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DVD stripping spotcheck please
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27. October 2002 @ 14:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay after several failed attempts I am doing something wrong and could really use the voice of reason and experience here. Step by step, this is what I have done:

1. Used DVD Decryptor to strip the ENTIRE DVD9 dvd

2. Created new dir and moved the main movie file set and the three critical startup VIDE_TS files so that I have this:
for a total of 11 files @ 4.84GB.

3. Wishing to reduce size by removing unneeded audio only, started IFOedit and opened VTS_03_0.IFO. Selected VOB EXTRAS, took all the pre-selected defaults, opted to keep three audio streams and had the edited files directed to a new different directory.

4. After all the smoke cleared in the destination directory I had a new set of files (9 total now). The VIDEO_TS.VOB no longer existed and the main movie set had been renamed and reduced to VTS_01_1.VOB to VTS_01_5.VOB

To review, at step 4,I now have:

which total 9 files @ 4.29GB

5. At this point I am in just under the wire and ready to go. I again open IFOedit and open the VIDEO_TS.IFO and select the "make region free" and save. Reopen the same IFO and select "Remove P-UPs" and save again. reopen IFOedit and this time select "Get VTS sectors" and let it do its thing.I save and close and at this point I think I am ready to go.

6. I then use Adaptec to burn the file VIDEO_TS with all the above contents to a DVD-RW.

I have done the above as you read at least six+ times. Each time the DVD is readable thru WinExplorer but when I try and play it with my settop box (that I have tested and has played a DVD-RW media DVD)or on the PC using Windows Media player or Power DVD 4.0 it locks my PC hard usually requiring a reboot.

If you have bothered to read this far down thank you for taking the time. if you have any comments or know where it is I am going wrong PLEASE comment.

Just FYI, I am using a Pioneer DVR-104 flashed with the latest firmware, running Windows XP SP1, and Adaptec (Roxio) 5.0 platinum
27. October 2002 @ 14:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I haven't also been able to burn a DVD-9 that could play in my standalone player. But for what I read on the forum and in the guides, I think that you're missing that VIDEO_TS.VOB and the vts_**_0.vob. Even with these two files, I just can't make it play.
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27. October 2002 @ 16:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have actually been successful creating one, however it was a smaller size DVD5, required no editiing, and was done end to end in DVD Decryptoor including the burning. The finished DVD-RW works in my settop box and my PC player.

I think I have a good burner, good media, and working players I am just missing something in my final edit.

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28. October 2002 @ 11:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Which options do you have checked when you strip audio? The main movie vts_03 shouldn't have to become vts_01.

You need to move VIDEO_TS.VOB to your newly created folder. That is definate.

If you open VIDEO_TS.IFO in Ifoedit, click on VMGM_MAT, Click on subdir first play pgc, scroll down until you see the precommand. That will tell you where the DVD goes first when you put it in the player. You can right click on precommand and select 'edit precommand'. Now you can select where the DVD-R goes first. If it's set to jump to vts_03 and you don't have a vts_03 because you changed it to vts_01, your player will lock up.

Hope I've made sense.
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28. October 2002 @ 13:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ahh... now we are talking here.

When I strip audio as in step three, I select nothing and take all the defaults that are preselected when you select VOB extras. When the Streams list pops up I take the 2 default streams (2ch English and sub-picture are preselected)and then I select a third additional stream(Dolby AC-3 6CH). Then I select strip it and IFOedit does the rest.

As in step four, IFO edit creates the new VOB's with the new names and completely omits the VIDEO_TS.VOB. I guess I thought that if IFOedit was renaming files and creating the new fileset, it would also then know to go and edit the precommand line in the IFO to point at the new VTS_01_0.VOB I didnt think the user would have go in and manually change this. I just checked this and the PreCommand line is:
(JumpTT) Jump to Title:1 [30 02 00 00 00 01 00 00]
So you tell me, is that the proper syntax for pointing at the VTS_01_1.VOB file?

Finally, with regard to basic file structure and the VIDEO_TS.VOB file, I should copy it back into the edited work folder correct? Is this true for any DVD that the VIDEO_TS.VOB file MUST be included? Additionally, should every .IFO have an equivalent .BUP file in the fileset and is this critical for playback?

