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ex.Hard drive Fat32 issue
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28. August 2009 @ 18:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Have an external WD250G and 1T hard drive frimated to FAT32 for my ps3. Now I can copy movies over to it no prob by either drag or copy and they will play on PC and PS3 no prob. Now when it comes to Bluray that seems to be different, I keep getting a message that there is not enough space on the drive. I have tried a few programs already like MKV2vob and a few others.

AfterDawn Addict
28. August 2009 @ 18:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
fat32 is restricted to 4gig files. anything bigger requires NTFS.

ps2: v7 scph-39001 - independence exploit - hdloader 0.8c - maxtor 300gb hdd
(+[__]%) psp slim ta-085v1: 6.60 PRO B10
wii (powered by bootmii/priiloader): 4.1u - d2x v10beta53-alt (base 56) - configurable usb loader v70r51/devolution r188 - wd scorpio black 7200rpm 320gig w/ ams venus ds2 enclosure

got a whole lot more to list . . .
28. August 2009 @ 20:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by cee43ja1:
fat32 is restricted to 4gig files. anything bigger requires NTFS.
Thanks for the quick response!! Now I no why it will not copy the file. Any idea how I should proceed with coping movies onto the hard drive for playback and copying onto PS3?
AfterDawn Addict

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29. August 2009 @ 02:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The PS3 only works with FAT32 external drives, you cannot put files over 4GB on such a drive. The internal drive supports files that are much larger, but it is tricky to get files over to the drive (you have to set it up like a website download). If your PS3 had an upgraded hard drive, this might be a decent choice (so long as nothing else needed to access the files).

29. August 2009 @ 11:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for your help, last night I found a program called PS3 video and was able to convert the movies and place them on the external HD, works great. Only down side is it takes about 4 hours to convert. > forums > pc hardware > other pc hardware > ex.hard drive fat32 issue

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