Need a Professional DVD Authoring Program!
31. July 2004 @ 23:04 |
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I am currently researching purchasing a DVD Authoring progam. I work in Digital Television Production and use AVID Xpress DV to edit on my PC. I would LOVE to use DVD Studio Pro but as far as I know it is only for MAC users.
Does any one know of a comparable program for PC users?
I have used Sonic ReelDVD LE and I am not impressed!! I am sketchy about upgrading to Sonic ReelDVD to just be disappointed?
Please any and all info is appreciated.
Questions, questions, questions...
Staff Member
2 product reviews
1. August 2004 @ 06:44 |
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23. August 2004 @ 21:26 |
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Sonic DVD Scenarist is considered the industry standard for DVD authoring, but I quite like Sony DVD Architect 2.0 and DVD Maestro. DVD-Lab Pro is good too and great value for money.
Sorry I can't help you with Sonic ReelDVD, I've never used it before. But i'm pretty sure it's Sonics' intermediate DVD authoring software, whereas Scenarist is their Professional grade software.
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AfterDawn Addict
23. August 2004 @ 23:30 |
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If you don't mind the bucks Sony's Vegas 5, bundled with DVD architect 2 are extremely proffessional apps.
About the best I've seen, of course it sports a hefty price tag, around 1500.00 to 2000.00. This does include Soundforge, a proffessional audio application.
Warning, these are not for the faint of heart. LOL
24. August 2004 @ 08:54 |
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As mentioned above, Sonic Scenarist is the industry standard.
Another option (and my personal favorite) is Adobe Encore DVD. It is fully integrated with Photoshop so you can design your assets in Photoshop and then import them. Then it lets you edit pieces within Encore without having to re-open Photoshop.
It's really easy to use and the on-line help system is very helpful.
Wii baby!
PS2 V10 DMS4 EZI Lite Maxtor 120GB HDD - HD Loader 3.0
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Junior Member
19. September 2004 @ 05:47 |
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Hi everyone,
I am new using DVD architect and I was wondering if anyone could help me with merging video files and setting up menu like commercial dvd's ie. play- scene selection- Extras...
Junior Member
19. September 2004 @ 05:48 |
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Hi everyone,
I am new using DVD architect and I was wondering if anyone could help me with merging video files and setting up menu like commercial dvd's ie. play- scene selection- Extras...
19. September 2004 @ 08:05 |
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I've had to produce hundreds of dvd's and as a result have tried a number of different authoring programs. The one I find the easiest to use is Spruce DVD Maestro. It's powerful, yet not as convoluted as Scenarist.
23. September 2004 @ 20:49 |
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ReelDVD? Don´t! One of the best softwares I saw recently is Ulead´s DVD Workshop 2.2, it supports DLT, AC-3 files and many pro features, but... I have to say... I could not get it to handle both Dolby Digital Stereo and Dolby Digital 5.1 (AC-3 files) on burned DVDs. It imports both files but encodes the 5.1 to stereo 2 channels, which made me crazy. But if you don´t need Dolby 5.1 on your projects go for it! It´s a great software! Sonic Scenarist is a horriblle nightmare, oh man how I hate this software! How can creat such a thing? But I have to be honest, Scenarist handles all pro features... it really does the job, but be prepared to cry many many tears! Sony´s DVD Vegas+Architect it´s paradise, but, DVD Architect does not support DLT, so this can be very big problem. I read great things on Spruce DVD Maestro, but since Apple purchased the Company no sign for updates or words about it. Another good (almost pro) software for what I read is Adobe Encored DVD, it´s pretty much similar to DVD Workshop 2, so you can take a look on that one also. That´s it, good luck!
Junior Member
24. September 2004 @ 05:19 |
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thanks for the replies and suggestions. This got to be the best forum ever.
Thanks again