Hey, this just started happening a couple of days ago. Regardless of BitTorrent client (I mainly use uTorrent and also tried Deluge and qBittorrent), my internet freezes up when I'm downloading a file (not just p2p traffic, but also web browsing etc.). The downlad starts normally and gets close to 1Mbps, then gruadually goes back to 0, only to do the same thing again (might download normally for a little while).
As the above happens, the torrent client often goes to "Not responding". The same also happens to Firefox.
If I still manage to download a file, after re-checking it's not yet at 100% done, but at 99% or so.
I'm using Win 7 64-bit and my internet connection is 10/10mbps. As far as I know I haven't used any funky settings with uTorrent, and the two other clients I tried with vanilla settings. I remember installing a Windows (security..?) update around the time this started happening - I wonder if something's changed in my system.
I tried that, but the problem persists. I've also tried a few other things, such as system cleanup with CCleaner and removing some programs I don't need. Also my ISP is not throttling my bandwidth, according to this test: http://broadband.mpi-sws.org/transparency/
What else could cause this to happen, or how to check for such a thing..?
An update: It looks like either the hard drive is about to fail or the motherboard has issues with its hdd controllers. Windows Event Viewer's log showed hundreds of "The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Ide\IdePort4." -errors and I finally managed to google a couple of threads with similar issues.
moved to correct forum. ide or sata hard drive? do you have or can you borrow a spare hd to see if does same thing? who makes the drive? what is the make & model# of the computer\motherboard?