I actually found a way we can put the GameCube games on a disc and actually play them
Senior Member
8. August 2004 @ 14:34 |
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There is a program I have looked at called GC Disc Server V1.2beta.I was reading the Readme file and checked it out this is what it says:
:: GC Disc Server v1.2 beta - ParadoX ::
:: Thanks
Firstly id just like to thank Aftermath and Parasyte of Eurasia for the
original Animal Crossing Loader, this program is built using the protocols
created for that program and includes the exact same gamecube dol file
from the 'Animal_Crossing_Loader_1.2_BETA_GCN-PARADOX' release.
Also thanks to Titanik whose psul tool is used to load the Animal Crossing
Loader v1.2 dol file to the gamecube.
:: So What is this release then?
This release is as the title states, a 'GameCube Disc Server' tool.
It utilises the protocols originally created for the the Animal Crossing
Loader and also uses the gamecube dol file from it. This server tool is not a
standalone release. It actually stores the above mentioned dol file and psul
tool inside it so that it can 'create' a copy of them to use at runtime,
thereby making sure the correct file versions are in the right place
to use this server.
This server tool provides emulated access to a gamecube disc in a couple
of different ways.
From a gamecube image (as the original Animal Crossing Loader tool does)
From a cd/dvd in your computer's cd/dvd drive.
Cds and Dvd can be accessed using either Aspi or Spti.
Spti is only available on windows nt/2k/xp systems and comes built in
as part of the operating system.
Aspi is available as part of the windows 95/98/me systems, but can be
installed onto windows nt/2k/xp systems also.
:: Running a Game
1) Select how you want to emulate disc access
Image File
Disc (Aspi)
Disc (Spti)
2) Select the Drive or Image File you want to run
3) Click on 'Run Iso'
(an attempt to start the server ill be made, then if successful,
the Animal Crossing Loader dol will be sent to the Gamecube)
:: Stopping a Game
1) Press 'Stop Server'
2) You can now quit by clicking the 'X' in the top right corner
:: Burning a Game to Cd or Dvd
To burn a gamecube game to a cd or dvd in order to play it with
this loader, burn the gcm/iso file as follows:
Data Mode 1
2048 bytes per sector
Do NOT burn the gamecube image file onto the disc as a file itself,
burn it direct to disc.
To burn with 'Nero' select 'Burn Image', 'Block Size' of 2048 bytes,
no 'Image Header' or 'Footer'. Dont tick 'Scrambled', 'Swapped'
or 'Raw Data'.
:: What Works
Frequency setting (can be altered while server is running)
this is a value between 0 and 1000
it is the number of packets sent before delaying
Delay setting (can be altered while server is running)
this is a value between 0 and 1000
it is a millisecond value to wait between lots of packets
Echo setting (can be altered while server is running)
this can be turned on or off
turn this on to display the loading process, dropped packets
and cache fills that the server has performed
NOTE: printing this information will slow down loading times.
It is suggested that you use 'echo' to determine the best
delay/frequency/cache settings for your computer setup and
the different games you run, then once you know these values
you can leave echo turned off.
Cache Size setting (this must be set before starting the server)
this can be between 0 and 100
it is a megabyte value where 0 = no cache and 4 = 4meg cache
This is used to cache disc sectors to memory.
Image File (this must be set before starting the server)
this lets you choose an image file on a disk on your computer,
either on a hard drive or cd/dvd. the cd/dvd would have to be
burnt in a standard windows file format and have the image file
present on the disc as a file itself.
Disc Aspi (this must be set before starting the server)
this lets you run a gamecube game from a disc in your computers
cd/dvd drive. this requires that you have an aspi layer installed
on your computer. computers running windows 95/98/me usually come with
an aspi layer pre-installed, although it may need to be updated.
the cd/dvd should be burnt in the following format:
data mode 1
2048 bytes per sector
most burning programs should allow this.
it is also known as 'cooked' format
Disc Spti (this must be set before starting the server)
this lets you run a gamecube game from a disc in your computers
cd/dvd drive. this requires that your computer supports SPTI
(scsi pass through interface). this is only present on computers
running windows nt/2k/xp.
the cd/dvd should be burnt in the following format:
data mode 1
2048 bytes per sector
most burning programs should allow this.
