ide harddrive to sata
17. January 2010 @ 22:17 |
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i want to upgrade my 160bg ide harddrive with a 500bg sata hard drive. their both seagate harddrives. my question is im wondering will i have any issues with switching wires? will i need anything seperate than what is already inside my pc?
All day I've been inhalin' blunts.
18. January 2010 @ 08:53 |
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Does this motherboard support sata if you dont know what motherboard you have you can download cpuz for free and it will tell you small download but very handy
20. January 2010 @ 17:27 |
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i have no idea how to read this, so possibly someone can tell just by looking..

All day I've been inhalin' blunts.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
20. January 2010 @ 18:19 |
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That's an old BIOS my advice get IDE,i tried what you are attempting on a presario s5020an of 2004 & it failed to detect the hdd,yet the adaptor worked fine in an external housing
21. January 2010 @ 07:56 |
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Originally posted by scorpNZ: That's an old BIOS my advice get IDE,i tried what you are attempting on a presario s5020an of 2004 & it failed to detect the hdd,yet the adaptor worked fine in an external housing
yeh i agree
21. January 2010 @ 09:24 |
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so if i were to upgrade the bios, would i be able to use the harddrive? or is it not even practical?
All day I've been inhalin' blunts.
21. January 2010 @ 10:37 |
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Originally posted by WeedKing: so if i were to upgrade the bios, would i be able to use the harddrive? or is it not even practical?
your best off just getting an ide hardrive m8 i couldnt find any specs on your motherboard
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21. January 2010 @ 10:46 |
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21. January 2010 @ 13:28 |
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the white & black connectors above the bios chip are your sata ports. are you getting rid of the 160gig or just adding the 500gig as a data drive?
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21. January 2010 @ 18:28 |
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I'm building a new comp from scratch, and instead of transferring my files and reinstalling windows, I'm finding it much easier to just use the old IDE drive as a boot drive.
Im new here, spend most of my time in the PC Hardware forums, and am working on my first build.
21. January 2010 @ 20:34 |
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if old drive has windows from old motherboard then you might want to reload windows as you'll probably get bsod on new motherboard.
22. January 2010 @ 08:02 |
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you best off just using windows easy transfer