
Mason believes the two companies should partner up
Look at the above 2 statements. Mason is not upset or griping about the Netflix bandwidth usage. His crowing is to take the focus off BitTorrent which is constantly blamed and throttled and put it off on Neflix. The hopes are to force Netflix into a partnership to prevent throttling and blocking.
So there is a financial interest for him otherwise he would not give a rate behind.
Originally posted by Morreale: ISPs are just mad they actually might have to spend money on revamping their networks and upping bandwidth caps to sooth mass customer outrage.
I agree with you there. ISPs are more than happy enough to take your $50/month when you're only checking your email. But try and utilize the full capabilities of your connection, and they start to get concerned. Some, who shall remain nameless <cough>Comcast</cough>, even send you a warning letter when you're approaching their "bandwidth caps".