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HDD? Graphics? Processor? Windows Exp Index...
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18. November 2009 @ 18:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I just really need some advice cos my computer is driving me insane.

The spec:

Gigabyte M61PME-S2P Mobo
AMD Athlon Phenom II X4 965
4GB RAM (DDR2 800 I think)
Two SATA HDDs 80 Gig (OS drive) and 750 Gig storage
nVidia Geforce 9500 GT 1 Gig Graphics

I've got two real problems though.

Firstly I've just installed Win 7 Home Premium (64 bit) and I'm getting crash dump issues, blue screen of death and other random errors which I can't fathom because to me I'm running a system that should easily handle Win 7. I've tried changing how a few bits and bobs are connected, avoided installing 32 bit programs and even updated the Mobo drivers with the newest 64 bit win 7 compatible drivers from the manufacturer website, but still have issues.

and secondly

I know its probably not the most advanced tool but I've looked on the windows experience index and get the following scores:

Processor: 3.7
Memory: 5.4
Gaming Graphics:6.3
Primary HDD:5.7

Now I can understand why the graphics score is 6.3, why the Memory is 5.4, graphics and hdd 4.9 and 5.7 respectively.

What I don't get is why a high end Atlhon quad core processoer would get such a comparatively low score?

Basically I'd be forever in the debt of anyone who can explain or at least point me in the right direction as two how to resolve these two issues...

Thanks in anticipation of the help of a good techno samaritan.

AfterDawn Addict

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19. November 2009 @ 00:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
To try, if you have not tried already:
-Flash bios with latest version
-Dissable onboard video
-Get ram brand, model numbers, and voltage rating. Check in bios to ensure that the correct voltage is set. Ensure that it is DDR2-800, and make sure that the bios has it set as such. If it is DDR, but more than or less than 800, you can set it in bios.
-Get latest nForce drivers from (not from MFG website)
-Get latest gForce drivers from (not from MFG website)

"What I don't get is why a high end Atlhon quad core processoer would get such a comparatively low score?"
-I hate to say it, but AMD does not offer any high-end processors. It should get a higher score than what it is; my old 9950 got a 7.1 in that test. I'm sure your chipset is partialy to blame for this, but there is clearly another issue at work.

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19. November 2009 @ 01:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Windows exp index is intel's b1tch. they have never scored good with a AMD.

all in all pay little or no heed to windows index ratings, they are worthless.

as for your crashing problem, i cant help you there.

im running W7 ultimate, i have notice it is not good at self management. i have had it on for 1 month and it has lost alot of integrity since then.

id recommend getting you some system management tools.

they have stopped the in-page kernel errors for now (BSOD)

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AfterDawn Addict

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19. November 2009 @ 05:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by DXR88:
Windows exp index is intel's b1tch. they have never scored good with a AMD.
Your post seems rather biased, especialy this part, and especialy considering that I have already posted that my old first-gen phenom got a 7.1, while his second-gen phenom got just 3.7 ...this is less than half of what it should have registered, even assuming that Intel gets preferential treatment.

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19. November 2009 @ 13:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by KillerBug:
Originally posted by DXR88:
Windows exp index is intel's b1tch. they have never scored good with a AMD.
Your post seems rather biased, especialy this part, and especialy considering that I have already posted that my old first-gen phenom got a 7.1, while his second-gen phenom got just 3.7 ...this is less than half of what it should have registered, even assuming that Intel gets preferential treatment.
true it does, but all in all it doesn't matter what the score is. so long as his hardware is running at there peak.

i have a AMD k10 Kuma on a 790GX/750 Chipset and i get a rating of 6.1
i have talked with others with the AMD Kuma. and there ratings are foobar. the only difference between are CPUs is the stepping mine is B3.

his real issue at hand is his crashing, W7 just doesn't hold up when integrity comes to mind. it reminds me alot about win98, it to had integrity issues.
AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
20. November 2009 @ 01:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by DXR88:
Originally posted by KillerBug:
Originally posted by DXR88:
Windows exp index is intel's b1tch. they have never scored good with a AMD.
Your post seems rather biased, especialy this part, and especialy considering that I have already posted that my old first-gen phenom got a 7.1, while his second-gen phenom got just 3.7 ...this is less than half of what it should have registered, even assuming that Intel gets preferential treatment.
true it does, but all in all it doesn't matter what the score is. so long as his hardware is running at there peak.

i have a AMD k10 Kuma on a 790GX/750 Chipset and i get a rating of 6.1
i have talked with others with the AMD Kuma. and there ratings are foobar. the only difference between are CPUs is the stepping mine is B3.

his real issue at hand is his crashing, W7 just doesn't hold up when integrity comes to mind. it reminds me alot about win98, it to had integrity issues.
I guess I'll stick with RC1 for a bit longer; it has been running perfectly since I installed it about several months ago (other than the search feature that never worked to begin with). I think that while the number is probably scewed, it is low enough that it would seem to indicate a problem that is constant, but only severe enough to cause a crash from time to time. Since TheDron has not posted back yet, I won't worry about it too much.

20. November 2009 @ 18:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey guys

Thanks for the help here. Sorry I haven't got back sooner, surprisingly enough I had a few system problems, HA!

I'll re-read your comments and have a play tomorrow. I've been playing around with a friend mega old pc all evening and I'm pooped.

Thanks again... > forums > pc hardware > other pc hardware > hdd? graphics? processor? windows exp index...

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