it is also known as 'cooked' format
Run Iso/Stop Server (this starts and stops the server and runs the loader)
this starts the server and sends the animal crossing loader to the gamecube.
it then can be used to stop the server again
Clear (can be used while server is running)
this clears the log
:: What Doesn't Work Yet
GC Address (this must be set before starting the server)
this is the address of your gamecube, this currently cant be changed
GC Port (this must be set before starting the server)
this is the port to connect to with your gamecube, this currently cant be changed
PC Address (this must be set before starting the server)
this is the address of your pc, this currently cant be changed
PC Port (this must be set before starting the server)
this is the port that connects to your gamecube, this currently cant be changed
Folder (this must be set before starting the server)
this lets you load a gamecube game from files present inside a folder
on your computer
this would be used with files that had been extracted from a gamecube image
:: Setting Up your Computer and Gamecube
(taken from the psul docs by Titanik)
In Windows
Go to Control Panel/Network/LAN Connection/TCPIP properties
and change the PC IP address to,
subnet should be
In Phantasy Star Online
1) In Main Menu, go to Options -> Network Option -> Provider Option
2) Go to Network Setup in the Network Setup Menu
3) In Select network Information settings, hit Edit
4) In Edit ISP name, you don't need to change anything
5) In Ethernet settings, choose
- Manually set an IP address
- Do not automatically disconnect
6) In IP address manual-settings put
- IP address:
- Subnet mask:
- Default router:
- Primary DNS:
- Secondary DNS: leave it blank
- DHCP Hostname : Not set
7) In Browser settings, you don't need to change anything
8) Hit save to save all the net info, and you can go back to main menu.
:: First connection
The purpose of the first connection is to let PSO save the user info
into the memcard so you don't have to enter them every time..
If you already played PSO online, you don't need to do that.
In Windows, open up Command Prompt/DOS
- run psul -s
- In Main Menu, choose Online game, and create a new character
- Enter any Serial Number, Access Key and Password (you won't have to
remember them), and skip the useless menus
- Save the Password to the memory card when prompted
- The GC should connect to the PC and you should get this message:
Saving user info on memory card...
Done... Now everything should be set up!!
:: Bugfixes
if u come across any bugs, contact me at citizenx@paradogs.com
please give me as much info about the problem as possible,
not just 'this didnt work' or 'it crashed' :P
please dont email me asking about isos etc
CitizenX / ParadoX
It might be a lil progress towards backing up the GameCube games,but check this out and see what you all think.I noticed it says you can actually back the games up using the option called Cooked.This is when you burn a disc at Mode 1 using the 2048 bytes per sector with nothing else checked.It also lets you choose if you want to play the game from the Computer or the actual GameCube.
Peace L-Burna
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Senior Member
8. August 2004 @ 14:45 |
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I'm not quite sure I understand the significance of all of this. Note that using my original tutorial it was possible to burn the image files to DVD discs and stream them from there. It would appear to me that the main change here is that you can burn the image itself rather than simply copying the image file to a blank disc.
PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap
Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
Junior Member
12. August 2004 @ 15:17 |
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i didnt see in your first thread about it that you could burn the images onto a dvd (i figured that would work, but i was too lazy to try lol) but from what you're saying, that does appear to be the only significance... good news nonetheless though
14. August 2004 @ 09:00 |
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I have had previous success with sing this loader, and all works good. however, the PSO hack reduces the LAN speed to 10 MBPS. This makes loading time and AV playback almost unbearable. First, does anyone know of a newer exploit to increase the LAN speed to 100 MBPS? otherwise, i have the GC Disc dumper that works great that extracts the entire GC disc to my computer. can i burn that ISO to a mini DVD-R and then play it? i am assuming that you have to 'modify' your GC first, like installing that switching unit togo from Jap to US mode. does Jap mode mean Jap/import? burning a GC image just seems smarter. I have also read about this proDG thing, but that sounds like a pain in the rear, is that the only way yo go to burn GC images and play them back? Any help would be appreciated. Butabinator@hotmail.com thanks.
Senior Member
14. August 2004 @ 09:09 |
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There are tons of threads regarding these issues posted here. Basically, you cannot play a burned disc in a Gamecube. The ProDG stuff is for Gamecube software development and has nothing to do with media. There is no modchip as of yet to allow you to do so. I heard that there are mod solutions in the works in the form of either a modchip or a replacement optical drive but neither has yet to surface. The 100Mbit hack for streaming is extremely buggy and even when it does work performance is less than at 10Mbit.
PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap
Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
22. August 2004 @ 15:18 |
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Why can't you just use a fake cd drive program like fantom cd and run the game image from your hard drive?
Senior Member
22. August 2004 @ 15:26 |
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In effect, that's what streaming is all about. Take a Gamecube game image located on your PC whether it be on the hard drive or removable disc and trick the Gamecube into using your PC as it's own optical drive.
PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap
Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
Suspended permanently
26. August 2004 @ 20:27 |
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send me a privaite message to load a Game Cube back up? and it is not diffivait
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26. August 2004 @ 20:30 |
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ill teach u rookie's how to load a Game Cube back up.How to load Gamecube games and or Homebrew over a LAN: V2.0
posted by malloc at 05:25 pm on 19-10-2003
How to load Gamecube games and or Homebrew over a LAN: V2.0
Files needed:
* PSUL 1.1 - Gamecube Code Uploader (c) Titanik/CZN
* EUR-ACL1.EXE - Eurasia PC Animal Crossing Loader 1.1
* EUR-ACL1.DOL - Eurasia GC Animal Crossing Loader 1.1
*.*.GCM *.*.iso - The Gamecube image (.iso .GCM) You want to play
Extra Hardware/software needed:
. Phantasy Star Online 1&2 'PSO'(USA,JAP,EURO)
. Nintendo Broadband Adapter
. PC Ethernet Card, Or Router
. PC Ethernet Cable, Or Crossover cable
Initial Setup For NIC to Gamecube method:
Assuming you have already physically installed the pc network card and drivers head on over to the windows control panel and into "Network and Dial-Up Connections". Once there highlight the network card you just installed and choose properties.
After the properties dialog box appears highlight TCP/IP and then click on the properties button. Now you will be able to choose and have windows auto assign the IP address, DNS, and gateway for the NIC but you will need to choose "use the following ip address" and enter in for the Ip address and for the subnet. Don't worry about the gateway or DNS and just Click Ok.
Now connect one end of the crossover cable to the Gamecube Broadband adapter and the other end to your newly configured network card.
Proceed to the PSO network configuration.
Initial Setup for Router to Gamecube method:
Using a router can be either tricky or painless depending on the type you have. I will use a Linksys router (befsx41) for this tutorial. To get into the router configuration menu open up your browser of choice and type into the address bar.
You will be prompted for a username and password. If you have never done this before the default is admin/admin. Once in there click on the advanced tab and then DMZ Host. Choose "enable" and after that choose "specify and Ip address behind DMZ host".
Enter in and hit apply then reboot your computer. After that is done connect one end of your ethernet cable to the DMZ port of the router and the other end to the Gamecube Broadband adapter. Proceed to the PSO network configuration.
Initial Setup For Phantasy Star Online:
Fire up your copy of Phantasy Star Online and head on over the to options menu. Choose network option, provider option, and then yes to go into the network configuration screen. When you are at the configuration screen select network setup and choose "manualy set an IP address". Press the next button and enter for the IP address, for the subnet mask, for the default gateway, and finally for primary DNS. After entering in the info press next and save your settings to memory card.
**If you already have played this game online then this next step is not needed, however if you have not you will need to do this otherwise PSO will annoy you everytime you try to connect for user registration data.**
Saving Hunter Guild information:
Lets assume you have all the files needed for this tutorial as well as your games and or homebrew apps in the following directory (c:\gc) Open up a windows command Prompt by typing cmd.exe in the run box. To change into the directory type "cd gc" and press enter. Next type "psul.exe -s" and you should see the following.
Now on PSO choose the Online Game option at the title screen. Follow the onscreen directions and create your character. After you have created your character and saved it to the mem card and the game asks if you agree to the user terms say yes. The game will begin to load and you will see a warp hole type screen. At this point the game is initializing the Gamecube BBA for connection and you should pay attention to your command prompt screen to verify you have received the following message.
If you saw the following everything is setup and ready to go. If not start this tutorial over and bang your head on the desk.
