I came home my pc was off the mac is still on so dont think power failure. restarted the pc and it goes to the bios screen and tells the processor is an amd x2 240 and a cpu id # and patch # then thats it no memory info, hard drive info, goes no farther. I guess I should have added memory on the title, the whole build was done in November so something is under warranty. How do I find out what?
Ive reseated most everything, started with no harddrives attached, It does make the initial beep when first started, not sure where to go now
Leave his english alone...it might not be perfect, but he probably speaks english a lot better than you speak his language.
Warranties vary greatly by manufacturer; you will have to check with them, or check your receipts. If you built it yourself, then things get trickier.
If you have two sticks of memory, try them one at a time. Also, make sure to disconnect the DVD drive while testing, and make sure that (other than keyboard and mouse) there are no devices attached to any USB ports.