Sup , Ive got a Failed seagate Hdd and swapping to a new one , problem is i cant seem to copy the hdd image , i threw both ghost and acronis at it, ghost went 75% before it stopped. its still readable and i can pull data off it manually.
anyway just seeing if any guru,s lurking these hollowed halls has a sure fire way to rescue the hdd image or iam i manually rebuilding it.
You could try doing a surface scan of the drive to route around the damaged areas; this generally allows Acronis to work...assuming the drive does not die all together in the process.
By "Failed" do you mean too many bad sectors, making noise, or something else?
umm yea , too many bad sectors, guessing it failed smart is what the handy wndows alert says. and after running all the different apps on it. it no longer boots its still accessible for now, but it freezes alot and u have to reboot the computer. thkz tho
i7 3770 12GB ram terrabyte sata drive 1 750Gb sata drive 285GTX graphics Sony dvdwriter same NZXT Nemesis case
Still playing Black Hawk Down why did I upgrade?