1. Our new Toshiba recorder shows a connection diagram which has the incoming cable connected to a cable box, then to the recorder, then to TV. This last connection shows a note :"This connection is for TV loop through only". What does this mean?; can this cable be dispensed with?
2. we are having trouble trying to record certain programs. We can record any program being shown on the tv. We can time record channel 3 but we can not time record any channel other than 3; a flashing clock face appears which indicates a fault of some kind. We have tried selecting channel 3 on the recorder channel input and using the cable box to select required channel, and we have tried inputting required channel on the recorder, in both cases, we see a flashing clock face
I believe point # 1 is telling you that in that connection mode,
the DVD is essentially passing through the cable signal to the TV
Unchanged. If you're trying to record from that wire,
you will only ever be able to record the channel that the cable box is
tuned to, which I think, is what you're experiencing.
Thank you for your comments. We have discovered and solved the problem. When recording with a cable box in circuit and setting the timed details, we were formerly setting the channel also. With a cable box this is not correct and instead of selecting the channel number, one has to select L1 on the recorder and set the required channel using the cable box remote.