This is great stuff here, appreciate your sharing the know-how :)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. October 2002 @ 13:48

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28. October 2002 @ 14:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can make the jump to any Title you want and it will work. So, if you don't want all the copyright bs but you can't get rid if it because it's in the VIDEO_TS.VOB then you can jump over it. You can jump right to the chapter menu if you desire.

I believe you need the VIDEO_TS.VOB file but I'm not 100% sure on that.

Yes, every .IFO needs a .BUP

Don't sweat the help. Good Luck.
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29. October 2002 @ 18:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
When I strip, I only use one Audio and one Subpicture. Then I copy all the menu & extras to my strip folder if space won't fit then I only copy the MENU plus the trailers...
this should help you out

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30. October 2002 @ 06:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Menmaddi - Still didn't work. Still locks my PC when trying to play using PowerDVD and not read in my settop. I am burning to DVD-RW and the DVD_RW can be read in Windows Explorer.

My process is the same as I ran down prevous in this thread except I tried including the VIDEO_TS.VOB file in the final work (although IFOedit removes it during the stream strip). When I run the final "GET VTS Sectors" just before burn, IFOedit flags it and notes it should be removed and run the "GET VTS Sectors" again. So not sure here but Ifoedit thinks the VIDEO_TS.VOB shouldn't be included the work.

Also, the syntax for the precommand line was correct right? If you recall it was this:
(JumpTT) Jump to Title:1 [30 02 00 00 00 01 00 00]
This should direct the player to start at title 1 right?

DVDPLANET - My finished work fits on a 4.7 GB DVD-RW with just the removal of the additional audio streams. I assume all I have done keeps the menus intact but perhaps not?

I am out of cards here - any other advice?

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30. October 2002 @ 06:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I have never seen Ifoedit flag the VIDEO_TS.VOB file. Which version of Ifoedit are you using?

I'm reeling here. The latest version of Ifoedit (download it here) automatically rewrites every file you need to your new directory. Thats what I'm using, maybe I can better help you then.

Are you in region 1?
30. October 2002 @ 07:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Does your version of IfoEdit rewrites the vts_**_0.vob file of the movie? If so, how do you do it?
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30. October 2002 @ 07:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes I am in Region 1. I believe I am using IFOedit version 0.94 but might be 0.93. After the strip streaming with IFOedit, the VIDEO_TS.VOB is gone as you can see in my process. I copied the orginal ripped VIDEO_TS.VOB into the new edited directory and when I run the "Get VTS Sectors" it immediately pops up and says something like "a VIDEO_TS.VOB was found.... and should be deleted, and run "Get VTS Sectors" again.

Also note in my process that IFOedit renames all the movie VOBS from VTS_03_0.VOB to VTS_01_*.VOB I assume this is all okay?

Someone else had mentioned perhaps I should create an image of the finished work and burn that instead of burning the raw file set.
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30. October 2002 @ 10:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I use Imgtools to burn an image file. There are some issues with that program. Another debate though. It probably won't help if the error is in the editing. Check your version of Ifoedit, if it's not .94 download it.

Which movie are you backing up? If all you are stripping is the extra audio and subtitles using 'vob extras' then there would be no reason for Ifoedit to remove the VIDEO_TS.VOB file. Are you running windows xp? If so, check compatibility under 'properties' and change to Windows NT. Maybe it's a compatibility issue.

Let me know-
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31. October 2002 @ 04:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

FYI, I am currently backing up a movie that has NO VIDEO_TS.VOB file. First time I've seen this. I'll let you know how it goes.
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31. October 2002 @ 13:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the name of the DVD is "Baby Boy". IFOedit is v .94. I haven't had a chance to revisit the issue as now I'm a little concerned about the state of my machine. It is locking up not only during testing edited work but also when I play in a retail DVD. I dont know that all of my testing up till now may be skewed by this. I may need to reinstall the OS (ugh) but to me if my machine wont play std DVD's, I need to start there before pursuing the strip/creation issue

Yes, please let me know how your case goes. IFOedit DOES strip out the VIDEO_TS.VOB when you simply are stripping audio only as you now may have encountered. Let me know how it goes, i'll be picking back up on this thread as soon as my machines health returns
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2. November 2002 @ 04:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
okay, looks like SP1 for XP fixed most of my playback issues. My finished work now plays using the IFOedit playback. I took HomerJ's advice and abandoned the Adaptec tool I was using for burning, created an ISO with IFOedit, and burned with DVD Decryptor. Now I have a playing backup of the movie only (BTW, there is no VIDEO_TS.VOB) however, the DVD-RW doesn not play back on my settop player that has been tested and plays other backups made withthe same DVD-RW media. I did the "get VTS Sectors" thing before the ISO was created and thought I had all bases covered.