To upload a Gamecube game or homebrew app:
Lets assume you have all the files needed for this tutorial as well as your games and or homebrew apps in the following directory (c:\gc) Open up 2 command prompt windows by typing cmd.exe in the run box. Go into the directory where all the files are by typing "cd gc" and press enter. In the first command prompt window type "psul.exe eur-acl1.dol" and press enter. By doing this the Eurasia loader will be sent to the Gamecube once the connection has been made. In the second command prompt window type "eur-acl1.exe eur-acgc.gcm" and press enter. This will send the game/homebrew iso to the Gamecube after you have selected the boot method on the Eurasia loader screen and pressed start.
After putting both the loader and iso/gcm in standby mode boot up your Gamecube with PSO in. At the title screen choose Online game and agree to their terms of service. Again you will see the warp hole screen and the bba will once again initialize. At this point the Eurasia loader will be sent to your Gamecube and wait for you to make your selection. Select between boot mode A or B by pressing right or left on the controller d-pad. Use boot method A for animal crossing and boot method B for anything else.
On some sytems the entire game will load in 1 minute and on other systems this process may take several minutes! Please be patient, As long as dots are filling the command prompt screen then Animal Crossing is loading.
If you are having problems with hanging, or the console is filling up with X's and or transfer rate is very slow, try using the delay switch to slow down transfer rate from PC.
To delay usage at the command prompt type "eur-acl1.exe eur-acgc.gcm -d10 -f16" Delays 10ms every 16 packets.
If no -f switch is given the frequency of delay will default to every one packet which is far slower and perhaps no more reliable that of a given frequency value. Experiment with different values for both to find the best option that works best for your current set up.
You can purchase the Broad band adapter and other gamecube products here.
Require further help ? then visit the Maxconsole Forums
post a comment
mpeg3s at 01:14 am on 20-10-2003
Loading solutions:
Someone needs to develop a USB 2.0 or Gigabit Ethernet interface for the Gamecube.
I believe USB 2.0 would be best!
mpeg3s at 01:30 am on 20-10-2003
100 Mbit Ethernet is too slow loading todays media. This includes the XBOX or the GC.
mpeg3s at 01:45 am on 20-10-2003
Imagine a direct USB 2.0 interface with switch USB to IP Emulator. Direct USB HD drives could be used.
mpeg3s at 01:55 am on 20-10-2003
In fact, this same interface could auto search new connected devices to auto load a "loader.gcm" file.
It would be a new GC copier!
eumesmo at 03:17 am on 20-10-2003
First, I would like to comment on mpeg3s's four comments, 100mbit is 12megs per second, and that's faster than today's removable drive could ever hope to read, including gamecube GC-rom, the loader is BETA, and it's far from using all the bandwidth from BBA, hopefully, and almost certainly, they will work on optimizing loader through BBA, and maybe try to get hid of PSO exploit. Next, the tutorial, very helpful, but few mistakes, what is a DMZ port? Routers have 1 WAN port and LAN ports, you want gamecube on your LAN, so you connect it to LAN ports, I even blocked it from internet. You also want to keep internet connection while being able to use loader with gamecube. What I did was disable DHCP server on the router, setup pc with static ip as intructed, pointing gateway and dns server to router, last setup gamecube as usual. Disabling DHCP is probably not required, and not recommended, but it's how I set it up. Let's all have a little faith, and please make unix ports for loaders.
mpeg3s at 06:52 am on 20-10-2003
You're right, but I think the protical overhead is over 128 MS.
Bad news, the GC's Broadband adapter is ONLY 10 Mbits.
A new interface is definitively needed. Why not USB 2.0?
metalifreak at 03:51 am on 21-10-2003
The BBA can do 10/100 Mbits easily, it says so in the instruction manual and even on the site you linked to. If fact when the GC is first turned on the BBA starts out in 100Mbit mode, the only reason why it's in 10Mbit mode is cause PSO is telling it to use it.
But this reminds me of the article that AnandTech wrote about the GameCube a long time ago and about it's ports.
