So I recently fried my hard drive. Im thinking about using a data recovery center. The drive i need recovered has alot of unpublished and un-copyrighted material that i have created such as screenplays and manuscripts. Im worried that the company having access to these will steal them during the recovery and with no backup on my part i would have no way to dispute that they were mine in court if i needed to sue cause someone uses it. Are my worries valid ?, any way to deal with this situation.
You say fried i take it the drive does not work period,if not & the drive does spin up & can be detected you could try a linux live cd or getdataback if you have another comp
Yeah when i say fried meaning it wont run at all. I haven't tried your methods though i will definitly be doin that tonight. when i heard the static and smoke i immediatly removed the IDE hard drives. I then took them and individually hooked them up to a USB enclosure and connected it to a seperate laptop and none of them even turned on. No clicking no nothing. I didnt see if the computer detected anything though but i got no activity at all.
Oh by the way, which Live Cd do you recommend i looked it up through google and got a list of like 20 or 30. Any one in paticular that you think would be usefull.
Won't work if the hdd's are as you say "fried",if they don't spin up i'm afraid it will most probably cost more than what it's worth to get the data back as the discs themselves will need to be removed & placed in another hdd unless just the circuit board can be replaced assuming the seek arm circiut inside the hdd is ok,you will need to look at using imaging software as well as more than one hdd
macrium reflect norton ghost acronis true image
EDIT:Puppy linux is a small download it can run on ntfs format as well,distro watch is where most linux OS's can be found most are free