I saw a form which addresses large DVDs, forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f-78/super_large_dvd-help-895879/, however, it didnt answer my specific question. Ive ran accross a number of DVDs, Thor, Fantasia, the Fighter and others that when I insert the DVD into my system, it says the standard DVD9 size of about 8 gigs or so, but when I look at the DVD files, there are way to many. These disk are between 40 and 70 Gigs! Its impossible. I can use DVD clone option to clone the DVD, but then I have to mount the ISO every time I want to watch the DVD. How are they able to get so many files on the disk? I want to copy the DVD files, so I can watch it in Windows Media Center. I think that certain files arent needed and they may be ghost files or something. I have no idea. Any suggestions?
Originally posted by attar: Newer DVD protection can be removed using DVDFab HD Decrypter.
Select Main movie only and you find that it will fit a DL disk.
If you want to fit the movie to a DVD-5, use DVD Shrink on the output from DVDFab.
Thank you. This worked. I can even add subtitles and extra audio too. Its very nice. It sucks not being able to have all the special features though. Are the extra VOB files some weird encryption?