It says that the port that the BBA is connected to only supplies 27Mbit of bandwidth to the device. So while the BBA can do 100Mbit mode, it won't be a true 100Mbit link. So this limits us to 3MBps plus overhead. Now this quote from the article: "The GameCube drive is slower and can read between 2MB/s at the inner tracks and 3.125MB/s at the outer tracks.". I'm not sure how many games stream information at 3+ MBps, but despite the low total bandwidth of the BBA, it's still possible to pull off true real-time streaming from PC to GC without any real drawbacks. So even if it's cutting close, no further interfaces are needed
this is the web site where i find it http://www.maxconsole.com/?mode=comments&newsid=1090
Senior Member
26. August 2004 @ 21:33 |
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Hey ev1l man you are way off topic man.This guide is on putting the games on disc and playing them that way.The streaming method is well known and there are alot of guides out on this already.I am sure you can find some guides that have already been made from Icemonkey,account,and Phyrus.They have already made guides on this.The way you put a game on disc and play it is only a part of the way you mentioned man.The method is as follows.
The first thing you do is follow any of the people I mentioned above there guides on setting up the internet connection to the GameCube.
You then setup the PSUL or PSOLOAD save which is in there guide.
You really just have to do the basic setup for streaming games.
The Phoenix Loader 2.3 is probably good for making a image of a game which is what I use,but am not sure if it is the best.
The method following Phoenix Loader is pretty simple.You have to go to Backup in the program click on the icon "..." type in the name of the game and save it to wherever you want the backup to be.I would put it on my desktop somewhere in a folder named similiar to the game I am making.
Then you need to power on your GameCube with PSO 1 and 2 in.You have to follow the procedure of streaming a game but wait until it gets to the Agree and Disagree screen.On your computer in Backup off of Phoenix click on create.It should give you a DOS command saying waiting for connection.You should now hit Agree and the GameCube should show you the warp screen then bypasses the this screen leading to a red screen.The next step should be done really quick.You need to open up your GameCube lid and swap out the PSO 1 and 2 disc with the game you want to make the image of,because you only have 10 seconds to do this (you should have the game ready in your hands when the red screen first comes up).If you did it right it should give you a message on your computer in the DOS prompt saying GC DATA recieving.The screen on the GameCube will show alot of numbers moving repeatedly.
The final step would be to use Nero.You have to open up Nero Burning Rom.You should now be prompted with a window giving you methods of ways to burn a disc,you need to close this window.The method to burn it should be as followed.If you want to burn the image on a disc is should be burned like this in Nero Burning Rom.You have to go to the top of the program.There is a dropdown menu that says Burn Image somewhere forgot where it is located up top though.The settings should be similiar to this.
Data Mode 1
2048 bytes per sector
Do NOT burn the gamecube image file onto the disc as a file itself,
burn it direct to disc.
To burn with 'Nero' select 'Burn Image', 'Block Size' of 2048 bytes,
no 'Image Header' or 'Footer'. Dont tick 'Scrambled', 'Swapped'
or 'Raw Data'.
I have tested it and it works also using Paradox GameCube Disc Server 1.3 and lower builds.The method I have just described is still streaming the game,but it will give you chance to put the games on disc and store them instead of taking up space on your computer.The difference between streaming and putting them on disc is no different actually as of right now,but like I said earlier it does save more space on the comp.
The way you play them from disc is using a program called Paradox GC Disc Server 1.3 or lower builds it is your choice whatever works.You simply pop the disc with the image on it in one of your computer drives.Then you open up the program as mentioned Paradox GC Disc Server 1.3 or lower build and you click on one of these Disc Aspi which should be used if you have Windows 95,98,and ME.If your computer is running a different windows then you need to use DISC SPTI which is for windows nt,2k or 2000,and XP.When you check one one of those you should be able to browse for the drive with the disc you made inside of it.When you find it click on the disc drive you have it in.The final step is to click on load image.It should display a message in the program saying waiting for Connection.You need to power on the GameCube and go through the PSO 1 and 2 setup and follow the procedure of streaming a game.You should get to the warp screen followed by a another screen.Then it loads up and shows you a Paradox screen with the press start button if you did it right.If you did it right which I hope you did you should be able to hit start and have it load.
I know this aint the perfect guide right,but follow it if you want to put a gamecube game on a disc and play it.The chances of it booting are the same as streaming a game and have the same basic boot procedures as if you actually streamed the game.The game will play the same and there is no difference in them both except saving space.
Peace L-Burna
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. August 2004 @ 21:47
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26. August 2004 @ 21:46 |
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sorry about that? bro
Senior Member
26. August 2004 @ 21:49 |
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Oh its cool man.Hey check out the guide though I put up along yours man.This should be the actual guide to put them on a disc including making the image of a game and burning it to a disc.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................