What are the possibilities for a backup that will play on a PC, but not on a known compatible settop? Perhaps the VIDEO_TS.VOB HAS to be copied into the working directory for settop operation? please comment
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4. November 2002 @ 04:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have never had Ifoedit tell me that the VIDEO_TS.VOB doesn't belong.

I have never had a backup fail to play on my set top while playing on the pc.

Maybe the media? Maybe the movie? Maybe one small thing you are overlooking.

I suggest leaving the files on your hd and moving on to another movie. Maybe hind sight...
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4. November 2002 @ 16:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
At this point I think you are right :)

However on the issue of the VIDEO_TS.VOB, do this. You were experimenting with a backup you that was going to have no VIDEO_TS.VOB right? Take the raw VIDEO_TS.VOB as it was ripped and copy it into your working directory. Start up IFOedit and open any IFO file. Click the "Get VTS sectors" and you will get the same error message as I did stating there are no indexes or pointers for this file and it should be removed and run "Get VTS sectors" again.

Dude, if you want to PM me with an email address, I'd be glad to get you a screen shot of it.
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5. November 2002 @ 04:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

You misunderstood. The movie I am working on HAS NO VIDEO_TS.VOB. The DVD does not contain the file.

I will let you know if/when I run into that situation:) It must be that particular movie, I am sure there are others.
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10. November 2002 @ 17:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay, looks like my process was okay after all and the issue of the presence of the VIDEO_TS.VOB is in my case solved.

I got new Maxell DVD-RW media and was able to play my Spiderman movie on my settop Panasonic player. Why is it the same player wouldn't play the same movie burned on the Princo media when it had read Princos before is beyond me.

At any rate I'm glad that I FINALLY got some resolution. Two major points learned:
1. When backing up a DVD-9 movie for a movie only backup, the VIDEO_TS.VOB need NOT be present to be played on settop players.

2. DVD-R/RW media quality varies greatly and the cheaper products can yield unpredictable and inconsistent results. If you prefer to test your edits with DVD-RW before final burn, do yourself a favor and buy one "better" quality DVD-RW disc to do your testing with. It can save you a lot of unnecessary ghost hunting.
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12. November 2002 @ 13:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I just bought a crap ass load of Princo online. Maybe I can make some earings.

So, trying a different movie with different media did the trick?

I am now trying to figure out movies with multiple pgc's for the movie. Very confusing. Any suggestions?

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12. November 2002 @ 13:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Perhaps all is not lost on the Princo thing - remember I was able to burn one full DVD-5 with a version 1.1 Princo DVD-RW and it is playable on one of my settops. It was my edited work that I could never get to play on settop with these. Now I burn my same edited work on Maxell brand and voila! - am in business. Go figure that.
I havent got real technical in the IFO manipulation to offer you any advice on your issue. Will look around and let you know if I see a similar thread.

One issue that still remains is the movie I backed up appears stretched vertically. I have read all the other threads relating to this and in every case, the person is re-encoding. I am not. I only use DVDdecryptor and IFOedit and burn movie only. I want every bit of the original resolution on my backup. I have gone back and reburned my work with the movie IF0 tweaked as 16:9 and 4:3 and it doesnt seem to make any difference. Do any of the options for "Automatic Letterbox" , "Pan and Scan", "Letterbox", make any difference? Have you monkeyed around with these or had similar issues and if so, were you able to fix them?
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13. November 2002 @ 04:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I haven't run into that issue. My Spidey was fullscreen version only. Anyway, my tv is a widescreen so I'm oblivious to the stretched picture. My tv is down until thursday so I won't be able to test any work until then.

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