Hey, thanks for reading this...i have been burning very important cds that I want to last as long as possible, but i thought that all blanks were the same..so i was overpaying for these different color disks..I have read that memorex's are really bad, but then i have read that they are only bad if they use certain factories, and they are good if they use other factories like taiyo yuden for example.. i was wondering if you could tell me if these cds are shit and what factory they might be made in.... and if i should reburn them all with a better cd-r like taiyo yuden......
the specs are
Memorex cool color cd-r
25 pack spindle
Made in Taiwan
sorry if this is a ridiculous thread, or an exhausted topic but i could use the help..thanks!
see, I dled it and tried but for some reason, nothing was happening, no tests no nothing...ill have to try it on another computer and get back...thanks for replying anyways i appreciate it.
all right i got the specs, hopefully now someone will help me....few quick things..i have heard that cmc is bad, but i have made about 450 successful burns with these with no errors, also I have heard that phthalocyanine was the best type of dye, or longest lasting....ATIP perhaps someone can explain to me the significance of this number cuz i havent been able to learn about the scores/numbers...alright thanks alot
The fact that you say you have done 450 burns on these indicates that they work well for you. On the other hand CMC is one of the manufacturers with a very bad reputation. Naturally your drive may have an effect too.
Since you go the CDSpeed running, you can do some scans to your burned discs and see if it reports errors, or do speed tests and look for slowdowns.
Yes, I am generally inclined to agree with you. That is why for me it is so confusing. I wonder when cmc gets this bad reputation it must be because of errors and burning success rather than longevity of life right? I just bought a cendyne external burner for my laptop a few weeks ago, and beforehand I did some research; it got very high marks, so perhaps my success is attributable to my burner. i just worry with this reputation whether or not they will last as long. Im inclined to believe that as long as i take care of them they should. it seems like they have a good dye strategy and so forth. Thanks for replying. take care.
The problems I have had have been initial write errors, or poor perfomance right after burning. The CMCs that I have burned succesfully have remained ok. BTW, usually CMC performance has improved significantly by lowering write speed (with my burner at least).