Well, I was using bit torrent and my download speed was 20-30k. Did a speed test and it was half what I paid for. I was pissed and emailed my ISP. They gave me a new IP and my speed boost 3 times. I sign up for 3000 down 1500 up. I do a speed test and now it's 6000 down 4000 up. And to my suprise, bit torrent boost all the way to 350-450k. It stay in the 400s most of the time and some time even reach 500s, upload around 200s-300s!!!. In just 4 hours I almost finish all 14 huge torrents. But I have to halt it to do something. And after a while I turn it back on and all I see is red faces!!! It can't connect to any peers! Error "Problem connecting to tracker -<urlopen error(10060,'Operation timed out')>" Then I go back to the old Ip, and it working but very slow for torrents. New Ip superfast but no longer work for torrent. Do you think the upstream router is attempting to black-list(block) my IP? I still could use the internet but not torrents. If it is true then what should I do? Screaming and tearing my hair? bang my head to the table? threaten my modem? kick my computer? This is bad!!!! Feels likes 1 billion dollars drop in your lap and after you spent just a little bit, YOU GOT ROBBED!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! GRRRR! NOOOOOoooooooooooo!
Since now I gone back to my old IP, the slow one. I wonder why is it slow??? Ports forwarded, xp firewall disable, all green faces, no nat problems. Speed test was 3854 down 2356 up and my download still slow. Normal download is still fast except bittorent. I notice that my upload is always low, I tweak the setting in azureus but no use. I need to upload more to download more. Any Ideas? Maybe the ISP limited it?
And yeah my winmx don't work anymore, can't search anything.