Xbox - Software discussion
The intention of this forum is to discuss about firmwares, dashboards, bios, patching and unsigned code. As usual, no piracy allowed.
Note! This forum has been shut down. You can still read messages, but you can't post to this forum room.
Original XBox Softmod Problems: Need Help!
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vndang |
02.10.2009 @ 15:34 by handsom |
XboxHDM Help?
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TehUltra |
01.10.2009 @ 15:38 by Demonix90 |
HELP please dunno how to fix this BenQ Problem (closed)
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Ethan1245 |
28.09.2009 @ 14:06 by creaky |
ABGX Question - Will my plan work? (closed)
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Taxman23 |
25.09.2009 @ 13:03 by creaky |
Fresh softmod Works great But MY C drive is EMPTY can't boot regular MS dash either
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th3d0rk |
24.09.2009 @ 13:29 by burnmyeye |
trouble networking
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N0_0ne |
19.09.2009 @ 07:32 by evlrit |
D0 wire help.
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TehUltra |
19.09.2009 @ 03:11 by dennisv9 |
Trying to connect to live using my cell phone. please help!!
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serius80 |
18.09.2009 @ 22:19 by TehUltra |
xbox1.0, wrong bios flashed, no video :(
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wesley_m |
18.09.2009 @ 10:29 by dennisv9 |
red ring (closed)
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evlrit |
17.09.2009 @ 04:44 by creaky |
xbox softmod problems, Need an experts help, xbox to usb extension issue, xbox controller to pc usb
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chip78 |
15.09.2009 @ 07:16 by chip78 |
Help with benq chip xbox not reading games
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junski6 |
13.09.2009 @ 17:46 by NDarkness |
burnt game doesnt work?
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hetisover |
13.09.2009 @ 17:46 by NDarkness |
Miscompare at LBA - Offset 1440 Image File 0x88 - ImgBurn (closed)
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Squiby |
11.09.2009 @ 16:07 by creaky |
Where to find original liteon firmware (closed)
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Anthogno |
11.09.2009 @ 13:11 by Anthogno |
ImgBurn - Invalid Address For Write - Failed to write Sectors (closed)
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Squiby |
10.09.2009 @ 18:00 by creaky |
playing Pal version games... (closed)
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kingofall |
10.09.2009 @ 05:37 by creaky |
Xplorer360 problems. (closed)
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MBFtrace |
09.09.2009 @ 17:01 by creaky |
i need help regarding problem with xbox360 halo 3 edition with benq drive (closed)
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forumking |
09.09.2009 @ 16:59 by creaky |
evolutionx install.......somthing very wrong.... (closed)
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valocks |
09.09.2009 @ 15:26 by creaky |
xbox softmod lags
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wiilord |
05.09.2009 @ 20:43 by wiilord |
XBOX 360 Mod only plays .img help (closed)
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obediah |
03.09.2009 @ 18:24 by wabashman |
Crashed Xbox (closed)
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rob&keri |
01.09.2009 @ 07:21 by creaky |
Newbie wanting info on softmodding an x-box
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Fiend0787 |
29.08.2009 @ 07:10 by creaky |
Reflashing Xbox360 (closed)
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goqueef |
29.08.2009 @ 02:28 by NDarkness |
Finding Mech Assault Linux installer
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rob&keri |
25.08.2009 @ 17:45 by rob&keri |
iextreme 1.51 (closed)
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zbone1 |
23.08.2009 @ 16:20 by NDarkness |
want to unlock my hard disk from xbox, will this erase everything on the hard disk?
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TatR |
19.08.2009 @ 00:06 by varnull |
Softmod Xbox Won't Read Any Discs Except Official Xbox Games- Help
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ZiLLa83 |
18.08.2009 @ 17:58 by Demonix90 |
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Demonix90 |
18.08.2009 @ 17:43 by Demonix90 |
Find ixtreme version for a softmodded xbox 360? (closed)
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bluezz44 |
16.08.2009 @ 16:39 by creaky |
chipped box only loads ms dash but no flubber
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al1en2 |
16.08.2009 @ 01:44 by al1en2 |
XBMC Shortcut gone wrong
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dntel123 |
14.08.2009 @ 21:43 by Demonix90 |
Read this if your having trouble FTPing to your Xbox (EvoX)
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dntel123 |
14.08.2009 @ 21:28 by Demonix90 |
Halo 2 Mainmenu mod help
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jmander11 |
13.08.2009 @ 13:15 by jmander11 |
Rebooting XBMC to EvolutionX
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Petries |
13.08.2009 @ 00:42 by Petries |
xbox update failed (closed)
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sasha73 |
08.08.2009 @ 00:38 by creaky |
NEED C Folder
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Demonix90 |
08.08.2009 @ 00:34 by creaky |
New 2 XBOX 360 modding... (closed)
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PLowran |
08.08.2009 @ 00:32 by creaky |
flashing benq help with target fimware (closed)
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byrden |
07.08.2009 @ 20:12 by dagdaniel |